It sounds like they're old enough to have children who are probably teens at this point. That could have played a big part in the contemporary change. Regardless,Soltype which podcast was it? I'd like to check it out.
sorry thought I posted it, they do mention in the interview at staff parties they now have their kids there. My problem with that thinking is if they are making it for the preteens why is it still M rated.There's a big difference between an immature adult and an immature child.The tone I'm getting is children pretending to be adults, the people they have written don't seem capable of handling the situations they're in or the repercussions. Despite what the game may show , them overcoming or succumbing to, they've painted them as ineffectual people and at this point there's not much they can do to change it. If they fail in their journey it will feel expected, if they succeed it will feel manufactured.