Shouldn't Donkey Kong Country belong somewhere?
Decent list but no Elite?
But how on earth can Unity be on it, the game was a technical mess at launch that didn't get fixed within 2014. It can and does look stunning but I'd put both Driveclub and Forza Horizon 2 above it as they are both flawless in performance and look exceptional when hitting their high notes and are doing a lot more, DC wins it in terms of technical achievement (though if network issues are counted then it can't be included) for the focus of the engine trying to get the broad spectrum of conditions and atmospheres rather than trying to be as close to a target render whilst getting the amount of detail they do. I'd have loved to have seen it on PC with some real grunt behind it though to sort out its shortfalls.
~ Doug Church, Ultima Underworld 2 project lead. (He's talking about UU, but SS uses an improved version of that engine)
"2.5D" usually describes games that are literally 2D but use scaling tricks to look 3D (Wolfenstein 3D), or games that do some Z-axis calculations but in an extremely limited capacity (Doom). System Shock (and UU) are neither, they take place in fully 3D environments with a heavy emphasis on the Z-axis and populate the environment with 3D models.
Even if Daytona didn't exist, in 1993 DOOM was released and that was, technologically and commercially, a more notable PC game than Myst.
Anyway, i disagree with some of the choices in the thread, i would give 1999 to Shenmue instead of Outcast and 2001 to Rogue Leader instead of Castle Wolfenstein (that was just a Quake 3 engine game, that engine was already old by then).
Shouldn't Donkey Kong Country belong somewhere?
Using pre-rendered graphics kind of limit it.Shouldn't Donkey Kong Country belong somewhere?
So what would you guys say is the most impressive game for 2016, any predictions for 2017?
I would've said Andromeda back in December, but now... just nope lol
Damn i didn't kknow untiy looked that good. Impressive.We need bigger screens for the modern games OP.
Crysis 3
Also I think Ryse won an award for it's technical prowess before the pc version came out.
The fact that it's 60fps is actually the main factor that'll hinder it. Not to mention cross gen. Due to the framerate they can't put in as many technical and graphical bells and whistles as other games as well as also having to be scaleable with last gen consoles. Compared to say, Batman Arkham Knight, which will undoubtedly be 30fps, and AC Victory, which might look even better than Unity. Great thread btw OP, that's dedication.
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time?
More technically advanced than House of the Dead 2? Just no. The Dreamcast was nearing release by the time OOT came around. Games on newer hardware had long since eclipsed anything a N64 could do.
Old comment but so true. A lot of sprite stuff from that era holds up better today br sega were truly the trailblazers for 3d when it came to the mid and early 90s. The stuff they were doing was so far ahead of the console market and anything their competitors were doing.Wow, SEGA really dominated from the mid-80s to the mid-90s in arcade graphics.
I would go Metal Gear Solid V for 2015 and Uncharted 4 for 2016.
2017 will be a toss-up between three racing games - Project CARS 2 for PC, Gran Turismo 7 for PS4 Pro, and Forza Motorsport 7 on Scorpio. They're all going to look fantastic for sure, though In tempted to say the race will be won based on VR chops.
in a year with The Witcher 3, Assassins Creed Syndicate and Battlefront. You choose Metal gear solid 5, a game that uses assets and effects sparingly doesn't have an AA, or SSReflections?
Baffled how nobody has mentioned Horizon in this thread...
After more than 130 hours this game still throws my jaw on the floor... there is nothing quite like it, its an astonishing technical accomplishment. Its an open world game with crazy detail, incredible lighting, huge draw distance, amazing IQ, flawless performance and immense geometry. Most of the time it really looks like CGI and it comes from the insides of a PS4...
There is simply no contest. Monumental technical achievement.
Could it possibly be because the thread was made in 2015?
A puzzle, to be sure.
More like it took linear shooter design to new heights with semi open maps. It's still a 1 map per level/mission type of game and several of those level are extremely linear. It's not an open world game.Crysis - Crytek took open world design to new heights.
in a year with The Witcher 3, Assassins Creed Syndicate and Battlefront. You choose Metal gear solid 5, a game that uses assets and effects sparingly doesn't have an AA, or SSReflections?
Ryse on Xbox One was robbed.
I mean the Xbox One Version Even ein the siggraph award:
Baffled how nobody has mentioned Horizon in this thread...
After more than 130 hours this game still throws my jaw on the floor... there is nothing quite like it, its an astonishing technical accomplishment. Its an open world game with crazy detail, incredible lighting, huge draw distance, amazing IQ, flawless performance and immense geometry. Most of the time it really looks like CGI and it comes from the insides of a PS4...
There is simply no contest. Monumental technical achievement.
Could it possibly be because the thread was made in 2015?
A puzzle, to be sure.
I apologize then, from what I had read/heard it was a 2.5d game because of its use of tilemaps, my bad.
Thread is from the year 2015 but its title doesnt specify the year 2015 as discussion and a lot of people mentioned games from all eras. Also, thread was bumped yesterday with quite a lot of new and fresh posts.
So yeah, it kinda is a puzzle.
Shouldn't Donkey Kong Country belong somewhere?
~ Doug Church, Ultima Underworld 2 project lead. (He's talking about UU, but SS uses an improved version of that engine)
"2.5D" usually describes games that are literally 2D but use scaling tricks to look 3D (Wolfenstein 3D), or games that do some Z-axis calculations but in an extremely limited capacity (Doom). System Shock (and UU) are neither, they take place in fully 3D environments with a heavy emphasis on the Z-axis and populate the environment with 3D models.
So did consumer electronics catch up with arcades, or did we stop investing in arcades? Could we make dedicated hardware that beat gaming PCs? I'm assuming nah because they'd need custom chips, which cost billions to develop.
This year is Star Citizen year. Both Alpha 3.0 and Squadron 42 will be out.2017:
2013 is a year of Crysis 3.And I would argue GTA V was the biggest tech feat of 2013.
Most of Sony titles are juggernauts in combining great art with very good tech, but it does not make them the most advanced in tech.There's been multiple threads comparing most advanced games in which Sony's games have blown people away over their unbelievably strong and consistent presentation in the nature of straight up tech demos from PS3 and PS4.
This year is Star Citizen year. Both Alpha 3.0 and Squadron 42 will be out.
2013 is a year of Crysis 3.
Most of Sony titles are juggernauts in combining great art with very good tech, but it does not make them the most advanced in tech.
i have my doubts
3.0 is coming in about 2-3 months, we'll get production schedule this or next week.
Squadron 42 has to come out this year, they have no choice![]()
Doesn't MGSV use basic FXAA? There are SSR in the PS4 version, I've seen them in an indoor section, but the PC version uses it in more locations I believe.
The Witcher 3 struggled to hit 30 fps on consoles, while Metal Gear Solid V hit a full 1080p at 60fps on PS4 (900p on Xbox One). For an open-world game that still looks good (as Metal Gear Solid V does), that is absolutely incredible.
Ground Zeroes has it. Metal Gear Solid 5 does not.
Metal Gear solid 5 does not hit those performance levels because of Voodoo optimization. It does it because it's not doing as much as many other games.
This year is Star Citizen year. Both Alpha 3.0 and Squadron 42 will be out.
2013 is a year of Crysis 3.
Most of Sony titles are juggernauts in combining great art with very good tech, but it does not make them the most advanced in tech.
As someone who was born in the 70's I remember playing Outrun when it came out and thinking how real it looked! Imagine showing someone in the 80's Driveclub, there head would explode, it's amazing how far gaming has come.