I would dearly love some controller analog stick modification or preservation advice in this thread.
BTW this is the only retro console to me amongst every other system that has no appeal to me looking back on it.
Let me try to remember what I liked about this system.
It was in the OP already but hey, here.![]()
Oh you! :lolawww yisss <3 i swear Seik just does this to show off his fantastic collection, haha
awesome OP as usual man! next week my RGB modded N64 should arrive, i already picked up my old library & then some waiting on it:
MM (both gold carts!)
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Paper Mario
Smash Bros
Star Fox 64
Sin & Puinshment
Donkey Kong 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Perfect Dark
Blast Corps
Castlevana 64 (shut up, it was cheap)
Killer Instinct Gold
Banjo & Kazooie
Shadows of the Empire
Wave Race 64
Rampage World Tour
Mischief Makers
Duke Nukem 64
Pokemon Snap
NFL Blitz
WCW/NWO Revenge
+ 4 controllers, memory, rumble & expansion packs! all i need now is the RGB SCART cable, so of course retro_console_accessories is on hiatus till mid-July...which sucks, cause even upscaled this thing looks kinda rough on a plasma (via composhit)
what am i missing? F-Zero X, Goemon, maybe Conker's and a few others on my list at the moment
My pleasure!I missed it sorry, but thank you for having already included it. Much appreciated!
for me, Mario 64 blew my mind, as did the Zeldas...then i was caught up in PS1 and kinda slept on it. shortly after getting to college, Goldeneye was the proto-halo and every other room was playing it - it turned into this fantastic multi/shooter box where Quake, Duke Nukem, Doom, all kindsa older PC shit was going on, with new stuff like Perfect Dark in between the Mario Kart matches.
it was weird, i'm playing catchup now (with the Saturn as well) but at the time, i rarely played this system solo, it was often a very social thing.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit, I'd say you're on a good start with this already. XD
Grab both Goemon games, they are delicious!
EDIT: Your list reminds me I still need Blast Corps. D: *Go on ebay*
It was a very social console! I have the same memories of being man people sitting around the N64 playing.
Pokémon Stadium
Jet Force Gemini
I hope to get all the N64 system colors someday
Only got the standard grey/black and see through DK64 green
One of my favorite N64 games has always been Super Robot Spirits. It is a rather clunky fighter, but there is something about it that makes me love it. It has a fairly lengthy single player mode and the bosses are awesome. I also like the crispness to the flat-shaded polygons. I doubt many others here have played it, but it is an import worth tracking down. Very easy to play w/o understanding Japanese as well.
Gameplay- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6RBSQe0d7U
Also, How can you not dig fighting to catchy tunes like this...
Dancougar Buring Love- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj_ocQtxq9Q
Dat 90's anime feel. Guess what...I just made an offer to someone on Ebay for a copy because of you! XD
how are these?
maaaan i was bummed when shopping around for a good RGB mod, i so wanted something like that green one but it turns out the best/easiest ones seem to be like plain black launch system i had years back...part of me wishes i could just swap out the shell
I still remember the moment when I saw the water in Waverace 64. I imported it and remembered having to carve some plastic off the sides of the cart. The physics in that game were unlike anything I had seen...or felt.
Awesome! It's a nostalgia overload of a game.
how are these?
The N64 had the best wrestling games. God bless AKI
Can't speak for the other two, but Glover is outstanding and a highly underrated game. As a platformer I would put it neck and neck with SM64. rich and varied worlds, Glover controls like a dream, and the animation work was amazing for its day.
Awesome console, very social I still remember buying extra controllers just to get more people playing. So awesome. The second I saw Mario 64 I went crazy, couldnt bevlieve what I was seeing at my cousin's house...best memories![]()
you dont like turok 1? :O
At the time, I loved Rare more than Nintendo. Such a tremendous amount of quality games.
I was there, Japanese launch day fucking ONE!!!
I still remember the moment when I saw the water in Waverace 64. I imported it and remembered having to carve some plastic off the sides of the cart. The physics in that game were unlike anything I had seen...or felt.
Awesome! It's a nostalgia overload of a game.
Fun fact: Wave Race Blue Storm is actually running on an expanded Wave Race engine. They reused a lot of the same physics (while refining them to make use of the added processing power of the GC)
That's still mostly true though, wasn't it? N64 is chronically under RPGed.i remember, after the animated series i was hyped for Superman 64! still can't bring myself to play that one yet.
oh yeah, i'd jump at a chance to try Ogre Battle 64 on the cheap, that looks like something id've been all over...i totally missed Paper Mario cause after seeing Quest 64 I assumed PSX was gonna get all the RPGs, heh
i remember, after the animated series i was hyped for Superman 64! still can't bring myself to play that one yet.
oh yeah, i'd jump at a chance to try Ogre Battle 64 on the cheap, that looks like something id've been all over...i totally missed Paper Mario cause after seeing Quest 64 I assumed PSX was gonna get all the RPGs, heh
If there's anyone who doesn't feel comfortable modifying the N64's joystick, there's a guy that makes adapters so you can connect a Gamecube controller directly to your N64 like so:
I've bought one, but haven't tried it yet.
Edit: Link is here: http://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/gc_to_n64_adapter/