cjelly said:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3062/3030317022_ca0cd09cbf_b.jpg
That doesn't help. Do you actually drive these things around? While driving with full sized cars or what?
cjelly said:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3062/3030317022_ca0cd09cbf_b.jpg
I think they're just full-sized, but made to look like toys.Mar_ said:That doesn't help. Do you actually drive these things around? While driving with full sized cars or what?
ZootedGranny said:Grab an entry model Speed car, start a stunt run and drive against traffic on I-88.
NullPointer said:That's some sound advice there. Will do.
Agreed. And I did it twice. Once and full price and once at $30. They have enough of my money, imo. I will buy the island.Blast Processing said:Buying their game is thanks enough in my book.
Nitemare1 said:After all the free support for Burnout Paradise since it's release, I'll gladly give them the 8$ for 4 cars as a thankyou!
Nitemare1 said:After all the free support for Burnout Paradise since it's release, I'll gladly give them the 8$ for 4 cars as a thankyou!
TheGreatDave said:This logic is retarded.
jett said:![]()
Send them a fucking thank you note, don't support ripoff-priced DLC.
You paid $60 for their game. Buying their obviously unreasonably priced DLC is not a "thank you" its just being dumb.Mar_ said:Clearly, we should not give money to those who have worked tirelessly to provide us with hundreds of hours of entertainment.
Mar_ said:Clearly, we should not give money to those who have worked tirelessly to provide us with hundreds of hours of entertainment.
Blu_LED said:You paid $60 for their game. Buying their obviously unreasonably priced DLC is not a "thank you" its just being dumb.
Mar_ said:Clearly, we should not give money to those who have worked tirelessly to provide us with hundreds of hours of entertainment.
kamorra said:Since 8$ are such an outrage do you guys actually send emails to Criterion/EA about this ridiculous price tag? Or is it enough to bitch on GAF and tell everyone who want's to buy it how wrong he is?
kamorra said:Since 8$ are such an outrage do you guys actually send emails to Criterion/EA about this ridiculous price tag? Or is it enough to bitch on GAF and tell everyone who want's to buy it how wrong he is?
Hint: They are in your game already (if not rolled in by the new version). They will be 108k files, just like Party Pack.Ploid 3.0 said:More like don't buy and ignore. If the cars were already on the disk, and dlc keys were available for launch that would suck. There are enough cars in the game to me. I'm not even sure if I'd want the island. I have enough burnout paradise as it is. I'd rather buy new games (psn) or just a whole new disk game.
Talk to MS/Sony about this. With both Sony and MS, developers are allowed to increase trophy/achievement count for downloadable content. If you feel pressured to get them, then it says something about you as a player, doesn't it?Pojo said:I can understand needing to buy an expansion area of a game for new trophies (sometimes), but you need to buy new cars to get trophies? The whole concept sucks. I love Burnout and want to complete it 100%, but not if I have to buy addons to get token trophies that require no skill.
But that's not how I look at it at all so stop presuming.web01 said:Yeah I did buy the party pack and it was a ripoff most of the people who brought it have said that. Doesnt even have half the options it should have. A very half assed effort at an add on.
Also the point about them being variations of existing cars is that they were very easy to make and remodel and that they should be a much cheaper price to refelect this. But maybe because your trying to be some EA defender you cant see that? I never said I didnt want them but they should be alot cheaper you are just being a smart ass asking questions like that.
To the rest of the people who quoted me that I cant be bothered addressing seriously grow up. Quote people all you want if it makes you feel like some type of internet genius by posting what you believe are witty responses. But it wont change the fact that the DLC is a ripoff no mater what way you look at it.
ie commments like this:
planes = something someone worked on and they messed around with and that's it. AFAIK they've never mentioned it since then either.Doodis said:I posted this a while back, but nobody answered - what's the deal with planes in the game? They released news of them months ago but I haven't heard anything since.
And my two cents: Will not pay for overpriced legendary cars. Will pay for new island area.
Nitemare1 said:I see what all you guys are saying and its a good point, but cummon. its 8 lousy bucks and the cars are awesome.
I will concede that it was stupid of me to say I'd just give them the 8$ as a thankyou.
TheGreatDave said:Why don't you go down to Criterion and buy them all a lapdance? Rather than telling them that this kind of DLC is the way to go.
Mar_ said:Or, instead of buying a coffee and a donut, for the same price I could hand that money to a bunch of guys who made 400 hours of my life a hell of a lot of fun.
So many people having a cry about this. When in the end it's the consumers decision whether to part with their money or not. As a consumer, I choose not to buy this particular DLC. But I can sure understand others who wish to do so.
Yeah!AnEternalEnigma said:Then write them an $8 check. Don't reinforce their idea that overpriced DLC is a good one.
AkuMifune said:Yeah!
Because showing developers that if they put out awesome free DLC for a year a lot of people will feel compelled to support their other content is a bad thing.
LiquidMetal14 said:I have the funds and I'm not poor. I will be buying all the cars. A little overpriced but I have spare funds to get this, Noby, and LBP costumes this week. That's the way it is
To each his own. You pay for what you want and I pay for I want, I'm sure you can live with that.AnEternalEnigma said:I have the funds and I'm not poor. I will not be buying any of the cars. It's a little overpriced and since I am responsible with my money, I don't send a bad message to developers and pay for things I feel are overcharged. That's the way it is.
X (E-Brake), or real brakes?~Devil Trigger~ said:am i the only wh still have serious problems with using the brakes in this game?
i spin out of control 90% of the time, speeding or not and no matter what car i use still cant get a good drift, turns are close to impossible, i have to slow down almost completly like...im....driving a real car. WTF.
i cant be cuz i heard the latest Patch also fixed some "driving physics" thing. I wanna enjoy the game to the fullest and appreciate what Criterion has done, but the more i upgrade my license the thougher things get and NEED my brakes.
You keep on sending your message while I drive my hovering car over you then.AnEternalEnigma said:I have the funds and I'm not poor. I will not be buying any of the cars. It's a little overpriced and since I am responsible with my money, I don't send a bad message to developers and pay for things I feel are overcharged. That's the way it is.
I'm picking off a few points:FightyF said:One hell of a rant....
Extra cars are appealing because they can be fun to drive. That Circuit City Hot Rod was awesome for online races (the host set it as the default car, and we had a bunch of races).
I'll be honest here, if there was a Batman vehicle pack for PGR, that included the Adam West 60's Batmobile, Tim Burton Batmobile, Nolan's Batmobile Tumber, and Nolan's Batpod...I'd spend $15 on it. Now that Bizarre's been bought out, it's not gonna happen, but it's something Criterion and EA could do. Instead of doing a ripoff they should license it.
In the end it has a lot to do with how much you are a fan of stuff I guess. I mean, if Criterion had worked with SEGA, and somehow made Sonic DLC where you could run as Sonic throughout Paradise City, I'd give them $30 and a jar full of sperm.
Good news! The Platinum trophy is obtained when you earned all trophies for the original game (that excludes the Cagney and Bikes packs' additional trophies). However, your percentage will never be 100% if you don't buy all the DLC, but hey, life's a bitch!Pojo said:I can understand needing to buy an expansion area of a game for new trophies (sometimes), but you need to buy new cars to get trophies? The whole concept sucks. I love Burnout and want to complete it 100%, but not if I have to buy addons to get token trophies that require no skill.
Look at the screencap I posted, the biker's bigger than the ride, so it seems the Toy vehicles are not full-sized, or the rider's a giant? You do drive them around with regular vehicles, they will be available at the vehicle select screen, and there are trophies related to them:Mar_ said:That doesn't help. Do you actually drive these things around? While driving with full sized cars or what?
They will be simple unlock keys, but apparently they're part of V1.70, which we would all have to download tomorrow... I wonder if it will be the same for each new DLC?AlphaTwo00 said:Hint: They are in your game already (if not rolled in by the new version). They will be 108k files, just like Party Pack.
Didn't know that, sure puts Criterion Games to shame on this front, but looking at the big picture...Sean said:Turn 10 put out a pack of 13 licensed cars all for 400 MS Points/$5 (and two other packs of 11 licensed cars for $5), there is no excuse for Criterion's pricing here.
RobbieNick said:Go back to cheap ass Gaffers. $4 to play the Back To the Future Delorean in Burnout is okay with me.
The fact is Critereon has been supporting this title for a full year for free with cool add ons like the motorcycle mode and are only now starting to charge for DLC. So now, you start to complain about being charged for DLC that you don't ever have to buy.
GAF ain't happy unless they're bitching about some small thing.
~Devil Trigger~ said:am i the only wh still have serious problems with using the brakes in this game?
i spin out of control 90% of the time, speeding or not and no matter what car i use still cant get a good drift, turns are close to impossible, i have to slow down almost completly like...im....driving a real car. WTF.
i cant be cuz i heard the latest Patch also fixed some "driving physics" thing. I wanna enjoy the game to the fullest and appreciate what Criterion has done, but the more i upgrade my license the thougher things get and NEED my brakes.
They'll have to be if the content can be brought online.crispyben said:They will be simple unlock keys, but apparently they're part of V1.70, which we would all have to download tomorrow... I wonder if it will be the same for each new DLC?
FightyF said:I'm beginning to think it is.
- I bought the 360 version used for $9 from a rental store.
- Had lots of fun with it.
- Saw the Party pack and thought "I had lots of fun with this, and I'll buy this to support the devs as my used purchase didn't do much for them".
- Party Pack fucking sucks.
- Why did I buy this piece of shit Party Pack? What was I thinking?
- I just burnt 800 MS points. I could have bought Machellevi's Ascent and Cave In Adventure and STILL have 400 pts left over!
- I could have had hours of fun with those games! But nooo, I had to support the devs by buying something completely fucking useless and frankly the Party Pack would be something that I wouldn't even download for FREE if it were an option.
- I realize that I still have cars locked that were given away for free by promotion, stuff like the Circuit City Hot Rod (which is a fun car to drive, I've tried it once)
- Realize that Criterion doesn't know what the fuck they are doing with DLC, because I paid for shit, and there's still plenty I don't have, and I don't think I can purchase them
LiquidMetal14 said:To each his own. You pay for what you want and I pay for I want, I'm sure you can live with that.
Mar_ said:You're doing something very wrong. Pressing the e-brake instead of the normal one? You must be. With the normal brake tap it once and steer for drift. Tapping the e-brake = total loss of control.
AlphaTwo00 said:For the old sponsor cars, it's a reward for buying the game early, they took it out with the latest version/PSN version. If you have a disk version, remove all the Patches. The code enter section will be there.
-subnote - You know what's going to annoy you? Since you are in the US version (mentioning the Circuit City Hot Rod), you're going to get even more angry at the "missing" Euro sponsor cars, and B'z "Isuka GT" in Japan. Oh, and not to mention, the online only cars.
Ramenman said:You gave them money for nothing even though you knew you'd be able to give them money for something soon enough?
FightyF said:I didn't give them money for nothing, I gave them money for something annoying (in the form of an extra screen between me and my Burnouting)
crispyben said:Criterion Games have acknowledged the early rollout of V1.70, and SargeSullivan has released this beauty:
Tomorrow it's ours!
Well. Circuit City isn't exactly the place to ask for whether they want licensing now, and I'd bet that the loopholes to ask for that stuff with the licences might be more complicated at this point.FightyF said:But I wonder why these cars aren't being sold, so I can buy them and have fun with them. I can totally understand it being a free reward...and that's what I assumed.
But they don't. Both online only cars are a) In the party pack, and b) Given out to certain press, staff, and high ranking players to use offline and online. There are even more special cars and decals that are only available to a select few as a reward from Criterion. But guess what, that stuff is rolled into all versions of the game.FightyF said:Online only cars I can somewhat understand, you don't want anything game breaking in there. But yeah...why not sell this other stuff?
This I won't defend at all. Damn thing takes forever to load already, and now added the additional menus just makes it more annoying. I do appreciate the Car/Bike menu though. Scanning through that row just to find bikes is damn annoying.edgefusion said:That screen is there regardless of if you bought the pack or not, which makes it even more annoying. It seems Criterion went from being a developer that hated menus to one that absolutely loves them and decided to stick them all right before the game even starts.
FightyF said:No. No, I didn't. I didn't give them money for nothing, I gave them money for something annoying (in the form of an extra screen between me and my Burnouting), and secondly I had no idea what prices the cars were going to be at, so those weren't a definite purchase for me either. I was thinking of something along the PGR/Forza car pack line of prices.
However, I do think that decision for the extra Store/Party menu is entirely driven by business execs.