Ah okay, thanks. Will download tonighta Master Ninja said:No, it is part of the free download.
Mudo said:So do I need to buy the Party Pack to get the updated graphics (more saturated, whatever?) If that pack is literally just the multiplayer party game, I might pass for now (or may buy just to support them even though I won't ever use it) ??
They said "never" (take that how you will in the light of recent updates...) because it would have such an impact on the physics model for the cars it would essentially mean reprogramming them from scratch.Oni Jazar said:So when are they going to add rain to this game? That'd be sweet.![]()
Mar_ said:Hmm? 360 version here, and all my billboards remain broken. They are now blinking with like a smashed part in the middle.
It's still there, in the same place, just not while playing online for some reason.shpankey said:played this last night, where'd my custom soundtrack option go (for the PS3)? it used to be, hit right on d-pad, then scroll to the bottom, but it's no longer there.
itxaka said:Everybody should pay for the party pack or at least one of the future DLC incoming to show support to their approach to DLC.
They have show that other uses of the "evil" DLC can be done, and support can be given to consumers, now give them back your support if you want other games to follow this pattern!
shpankey said:played this last night, where'd my custom soundtrack option go (for the PS3)? it used to be, hit right on d-pad, then scroll to the bottom, but it's no longer there.
that really sucks for me. i pretty much only play online and switch soundtracks all the time. are you telling me i have to leave my online game to switch and then get in another online game now? wtf... that sucks ass. why on earth would they take functionality OUT of the game? it doesn't make sense. ughcrispyben said:It's still there, in the same place, just not while playing online for some reason.
jmdajr said:It's still there. However, I dont know what the deal was but all my customs songs started skipping. It didnt do that before.
I'm for sure going to buy the island, and maybe a car pack or the Cops and Robbers. But I'm not pulling out Burnout when I need a party game; I'm buying something with multiple simultaneous players on the same screen, like Mario Kart or something. It's not a knock against Burnout; I love the game for what it is.itxaka said:Everybody should pay for the party pack or at least one of the future DLC incoming to show support to their approach to DLC.
They have show that other uses of the "evil" DLC can be done, and support can be given to consumers, now give them back your support if you want other games to follow this pattern!
BeeDog said:Why pay for something that's mediocre? It's not really the cheapest add-on around (at least true for the PS3), since for that money I can buy a full PSN game.
BeeDog said:Why pay for something that's mediocre? It's not really the cheapest add-on around (at least true for the PS3), since for that money I can buy a full PSN game.
Threi said:did the patch hit the 360 version yet? It downloaded a patch yesterday, but nothing changed![]()
itxaka said:Everybody should pay for the party pack or at least one of the future DLC incoming to show support to their approach to DLC.
They have show that other uses of the "evil" DLC can be done, and support can be given to consumers, now give them back your support if you want other games to follow this pattern!
You and I think a lot alike. This is the one thing that bugged me too. I just want to get in the game. Not sift through 3 screens of confirmations. On the upside it does mask the loading.jett said:Only thing that annoys me is that Criterion has made it so that it takes a LOT longer to get to Paradise City...you go through a bunch more menu and loadings screens now...
wtf were they thinking
Both are the same, you won't lose. The one benefit for the PS3 is that it seems to get all the updates first. And there's a PSN version.toneroni said:so uhhh which version is better for the ones who played the PS3 and 360 ones?
The differences are so minimal it really isn't worth arguing over.Brandon F said:I got the 360 patch last night. You have to download the 1.6 patch from marketplace though(it runs about 900 megs).
Neat additions though, nighttime is a lot more manageable. How exactly is the PS3 version superior though? The game runs superlatively on the 360.
it's not. the only benefit on PS3 is having in on your hard drive.Brandon F said:I got the 360 patch last night. You have to download the 1.6 patch from marketplace though(it runs about 900 megs).
Neat additions though, nighttime is a lot more manageable. How exactly is the PS3 version superior though? The game runs superlatively on the 360.
AlphaTwo00 said:There are very very minimal differences, like a friends invite on the PS3 is just the subtle EasyDrive icon on the left bottom screen, whereas it's an actual 360 UI interface.
It's slightly more streamlined.
PS3 also benefits with the use of USB camera.
But really, you can't lose either way.
Returners said:One more thing. Anyone who has extensive time with the bikes notice that they're slower?
I hopped on to it yesterday. IIRC before the update the Firehawk Competition version was @ full speed.
Now its 2 pts away from it.
Anyone noticed anything?
Not just the bikes, the cars too. It was part of the update, it was done on purpose to make the game easier to get into in the beginning.Returners said:One more thing. Anyone who has extensive time with the bikes notice that they're slower?
I hopped on to it yesterday. IIRC before the update the Firehawk Competition version was @ full speed.
Now its 2 pts away from it.
Anyone noticed anything?
Brandon F said:Criterion mentioned on the patch notes that they purposefully adjusted most or all the vehicles. Making lower tier cars/bikes slower in return for making them more durable against traffic and having improved handling. The idea is to give newcomers an easier go at the early game.
Returners said:Errr... guys. Its the Firehawk Comp, the last bike? Slower yes no?
Brandon F said:What USB camera benefits differ on PS3 compared to Webcam use on 360?
Philanthropist said:You can use a lot of standard USB PC webcams rather than having to buy the PS Eye. You can't do that on the 360.
Any standard USB camera will do on the PS3 (including the 360 Vision Cam).Philanthropist said:You can use a lot of standard USB PC webcams rather than having to buy the PS Eye. You can't do that on the 360.
crispyben said:Not near my PS3, has the new pack been announced on the Criterion Games Network?
Oni Jazar said:So when are they going to add rain to this game? That'd be sweet.![]()
xSL4INx said:I thought the "retry" option was added this time around. Where is it?
goddammit i love that feature :lolMirageDwarf said:
xSL4INx said:I thought the "retry" option was added this time around. Where is it?
xSL4INx said:I thought the "retry" option was added this time around. Where is it?
.WasabiKing said:right on d-pad, select restart last event! WOO
That is a cool feature.WasabiKing said:The one thing I love about the PS3 version is that you can transfer your save to a USB stick, then upload it to Criterion's site to discover the locations of places of smashes, billboards, and jumps you need to clear. And of course you can print them out. Take that GameFAQs!