They fall from the sky at night.
Star fragments are just materials. They're used for upgrades.
Hebra area was rough for me because of the poor visibility and slow movement speed. Felt like I never knew where I was going. I know the snow boots make it a little easier.
My favourite region was Akkala.
I think they also patched out a very easy way to get star fragments.
It's definitely worth patching though for the framerate improvements in grassy areas.
Wait...what are star fragments?
Snow boots?? Those aren't the Rito ones, are they? I don't recall them affecting speed of movement on snow...
I think the patch that (allegedly) affected star fragment farming came after the big update that improved​ framerate, which is the reason I still haven't updated past the performance improving patch
How can you have played 135 hours and think you've been all over the map (going by your repeated surprise ls at finding new stables) but not know what star fragments are? Have you found all Great Fairy Fountains? There areof them. If you have but you still haven't encountered the need for star fragments then you're missing a lot of cool armor4![]()
Is it me or is the Hebra area really disappointing? Like snow areas are my favorite part of Zelda games and there's very little to do there.
451 korok seeds now. I think I'm going to farm some Lynels for upgrade parts and then take on Ganon.
Snow boots?? Those aren't the Rito ones, are they? I don't recall them affecting speed of movement on snow...
I think the patch that (allegedly) affected star fragment farming came after the big update that improved​ framerate, which is the reason I still haven't updated past the performance improving patch
How can you have played 135 hours and think you've been all over the map (going by your repeated surprise ls at finding new stables) but not know what star fragments are? Have you found all Great Fairy Fountains? There areof them. If you have but you still haven't encountered the need for star fragments then you're missing a lot of cool armor4![]()
How can you have played 135 hours and think you've been all over the map (going by your repeated surprise ls at finding new stables) but not know what star fragments are? Have you found all Great Fairy Fountains? There areof them. If you have but you still haven't encountered the need for star fragments then you're missing a lot of cool armor4![]()
Yes I found all fairies but haven't seen or found any star fragments, wtf?!?!?!?
Yes I found all fairies but haven't seen or found any star fragments, wtf?!?!?!?
I don't know. Haven't found the upgrade place yet.Is it 451 or 441 where the max stash is reached?
They fall from the sky at night just like a shooting star/meteor, and when they hit the ground they leave a vertical shaft of light to help you locate them. They usually fall pretty far away from your location, and you need to retrieve them before 5:00AM or they disappear. So it's best to try to look where it fell with the scope and place a marker on the map, then warp to the nearest location and run as fast as you can towards them (the stealth armor night set bonus helps here).
People farm them by camping at Dueling Peaks summit and watching the night sky until they see one fall, then go to retrieve it, and repeat the process. The idea is to be at a high elevation so you can more easily see exactly where it fell. If you're on low ground and it falls behind a hill or a mountain it's very hard to know where it is exactly (in order to fast travel closer to it).
The first time I saw one fall I thought it was just a cosmetic effect and I thought it was neat. My mind was blown when I later learned that you can collect them.
They are rare but if you pay a little more attention to the horizon/sky when exploring at night, you should see one. Sometimes I don't see it fall from the sky but I see the column of light it left behind, so keep an eye out for a thin yellow column of light in the distance.
what do you do with this ? apart from the normal horsey stuff..
Nope.When all photos were collected (well, bought, in my case) I got a reward. It seems that I should do something with that reward? Without spoiling anything, could I use that reward for something in the game? Yes or no?
So after 105 hours I beat the game, 87 shrines, 214 seeds, all the memories and fed so many dogs, cooked all kinds of food, watched sunrise, watched sunset. Loved all the champions, Mipha is the purest cinnamon roll and Daruk's music is just simply perfect.
And I still don't have the hood. How can I miss it when everyone seems to have it?...
Buy it in the clothing store
Both sister villages have it....I can't believe I have no memory seeing it... thank you and I am heading to the clothes store now
Just my weekly or so post to say how damn brilliant this game is, how I am even more into it than I was last week, and how I am still of the belief it may be the best game I have ever played in my 35 years of gaming. Just beat my first Divine Beast actually earlier today. Hot damn what a game.
Just my weekly or so post to say how damn brilliant this game is, how I am even more into it than I was last week, and how I am still of the belief it may be the best game I have ever played in my 35 years of gaming. Just beat my first Divine Beast actually earlier today. Hot damn what a game.
So after 105 hours I beat the game, 87 shrines, 214 seeds, all the memories and fed so many dogs, cooked all kinds of food, watched sunrise, watched sunset. Loved all the champions, Mipha is the purest cinnamon roll and Daruk's music is just simply perfect.
And I still don't have the hood. How can I miss it when everyone seems to have it?...
Sister is Sheikah, autocorrected?What hood? What sister village???
I love the music in Hyrule Castle. The entire section has such a great atmosphere. It's also ridiculously freakin huge and I'm enjoying exploring every little bit of it. Gonna wrap up these quests soon and I can finally go after Ganon.
I actually round it off to 35 years but it is more like 37. I am 42 now and my father when I was 4 purchased the Pong Home Console and then shortly thereafter an Atari (which looking back is funny, as by the time I was around 14 he was that typical father asking me why I was wasting my time on video games when he was the reason I was so interested). So it was pretty much over for me at a young age. I never stopped gaming seriously after the Atari, and I consider myself extremely, extremely fortunate for this fact.Can't say I've been gaming for 35 years but it's very close to that, and yes I think this is the best game I've ever played. It's mind blowingly good.
That is a great way to put it. It has made me love video games again. I have to admit it has been quite some time for myself that I have felt this way. Possibly since Half Life 2. I have enjoyed plenty of other games, but I have not been so engrossed as I have been with BOTW. Being engrossed is one thing though. However feeling that they have literally thought through everything is a whole other level. The game just feels so refined, as if every little detail has been addressed. It is absolute perfection, and I just have not felt that strong about any other game.It's easily the game that has me deeply in love with it since at least red dead redemption.
Got all the memories now. Man its hard not to feel bad for Zelda in this game
I just wanna give her a hug.
Yeah, Zelda's just a big nerd but her asshole father forces her to do other crap.
Did you read the hidden diary of the king's behind the bookcase in hyrule castle's library?
Maybe my expectations were misplaced. I thought the game would be truly open once I left the plateau. While the landscape is open, not all the content is.
I swear you've been miffed about this since day 1 and you're still at it.Earlier, I wasted a dozen hours trying to get dragons to spawn. But they don't spawn until progress has been made in the main quest. So those shrine quests that require dragon scales are impassable for me.
At 477 koroks. 62 shrines complete, many more activated but not yet finished. I am going to tidy up my unfinished shrines, upgrade my barbarian armor, and then fight the Ganons.
Playing the game as I have has sometimes been frustrating. I've had to look up solutions to several problems simply because the game sometimes halts your progress unless certain story requirements have been met. For example, when I ran into Loone, who triggers the Guardian Slideshow quest, I received no indication of what to do. I did not have the camera, and so the quest could not be activated. But the game does not say there is a requirement missing. It simply loops Loone's dialogue. This was totally inexplicable to me. I wasted a lot of time exploring surrouding areas and all the nearby stables, hoping to set off a shrine quest that would trigger Loone to do something besides caress the orb. Eventually I looked up what to do and discovered I was missing a camera rune for the sheikah slate. I didn't know that was even a thing.
Earlier, I wasted a dozen hours trying to get dragons to spawn. But they don't spawn until progress has been made in the main quest. So those shrine quests that require dragon scales are impassable for me.
I say this to note the openness of the game has been slightly exaggerated. It still gates content behind story progress, but it does not signal this is so. It can be incredibly frustrating to try to solve puzzles in futility, because some arbitrary story milestone has not been passed.
Maybe my expectations were misplaced. I thought the game would be truly open once I left the plateau. While the landscape is open, not all the content is.
what do you do with this ? apart from the normal horsey stuff..
I started on launch day and just beat Ganon yesterday.
I'm stunned and completely in awe of the journey I've just been on and the artistic achievement I've been witness too.
I played pretty comprehensively across 240 hours and I'm just now jumping into online information (I've been on a blackout since this game was at E3 last year) to see what I've missed.
I have completed/collected:
- All Main Quests, Shrine Quests + Side Quests
- All Memories
- All Shrines
- All Compendium Entries
- All Medal of Honour's
- All Armour, Equipment + Horse Gear
- All Armour + Equipment is fully upgraded
- Storage is fully upgraded
- I finished with 480-ish Korok Seeds and my map completion is 60-something%
On top of all the above I also did fun stuff like: played every mini-game repeatedly, befriended all dogs, have all Champion and Ancient gear in my inventory, took selfies with bosses, etc.
Except for finding all Korok Seeds and getting 100% map completion (both of which I'll save for the DLC) does anybody know anything I've missed?
I'm actually sad at the thought of putting the game down, it's consumed most of my free time for three months now. Seems weird to have to stop playing :lol
What the hell.
I still have a couple regions unexplored but I never saw that before. Where is that?
It's morphed into a test to see how much of the game is inaccessible until after the first meeting with Impa. I'm not going to see her until I finish everything else (except for whatever shrines I won't be able to, due to restrictions).I swear you've been miffed about this since day 1 and you're still at it.
If there was 0 progression in the world, it sure would get stale.
I don't have a problem with quests being locked behind certain event triggers. I admit it was a little frustrating struggling to and mounting the divine beasts only to find they can't be entered until certain conditions are met, but it's not the gateway itself that frustrates me. It's the illusion that they (and other things, like the Guardian Slideshow quest I mentioned) are accessible, when they are not. Why can't I be notified I have not yet found everything necessary to begin or complete the quest? I don't buy that this goes against the game's ethosfor example, there is a Gerudo quest called The Perfect Drink that requires the player to find something called Noble Pursuit to give to a thirsty Gerudo who is collapsed over a shrine pedestal in the desert. Interaction with this Gerudo generates the shrine quest whether or not the player even has access to the area where Noble Pursuit is found. It even marks the shrine's location on your map, as an orange triangle. Why can't this happen for other quests as well?As I've said before in this thread, IMO the main story should be followed up to the. That's the chain of instructions that originates from the old man on the plateau.first lab
There is content that are gated behind certain events. Some of the most rewarding quest chains in the game are, for example.
I've been thinking as I play, I would prefer actually to have less weapon inventory. It's very generous even from the start. I have weapons I haven't touched for dozens of hours. I think two or three slots would have been preferable to start with. Even to complete the game with. Usually I don't have more than two or three actively used weapons, anyway. The rest are situational, like elemental rods or tree branches.And have you still not found Hestu to upgrade your inventory? I recall you saying that before, and it blows my mind. I hated having to give up weapons and shields that I liked earlier in the game until I expanded my inventory... playing as long as you have with zero upgrades sounds like torture to me.
huh weird, pretty sure you can see the dragons from the plateau way before impa
How many times has the point been made that it provides everything you need at the beginning, and that nothing is out of reach once you leave the Plateau? I tested that hypothesis. It's not entirely correct.
I've seen others make that claim. I don't think it is true. Someone else can tell test it themselves by creating a new account. No dragons have spawned in my game and I've been playing well over 100 hours. I get thunderstorms around Lake Hylia dense enough and at the right times so it seems the dragon should appear, but he never does. I've tested this with two games running side by side, and following the same path in each.huh weird, pretty sure you can see the dragons from the plateau way before impa
I don't think Nintendo ever stated that. It's something others have run with.Did someone from Nintendo say that specifically, or did people just throw around a more vague claim without checking it out first? I just remember the big thing being that you could go beat Ganon directly after the Plateau, which is indeed possible.