As much as I loved the original PSO music the one that sticks with me is the Burning Rangers DLC remix
IIRC, it was the Xbox version that Christmas lasted for a few years...I forget which version of the game it was, But there was one version that continued to have the same holiday themed lobby music playing for an incredibly long period of time after they stopped actively supporting the seasonal events.
As much as I loved the original PSO music the one that sticks with me is the Burning Rangers DLC remix
Was I totally imagining the fact that the tracks are dynamic as in they jump to an up-tempo section when in combat? At least how I remember the songs is different to how they play in the OST.
Well, I heard the PS0 game on the DS did something like that. Speaking of which how was the music in that game?
hahaI remember loading up the mission for the first time on Dreamcast and nearly crying when I heard the song. Was so unexpected, amazing game.
<---- Purplenum
Oh man, the massive nostalgia bomb I got hit with when they started the Burning Rangers emergency quests in PSO2...
Any time I hear PSO Ep 1 music...instant nostalgia. Transports me right back to the forests. Right back to the ship. Right back to the shop. Probably for the rest of my life.
From Seeing the Rough Wave is probably the best music ever composed for a videogame.
Why would they do PSO on 3DS when they've already done PSO2 on Vita?
Because the DS got PS0.
The songs are dynamic in PSO, it remains calm when you aren't battling, but when you are battling, it goes actiony. It's done so well that you don't even notice. It has a very smooth transition.
PSO soundtracks are outstanding.
I absolutely love that the series hasn't slouched at all in the music department through all of the online iterations. PSO2 keeps that streak going.
Also, The Tower of Caelum is probably my favorite Phantasy Star series track of all time. Ep III had some extremely powerful music.
I'm very fond of the Phantasy Star Online soundtrack. I listen to it from time to time for a nostalgia trip. I could listen to that start screen music all day! I also love the music transition from final boss to ending credits.. it feels so epic and gives a great feeling of accomplishment.
Also, the Mine's theme/music gives me strange vibes. Love it.
Wow, srsly??? I HATED the music of PSO.
I loved the game, sunk more than 1500 hours back then into the two dc versions and into the gc version. The music was just aweful hell and all the way back.
Did not know that there were fans of it.
But its been years... Maybe i should get back on to it for a session.
I didn't really mind the music but I just found it unmemorable.Wow, srsly??? I HATED the music of PSO.
I loved the game, sunk more than 1500 hours back then into the two dc versions and into the gc version. The music was just aweful hell and all the way back.
Did not know that there were fans of it.
But its been years... Maybe i should get back on to it for a session.
I honestly believe that the success of PSO's universe is half in the game and its minimalistic story and half in the music itself.
Damn that sucks, I know how that can be sometimes.
Oh well, for me the OST is probably one of the best and most diverse in gaming history. It contrasts the intensity and sternness that came from the characters and art of the game(look at the faces of 90% of characters in the official art) with a highly emotive soundtrack with epic swings and depressing overtones.
It builds the world and gives it more color than the story in my opinion. Though the two working in tandem give maximum feels I thought not possible in an MMO. I honestly believe that the success of PSO's universe is half in the game and its minimalistic story and half in the music itself.
The situation on the ship doesn't really express the truth of how bad the situation is down on the planet, and the music correctly reflects it with how unabashedly futuristic and quirky it is. You don't really get that the remnants of sentient civilization have fled their dying home planet and the first colony on their newly found world has been completely wiped out like it was fucking Cahokia.
But then I hit up the command center and Silent Palace (or Codes of Silence if you are playing Ep.1) comes on. Instantly, the intensity and importance of the player's mission is conveyed through the grandiose direness of the music in a stronger way than the writing merely could.
Another strong contrast was in episode 2 after finishing the VR missions, where the Jungle area's music starts and you are exploring. It's all very serene, if a bit morose.
It's when you start combat and Jungle 2's song plays that was the turning point of "I'm fresh out of VR and this ain't so bad" to "this shit is serious, I am in fucking danger, and a whole bunch rides on me doing my mission".
It's especially effective after reaching the Central Control Area, where the weather changes for the worse and you are being bombarded by the facility's security.
Don't even get me started on World With Me, and the respective feels attached to that with the culmination of what was learned over the span of the story. Feels all over the place. Also shoutouts to Can Still See The Light, which was also quite effecting as an ending song to episode 1, with the way it's second half emotes that the end was merely the beginning of something bigger.
Nothing in PSO2 has managed to do anything for me as of yet, and that's just soul crushing. Perhaps if I had some perspective on the story and it were in english, it would be more affecting.
Gushing here, sorry it's way past time that I should sleep. Love the OST.
I like how some bits of music from previous games made it into PSO2 areas.PSO2 music is even ore dynamic. Theres exploration mode, battle mode, low hp mode, burst mode.... maybe thats why they have yet to release the OST, theres a lot of pieces in a single PSO2 track.
The downside of having such dynamic tracks is that the songs on PSO2 arent as melodic as PSO1.
The new field music is awesome.
Love PSO music to death. Love me some The Shell's Desert.
Love this as well, and gosh, that arena is HUGE.