Maybe they could do like Evolution did for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift this week and release a new demo?AlphaTwo00 said:Sadly, it's probably a bad thing, because now that it's been a year, the demo is even less reflective of what the game is.
Maybe they could do like Evolution did for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift this week and release a new demo?AlphaTwo00 said:Sadly, it's probably a bad thing, because now that it's been a year, the demo is even less reflective of what the game is.
IslandPete on twitter said:wow. the morning went fast. Delivered the final assets to Qore today...see ya Monday
Depends how early they're ready, could be the month after next, though I hope not.Returners said:Either way, looks like the next issue of Qore will feature Burnout (I'm assuming Island)
crispyben said:Maybe they could do like Evolution did for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift this week and release a new demo?
I mean the actual moves. The only one I know currently is if you hand break off a ramp your car spins.crispyben said:For the stunts, well, listen to DJ Atomika... or be more preciseIf you mean stunt runs, there you go.
I'll post it there also but I'll post it here too. I'm a newb to the game. 360Threi said:for the new page:
If any 360 owners want to play some GAFers then post your gamertag in this thread:
CharpyImpact said:This might have been answered but I can't find it.
I have the disc version of this on the PS3. I have the opportunity to get the PSN version for free. Will my save from the disc version work for the PSN version so I don't lose any progress?
While ingame, press right on your d-pad.tanod said:I rented the disc game and then downloaded it off of PSN. Answer is nope. Progress is gone.
The trophies you got remain intact though if you were missing the 200 gate one or something like that, the counter starts over from 0.
Now I have a question:
How do you restart? I looked in the online manual and the game never mentioned anything about how to do it either!
TheGreatDave said:Slow motion crashes are the new lack of retry.
Wario64 said:The new complaint should be a faster bootup. Skip the logos. Skip the warning message about autosaving. Skip the news page. The menu to select Paradise City, Party or store. Skip the menu for cars or bikes. Too many boot up menus!!!!
Ploid 3.0 said:You gotta admit, the crashes feel like loading screens sometimes. Bikes don't have loading screens during the race. They just pop out, action isn't interrupted. That's like telling people that complain about the loading between levels in half life 2, they want the game to play itself.
Mar_ said:The bikes don't have any single player races vs AI. They are in there as a penalty for crashing during something that should have some difficulty involved. Otherwise, they may as well remove the AI and just have a ponit A to point B timed race.
Ploid 3.0 said:When I'm just riding around with no ai cars I load just as long. If that's really the reason for the long unskippable crash animations, they should at least start us from engine off or something. At least then we'll be able to do stuff.
biggkidd32 said:So, how do you actually retry an event?
Ah, Thanks!fistfulofmetal said:press
on the
tanod said:I rented the disc game and then downloaded it off of PSN. Answer is nope. Progress is gone.
The trophies you got remain intact though if you were missing the 200 gate one or something like that, the counter starts over from 0.
fistfulofmetal said:press
on the
:lol no.Struct09 said:Isn't it right on the dpad? Does left do the same thing?
Fantastical said:Forgive me for not knowing this, but I think I'm going to buy this soon. What free DLC does the 360 version has, and does it have all the same stuff as the PS3 version?
Thanks! I've been really waiting for this restart patch.Wario64 said:Both versions have the same DLC. Both same free DLC. Both same paid DLC. All the same stuff from the PS3 version except no web based news page on boot up.
Look on the forums...Jtwo said:Do you guys know where I can find the save file in the PC version?
I want to back it up.
You can also barrel roll off split ramps, take big air, take reverse air, drift...Stoney Mason said:I mean the actual moves. The only one I know currently is if you hand break off a ramp your car spins.
Read at least the few last pages before you post, thanks. On it's right on the D-pad, not left!biggkidd32 said:So, how do you actually retry an event?
There you go.Fantastical said:Forgive me for not knowing this, but I think I'm going to buy this soon. What free DLC does the 360 version has, and does it have all the same stuff as the PS3 version?
El-Suave said:Loving this game after all the patches. I've had it since launch but only now I'm really playing it. For my enjoyment the brighter barriers, signs and billboards are most important. Restart is surprisingly much less of an issue than I originally thought. It only comes in handy on Burning Routes really.
Pretty much the only thing I hate about the game now as I'm collecting online trophies is that you're totally dependent on what the session creator does - I haven't been able to get into an online Road Rage despite joining countless games that were labeled as such. There really should be a mechanic of voting the session creator off, or the responsibility to create events should shift after each event with a timer preferably.
RiotPelaaja said:Anyone have the problem of the game freezing when selecting a car after the 1.60 patch? I can select bikes just fine, but when I select a car, the game freezes. I've cleaned the disc, disconnet from PSN etc, but it dont help. Anyone have this problem?
They do some server-side fixes from time to time so it's possible they figured it out and did a stealth update.Roxas said:yes, oddly enough i had this problem once, i took it up on the (then) Official Criterion forums and even the devs had no clue what it was. After a couple of days it just went away and everything was fine again. Very strange.
not this exactly, but I have definitely been having freezing problems during various things, usually loading screens. quite a few in fact.RiotPelaaja said:Anyone have the problem of the game freezing when selecting a car after the 1.60 patch? I can select bikes just fine, but when I select a car, the game freezes. I've cleaned the disc, disconnet from PSN etc, but it dont help. Anyone have this problem?
Any news on that? said:Another new update on the live Criterion Games Network pages coming today
Wonder what it will be about? said:No CRASH TV this week... Monday I swear!
apparently not said:Can't you just buy one from an online shop?
where else can I order it from that is reliable? I've never done this sort of thing before.*** We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order by changing its quantity to 0 and clicking the update button below. (See geographical restrictions.) ***
anyone have a Game card and want to add some points to it?GAME Reward Card members get up to 250 Reward Points (worth £0.63) with this item. About Reward Card.
strange_booj said:What is everyone's opinion on Road Rage? I can't find anyone that plays it. As someone said earlier even the games that are label as it, aren't playing it. I've had this game for 2 weeks now and I haven't been able to play a single Road Rage. Is it just not fun? Does it not work? Road Rage was always my favorite mode from the previous games.
10 minutes left! said:For all those waiting for news on the Legendary Cars... check back here in 20 minutes! said:The Burnout Paradise Legendary Cars Pack will be released on CONSOLE this Thursday 19th February.
crispyben said:
Yep!DMeisterJ said:Legendary = DeLorean?