Summer Haze
Like I said the pop in is still there, but it's less severe than it was in the original game, considering how much the game has to calculate in a short amount of time, like cloth physics on high quality character models, it could be much much much worse. I'm also positive that depending on the speed Arno is moving affects how he moves through clouds, he moves like characters in previous games if he's running through crowds, as in reaching his arms out and moving them out of his way. In previous games you held a button to make the character do this until AC3 made it dynamic by making Connor push the nearest npcs out of his way.
No offense, but the lengths you go to to defend this game is unreal. It has those issues because it's a poorly made game. Saying it could be much worse does nothing about the fact that it's already bad. Even after a "performance patch" the issues are still there, more so than most games that release today, even before their day-one patches.
I think you must be playing a different game to everyone else.
Imo, Driveclub should come above Unity for 2014. Post-weather patch, that is.