What's the easiest Lynel to try and take down? There is a side quest inthat needs something from one. I lucked out and took down the one with the shock arrows as I didn't realise I didn't have to - is that probably the weakest?korok forest
(I have the item needed for that side quest but my son doesn't)
A red one that carries a sword is the easiest to kill. The one on top of a mountain in Zora's Domain should probably fit the description.
They all get replaced with a Silver one once you beat them and trigger a Blood Moon, right?
Main ThemeSo what's everyone's favorite theme so far in the game?
What's are some ways to get rupees early game?
Just got to the opening of the 4 guardians section and want to do some prep before going ahead.
Gerudo Town's theme at night is so good. I spend most of my time in that town in the evening just to hear it.
Same here. Day version is fun but the night made me just hang around and explore, such a great atmosphere.Gerudo Town's theme at night is so good. I spend most of my time in that town in the evening just to hear it.
wait... there is aI... I never noticed that x_xwolf?
Mostly because I did that section at my first try (always hiding behind trees, using Sheika armor and letting him go a good distance away from me... to not lose sight of him in the grass I used a rune (Cryonis) since the grid overlay covers everything except him making very easy to know where he is and what direction he is looking at every moment.
I enjoyed it quite a lot because he was so cute kawaii desu-ne!!!!1!!!
Main Theme
Shiekah Tower
Attack on Vah Ruta
Hyrule CastleDark Beast Ganon Phase 1
Korok ForestRito Village Theme
Nothing beats the Switch Presentation Trailer Theme though. That is just perfected epicness.
The Lynel with the Savage Lynel Crusher are just way too hard. One hit with that thing takes out all my hearts!
What's the easiest Lynel to try and take down? There is a side quest inthat needs something from one. I lucked out and took down the one with the shock arrows as I didn't realise I didn't have to - is that probably the weakest?korok forest
(I have the item needed for that side quest but my son doesn't)
Death Mountain is the best area in the game.
- The scale of the region is mind-blowing
- Theis coolmining areas with all the Goron miners
- Lots of ore to discover
- You cancook your food on the freakin' ground!
- Goron City is the best city/village in the game(Lurelin Village is a close second). The locales, the music, the atmosphere, etc...
-Mine carts!!!
- The main theme that plays while traversing the region. A nice nod to theI love it!Level 9 theme from the very first game.
It's weird, I've been playing it at home, but almost purely in handheld. I guess it's just the fact, that you don't even have to change inputs, and also obviously family. But it's extra pick up and play, since you that extra lag of even having to bother to awake the PS4 from sleep mode, which is not long, and having to fire up the tv or change the inputs. It looks better on the TV, but still just play it on the handheld. But it's great to have the option to play it on the TV when I want.
Sorry this is the first time I am playing a Zelda game instead of watching friends play it, so I'm a bit bad. But I do think this game is just amazing. I've never actually been a fan of open world games, but this game is fun to travel around in and is pretty packed.
I've lit the blue flame at the ancient tech place, the tower like place, and the objective is to go to the director to repair the sheikah plate. But the glowing dot is right where the ancient tech place where you light the blue flame. Where is this director? I can't seem to find it.
f*** yeah. that piano just has a mind of it's own, it doesn't care at all for what the main melody is trying to do. two opposing forces.This guy knows what's up.
That frantic piano on Dark Beast Ganon P1 theme just does it for me, even if the fight is terribly underwhelming.
Got really lucky with the infamousshrine. After two near misses previously when my fast-travelling and mad dashing were to no avail, just now I happened to be nearby asBlood Moonthe sky turned red. Hurried over, stripped down, stood on the pedestal and got one the game's most potentially frustrating tasks out of the way.
Also found one of the most visually-difficult memories - the oneReached Wetland Stable for the first time and Pikango pointed me in the right direction. I have definitely walked straight past it once or twice recently.near the bottomless swamp.
Just three memories left. I know where one is and I'm pretty sure about the other two. It's just a case of getting round to visiting them.
I just beat my first DB, and as soon as I did, the quest markers for the other ones went away. And when I check my main quests, that main quest line is nowhere to be seen. In fact, I have no main quests open to me. I went to Zora town and collected my reward, so I think I've completed this quest. It says complete, but nothing else opened up. Any advice?
What weapons and armour did you all go into Hyrule Castle equipped with??
Went in with the blue tunic, a circlet, and a two-handed claymore sword. Never found out where to get decent armor that's used for combat at the time
I believe you alredy got to the person that upgrades the slate and they told you they need the blue flame on their engine to proceed.
The Diamond Circlet is tied for the highest defense (along with the Knight's Helmet and theIs the circlet worth it? You can't wear it at the same time as an armour headpiece so I thought the lack of set bonus would make it less useful?
So what's everyone's favorite theme so far in the game?
The Diamond Circlet is tied for the highest defense (along with the Knight's Helmet and the) however the Circlet also grants low level guardian resistance.Cap of the Wild
I just beat my first DB, and as soon as I did, the quest markers for the other ones went away. And when I check my main quests, that main quest line is nowhere to be seen. In fact, I have no main quests open to me. I went to Zora town and collected my reward, so I think I've completed this quest. It says complete, but nothing else opened up. Any advice?
It doesn't have to be over, you still have 20 shrines to go. And once you beast Ganon you'll be able to see completion percentages, so you can aim for all sidequests too.100 shrines, all divine beasts, and a lot of korok seeds. I guess I'll...fight Ganon tomorrow?
I never want this to end, this sucks![]()
100 shrines, all divine beasts, and a lot of korok seeds. I guess I'll...fight Ganon tomorrow?
I never want this to end, this sucks
Honestly think I might start practicing speed runs when all is said and done, because I don't see myself quitting this game anytime soon. Too fucking good
And once you beast Ganon you'll be able to see completion percentages
Scroll upwards in that menu. When a quest is completed, it is moved to below all active ones. Since the completed quest is still selected, it might look like no quests are available.
So should i buy ancient gear or upgrade my runes, is upgrading runes worth it?
Oh yeah, I forgot about those. Probably because it got the Diamond Circlet way before having the ability to buy other jewelry.The amber earrings also has max def.
Upgrade the runes first.
The easiest way to take down a Lynel is to use a one handed sword and a good shield. Don't use two handed swords as you need to be quick with your shield for attacks when it charges at you. The shield greatly limits the damage the Lynel does to you.
Also if you damage a Lynel enough that it's dazed, run up to it and you should get the "Mount" command. Mount it's back and unleash extra hits on it.
Sensor+: Let's you set it to search for things other than shrineswhat do the upgrades actually do? i haven't had any issues so far?
I already finished the game last week but I keep coming back to finish the rest of the side quests and finding all the shrines. Yesterday found one side quest and on my way to finish the side quest I found one more shrine, so I have one more regular shrine to go and 4 quest shrines. I don't think I will go and find all the korok seeds, but at least I want to find enough to max out my weapons and shields inventory. Anybody knows how many korok seeds you need in order to max out your inventory slots?
Oh yeah, I forgot about those. Probably because it got the Diamond Circlet way before having the ability to buy other jewelry.