I am at the veeeery end of 3, and it got me thinking...what was that game with Edgeworth that was in Famitsu awhile back? Is it made by the same team as 1-4?
I am at the veeeery end of 3, and it got me thinking...what was that game with Edgeworth that was in Famitsu awhile back? Is it made by the same team as 1-4?
The game is called Gyakuten Kenji. The unofficial english title is Perfect Prosecutor. I have no clue who is on staff besides the director, but I believe Capcom is working on Gyakuten Saiban 5 at the same time, so it probably isn't the same people. The director is not the same guy who has been in charge of the series in the past.
The game is called Gyakuten Kenji. The unofficial english title is Perfect Prosecutor. I have no clue who is on staff besides the director, but I believe Capcom is working on Gyakuten Saiban 5 at the same time, so it probably isn't the same people. The director is not the same guy who has been in charge of the series in the past.
Ironic that this thread got bumped today, right now I am playing through Justice For All. I can't wait to play Apollo Justice, but I want to play the games in order.
I have heard they 'cleaned up' the logic in the recent two games. Justice for All has some very frustrating moments. -_-
Ironic that this thread got bumped today, right now I am playing through Justice For All. I can't wait to play Apollo Justice, but I want to play the games in order.
I have heard they 'cleaned up' the logic in the recent two games. Justice for All has some very frustrating moments. -_-
I just finished Justice for All and that case was a bit of a drag... but I didn't think it was horrible. Worst of the game though for sure.
Is PW:AA hard to find? GameCrazy didn't have it in stock so I had to skip it. I plan on going back soon because I'm craving more after the last case in JfA.
Just way to say the soundtrack for Apollo Justice is goddamned amazing. Especially the Cornered theme for this version. It's reminiscient of Phoenix's from the first game, sounds like you just came upon the boss fight of the trial, which really heightens the mood, objections are blaring back and forth, it's so awesome
man, AJ is so great. These new characters are already growing on me (I'm on case 2) and I can see myself loving this new cast just about as much as Phoenix & co
Well after a long time of putting it off, I started playing Apollo at the start of the week, and beat it last night. I had held it off so long, since I really didn't want the series to end (least for awhile) but a business trip kinda forced me to play it since it was my only portable game that I felt like playing.
I had my doubts going in mainly due to the departure of the previous characters. It wasn't so much phoenix that I was worried about, but more about Maya since he's always been the central figure in the series to me. Fortunately, the main characters were pretty awesome.
Trucy was a good sidekick replacement, though still pales in comparison to Maya. Apollo felt like Phoenix in the earlier games, except his facial expressions sometimes bugged me. Ema was a bit of a let down. I don't remember her being such jackass from the first game, but I guess they had to do that to make her the detective type. Klavier at first seemed like he would really really bug me. But in the end I found him to be the favorite of all the prosecutors. Unlike the previous main 3, he wasn't a jackass that had some kinda vendetta against the defense. Ya all previous prosecutors had their moments of kindness, but from the beginning Klavier wanted to find the truth in all the cases even if it meant he lost. Lastly, even though he wasn't the main character, Phoenix was the most awesome he's been in the entire series. Pulling all the strings behind the scenes like some legal badass.
I wasn't quite fond the perceive system. It was neat, but got kinda tedious at times. If they made it more efficient or let you skip phrases and such it might be more tolerable. Also the whole DS touch screen elements were still pretty crappy like they were in PW 1 5th case. They were always forced, and you never really had to think "Maybe I should dust for prints" which kinda throws out the whole point. Hopefully next game they'll just give you the tools and you can use them when you want.
The music was okay, but I really long to hear the original objection/persuit themes since I'm so attached to them. Also I *love* the sisters/Maya theme, so I was sad to see that missing.
The cases were pretty good overall too. And I never got that contrived feeling like I did in
T&T's 4th case
Case 1
Easily the best first case in any of the games. The hand holding was minimal, and the story elements were really good.
Case 2
Worst out of all the cases. It wasn't bad per se, but when I'm able to correctly guess the real person as soon as I see them... well that's a bad sign.
Case 3
Pretty average case. The video and music elements they used were a nice touch. Also Klavier starts to really shine.
Case 4
Like always the best for last. Really good case that tied everything together, with some pretty good revelations. Phoenix and Klavier
Seriously the guy has no qualms putting his brother away for the truth, again best prosecutor ever
were both awesome in this one.
The twists near the end were really good too. I figured the juror 6 was their mom, but I can't believe I didn't realize it was Lamiroir. The hand doing the vote was a really really nice way to reveal it
Overall very pleased with how it turned out. I'd most likely rank as my second favorite, something like
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
Now I have to some how wait who knows how many years for the next installment .
So I'm on the third case and I'm enjoying it so far. The 2nd case was way too predictable. I want to finish this tonight because it is SOOOOO good and then I need to open up PW3. After Edgeworth, I really hope there is another Phoenix Wright game.
So I'm on the third case and I'm enjoying it so far. The 2nd case was way too predictable. I want to finish this tonight because it is SOOOOO good and then I need to open up PW3. After Edgeworth, I really hope there is another Phoenix Wright game.
Last case of AA4 is not all the great in my opinion. It's actually the weakest final case in my opinion which is the only thing that really lowers my opinion of this game.
edit: Or wait. Is AA4 4 cases or 5 cases? I'm starting to forget things now :lol
Last case of AA4 is not all the great in my opinion. It's actually the weakest final case in my opinion which is the only thing that really lowers my opinion of this game.
edit: Or wait. Is AA4 4 cases or 5 cases? I'm starting to forget things now :lol
sorry to bump this old thread but It seems the only place where I can .. whine. about my current situation...
I am a spanish speaking guy living in Germany. I was in a store where this game was 8 euro so I thought it was time to jump in the series and get to know what was all the hype about.
when I turn the game on, there are 2 language choices: French and German. It was definitely something I didn't expect. I mean, this is a first time EVER in my history of buying games in the west that english language isn't a choice.
Now, while I speak, read, understand and write good german so that I don't have to use any other language in my daily life, I just had a sad experience with the game that made me think, maybe I am just not good enough in german to play this.
In the first case, I missed the word " würgen " which means strangle. When I saw the word, I thought it was just killing in general. Needless to say, I began presenting random evidence and failed hard...
fuck, I am pissed off. I either will have to play with a dictionary by my side or just sell the thing back...
WTF, EU games used to have 5 languages in them, when did this shit happen?