Zelda Art Thread
Welcome, GAFers, to the Official The Legend of Zelda Community Thread. That's right, a thread 100% dedicated to Zelda, no more, no less.
What exactly is this thread about, you ask? Everything, as long as it's related to The Legend of Zelda. What is the Legend of Zelda? If you are asking yourself this question, I have 2 things to tell you:
1. What the hell are you doing on NeoGAF?
2. May God have mercy on your soul.
Otherwise, enjoy your stay.
This won't be any fancy introduction to the Zelda series, really. I mean, if you are here and want to post, you probably already know everything there is to know about the series.

- No creepy fanarts. I mean it. If you want to post fanart, it better be good AND SFW. Same goes for cosplays.
- When discussing the timeline (or for any debate, for that matter), try to back up your arguments with facts or quotes from interviews or something.

- Did you know that Eiji Aonuma, producer of the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and veteran of the series, never finished the first game?
- Even though Adventure of Link is a direct sequel to the original The Legend of Zelda, it doesn't feature the same Zelda you save in the first one.
- Link's Awakening first started as a A Link to the Past port for the Gameboy, but the development team didn't find it interesting enough, so the idea was scrapped and they decided instead to work on a brand new game.
- Did you know that Ocarina of Time was originally set only in Ganon's Castle? The game was supposed to work the same way Super Mario 64 did, by having Link traverse paintings to other worlds. The idea of the painting was kept, however, and used in the boss fight of the Forest Temple.
- Ocarina of Time was once considered to be played in a first-person perspective.
- The business between Capcom and Nintendo on the Zelda series first started when Yoshiki Okamoto, then head of Flagship (a Capcom screenwriting company) proposed a remake of the first Zelda game for the Game Boy Color. If the release was a success, it would be followed by other titles released in quick succession. A remake of Adventure of Link was also into consideration, followed by 4 other completely original titles.
- 3 of those games were part of the "Triforce Series". Each title was to focus around a piece of the Triforce and one important character, the oracles (The Triforce of Power and Din, the Triforce of Wisdom and Nayru, the Triforce of Courage and Farore.) Additionally, each game was supposed to focus on a different gameplay element. Chapter of Power was to focus on action and Chapter of Wisdom on puzzles. What Chapter of Courage was supposed to focus on was never revealed. The game eventually became the Mystical Seeds series and was to feature the linked game ability. However creating 3 full Zelda games at once proved to be a challenge to big for Capcom and Nintendo. Mystical Seed of Courage was cancelled, reducing the series to two titles. Mystical Seed of Wisdom became Oracle of Ages, Mystical Seed of Power became Oracle of Seasons. We know the rest.