Wait you can edit the shitty "log" vehicles mid challenge?watkinzez said:Using the editor mid-challenge is a must when saddled with one of the predetermined vehicles. It's possible to remove the reversed steering in Bear in a Ball, for instance.
It always makes me smile when this thread is bumped.![]()
Yep, get out of the vehicle and press B. You can't add new stuff(unless you find it along the way) but you can rearrange the parts.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Wait you can edit the shitty "log" vehicles mid challenge?
[Nintex] said:Yep, get out of the vehicle and press B. You can't add new stuff(unless you find it along the way) but you can rearrange the parts.
Persona7 said:How well did this game sell anyways? I thought I read an article somewhere that said it moved 650k units including being bundled.
Persona7 said:I forgot how fucking fun this game is. Seriously, I can spend hours just screwing around and doing absolutely nothing.
I feel sorry for the people who opted to just pass this game and never give it a try because "ITS NOT A PLATFORMER".
I am confident that the game would have sold A LOT more if they at least put a decent amount of marketing into the game. I remember they had that 6 second TV ad that I saw ONCE and that was about it. It seems like they just threw the game out there on it's own and expected it to sell.Paco said:That sounds about right. In other words, not that well, but it's kind of Rare's fault for not doing anything with Banjo for nearly a decade and Microsoft not putting marketing dollars behind it. I remember when MS was talking about making Banjo a mascot for the 360...can't do that with one game that's, arguably, not highly accessible to casual players.
Persona7 said:I am confident that the game would have sold more if they at least put a decent amount of marketing into the game. I remember they had that 6 second TV ad that I saw ONCE and that was about it.
They should have heavily advertised it for the holidays.
Likewise!watkinzez said:It always makes me smile when this thread is bumped.![]()
I don't totally agree with you. Rare's status on games (at least, recently) is to never do a sequel unless you have something new to bring. I understand their thought pattern, but I loved the old Banjo games for what they were, not because they were revolutionary. There was also a study recently that showed that 11% of gamers decided to buy a product because of advertising, whereas 33% decided to buy a game based on word of mouth, and unfortunately, the word spread around for this game was "ITS NOT A PLATFORMER!!1!"Paco said:it's kind of Rare's fault for not doing anything with Banjo for nearly a decade and Microsoft not putting marketing dollars behind it. I remember when MS was talking about making Banjo a mascot for the 360...can't do that with one game that's, arguably, not highly accessible to casual players.
We know that they're working on XBLA games and that they have a few "surprises" left for us for their 25th anniversary. I seem to recall an interview with Mark Betteridge, where he said that Rare would make 1 big game with several smaller titles released per year. I think it was on GamesIndustry.biz, but I can't find the article, since I don't have an account.Persona7 said:Awesome, I really hope RARE has a bunch of secret titles under wraps.
Persona7 said:How well did this game sell anyways? I thought I read an article somewhere that said it moved 650k units including being bundled.
funkmastergeneral said:Hopefully it sold terribly so Rare will stop making shitty games and release a real Banjo Kazooie game.
The Awkward Wizard said:With this thread getting a bump, I figured I'd post my discovery here instead of the mind-blowing video game thread: In the beginning of the gamewhen you're racing against Grunty's head as Fat Banjo, collecting as many Golden LOG thingies within the time limit, when LOG stops you, Grunty always has more thingies than you, right? Well, when the race starts, turn around instead! There's a whole bunch of them in the crater right behind you, and you'll get more thingies than her. I was amazed when I figured this out!
I don't totally agree with you. Rare's status on games (at least, recently) is to never do a sequel unless you have something new to bring. I understand their thought pattern, but I loved the old Banjo games for what they were, not because they were revolutionary. There was also a study recently that showed that 11% of gamers decided to buy a product because of advertising, whereas 33% decided to buy a game based on word of mouth, and unfortunately, the word spread around for this game was "ITS NOT A PLATFORMER!!1!"
And Microsoft and Rare did try to get people hyped about Banjo: The Lunchables packaging, releasing HD ports of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie on XBLA with Stop N' Swop (and Stop N' Swop 2), and they even put Banjo and Kazooie in the Xbox 360 version of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. I don't think it's the last we've seen of Banjo; let's look at one of the images from Rare's Christmas Theme last year. We all see the tennis and table tennis rackets foreshadowing Kincet Sports, (and the TJ Combo boxing gloves to screw with us) but let's look closer:
Persona7 said:How well did this game sell anyways? I thought I read an article somewhere that said it moved 650k units including being bundled.
A good amount was also bundled with consoles starting earlier this year, I believe.watkinzez said:That smells like a VG Chartz number to me. 140K for America through the end of 2008 and at least 100K for the UK. Pure guesswork, but I'd say it ended up between 300 and 400K.
Tailzo said:Funny to see this thread on the first page. I just bought the game for really, really cheap. The cheapest price I've ever paid for a new game.
It's fun so far, but I'm kinda confused as to where to go sometimes.
Back then they said that we would see different products coming from Rare next to their usual output. That interview is from 2008 or 2009 I think, so I'm not sure if its still relevant after the changes in 2009. I recall a GAF member who said that he had a friend that used to work for Rare and that they were going to announce multiple games at E3. Not to mention the rumor that the Nuts & Bolts 2 team was set to work on Kinect Fitness and a Banjo game without music from Grant... I dunnoThe Awkward Wizard said:We know that they're working on XBLA games and that they have a few "surprises" left for us for their 25th anniversary. I seem to recall an interview with Mark Betteridge, where he said that Rare would make 1 big game with several smaller titles released per year. I think it was on GamesIndustry.biz, but I can't find the article, since I don't have an account.
I can't remember exactly, but I got a mission to find sometimes I have no idea what looks like. So I looked around aimlessly, hoping that the object would shine or something. After doing that for a while, I restarted the mission with the same problem.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:In what way? It's always marked on the map for where jiggies are in a level and where new stages that open up are on the mini map when in showdown town.
I'm up to 36 jiggies so I guess I'll sleep for the night.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Is there enough notes in the game to buy all the blueprints/parts? Seems I had too many notes in the beginning now it's like I don't have enough to buy anything. Also, I seem to get stuck at 125/130 out of 200 notes in the levels. Are the last 75 always impossible to find? I thought I scoured the first level and still only 125...
Just hit 41 jiggies though.![]()
Are you referring to this article? It's not that, it was a different Mark Betteridge article, written fairly recently, saying specifically they were going to release a big game once a year and in addition, several smaller titles. It's driving me mad that I can't find it! :lol[Nintex] said:Back then they said that we would see different products coming from Rare next to their usual output. That interview is from 2008 or 2009 I think, so I'm not sure if its still relevant after the changes in 2009.
You're referring to the poster whose friend worked for Rare and then left for Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment? If I recall correctly, he just said that Rare had a bunch of stuff, he didn't say that they would reveal it all at E3. Microsoft said they were going to announce some stuff at Gamescom, so fingers crossed! The Kinect Fitness rumor was from Shiggy, who's very reliable and from VG247. Also, if I remember correctly, Ice Mario from the Rare Witch Project said that the Banjo team started work on a BK:N&B sequel, but it was quickly shelved for Kinect (ARGH! Another source I can't find!)[Nintex] said:I recall a GAF member who said that he had a friend that used to work for Rare and that they were going to announce multiple games at E3. Not to mention the rumor that the Nuts & Bolts 2 team was set to work on Kinect Fitness and a Banjo game without music from Grant... I dunno
Jzero15 said:Man i want a new Banjo game on Wii, too broke to afford a 360
Paco said:Working on getting the last few jiggies and achievements...I'm at 122. I really don't like the Terrarium of Terror.
Yes, so long as you don't spend them with Bottles.
IIRC, you win more notes by completing the TT challenges.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Um....
Haven't spent any at bottles but have used some at the gym since his slow as hell walk speed was pissing me off.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Um....
Haven't spent any at bottles but have used some at the gym since his slow as hell walk speed was pissing me off.
Tomasooie said:There's actually enough to purchase all the parts, gym upgrades and Bottles tips. Don't bribe the cops -- that's the only real way to waste notes.
I dunno; it was a very flawed game. A lot of the challenges, which should have been the backbone of the game, were uninspired and Rare copped out by including too many racing challenges. Banjo's been in more racing games than platformers now.C4Lukins said:Everything about this game makes me sad. It is an 80 on Gamerankings. Not that Gamerankings is the end all of quality, but the fact that even "hardcore" reviewers in general just found it to be good and not great.
What is funny about Nuts and Bolts is that the platforming elements are indeed the worst aspect of the game. As far as art style only the Galaxy games, Mirror's Edge, and some lower budget indie games can compete with it. It really deserved tons of success and it is sad to see how overlooked it was.
_Alkaline_ said:Anyone else find it weird how the game has virtually no pop-in textures, but Showdown Town is full of it?
Making your cart fly with a box right? yeah I did that too lolPumpkinPie said:Fuck the haters, this is one of the most fun games I've ever played. I get so much enjoyment out of tricking the game into giving me workshop items that I'm not supposed to have yet![]()
Diablohead said:Making your cart fly with a box right? yeah I did that too lol