With a Passionate Heart Burning RED!
Name: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Release Date:
Japan - April 2007
America - Feb. 19th 2008
Europe - Possibly March 2008
Price: $29.99
Platform: Nintendo DS
Developer: Capcom
Official Site
-Click on the Dev Blog tab for an interesting read about the decision to bring Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney statewide by Minae Matsukawa, the producer.
Pre-order Bonus
Capcom Store
Rookie defense attorney Apollo Justice has big shoes to fill taking over for the legendary Phoenix Wright. He may be young and inexperienced but Apollo's confident manner, coupled with his unique ability to uncover witnesses' lies by studying their body language will prove invaluable assets as he pleads the case for the defense. But as talented as our hero is, he wouldn't get far without the support of his assistant Trucy, a mysterious female magician and Kristoph Gavin, his ultra-cool mentor whose perfect logic and natural insticts have won him numerous cases and the respect of his colleagues.
Fact Sheet
All-new courtroom adventure from the creators of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
1st fully new title to be developed specifically for the Nintendo DS.
Classic Ace Attorney gameplay with new modes that let you survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence before defending your client in court!
Microphone can be used to yell Objection! and Hold it! as you cross examine witnesses
All new Crime Recreation Mode that allows players to reveal hidden clues by re-creating the scene of the crime
Two distinct gameplay segments:
o Investigation phase survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence that will be used in court
o Court phase present findings from the investigation to support your case, listen to testimonies and examine witnesses
Thunderous Apollo Justice: the new defense attorney who leads the series.
Rockin' Klavier Gavin: in addition to being a top prosecutor, Klavier is also the lead singer in a highly successful rock band who brings his star qualities into the courtroom.
Gentlemanly Kristoph Gavin: the coolest character on the judicial circuit, and Apollos mentor. His cool headed thinking means he always provides his clients with the best defense.
Magical Trucy: The mysterious magician Trucy started working with Apollo after a chance encounter.
Legendary Phoenix Wright: the defense attorney from the previous Ace Attorney arc. What is the story behind his mysterious change?
Famitsu: 9/9/9/9 (36/40)
Game Informer: 8/8.5
1up: 8.5
IGN: 8.3
Official Trailer
Other Notes
Series order for newcomers:
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney($29.99)---> Hard to find!
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All($13.99)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations($18.99)
Apollo Justice Ace Attorney

Name: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Release Date:
Japan - April 2007
America - Feb. 19th 2008
Europe - Possibly March 2008
Price: $29.99
Platform: Nintendo DS
Developer: Capcom
Official Site
-Click on the Dev Blog tab for an interesting read about the decision to bring Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney statewide by Minae Matsukawa, the producer.
Jocchan said:There's a Flash demo on the official site: http://www.ace-attorney.com/

Pre-order Bonus
Capcom Store
Rookie defense attorney Apollo Justice has big shoes to fill taking over for the legendary Phoenix Wright. He may be young and inexperienced but Apollo's confident manner, coupled with his unique ability to uncover witnesses' lies by studying their body language will prove invaluable assets as he pleads the case for the defense. But as talented as our hero is, he wouldn't get far without the support of his assistant Trucy, a mysterious female magician and Kristoph Gavin, his ultra-cool mentor whose perfect logic and natural insticts have won him numerous cases and the respect of his colleagues.
Fact Sheet
All-new courtroom adventure from the creators of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
1st fully new title to be developed specifically for the Nintendo DS.
Classic Ace Attorney gameplay with new modes that let you survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence before defending your client in court!
Microphone can be used to yell Objection! and Hold it! as you cross examine witnesses
All new Crime Recreation Mode that allows players to reveal hidden clues by re-creating the scene of the crime
Two distinct gameplay segments:
o Investigation phase survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence that will be used in court
o Court phase present findings from the investigation to support your case, listen to testimonies and examine witnesses

Famitsu: 9/9/9/9 (36/40)
Game Informer: 8/8.5
1up: 8.5
IGN: 8.3
Official Trailer

Other Notes
Series order for newcomers:
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney($29.99)---> Hard to find!
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All($13.99)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations($18.99)
Apollo Justice Ace Attorney