I would have agreed with you, until they decided to mark up random vehicles to cost more than a god damn meal at In'n'Out.CurseoftheGods said:So the island costs as much as the game itself? I don't think so.
I would have agreed with you, until they decided to mark up random vehicles to cost more than a god damn meal at In'n'Out.CurseoftheGods said:So the island costs as much as the game itself? I don't think so.
I'm guessing in Criterion's eyes the game costs $30, the price of the "Ultimate Box."CurseoftheGods said:So the island costs as much as the game itself? I don't think so.
Huh, I never had much trouble with the road rage events, even late in the game... I think I was using the huge truck for a lot of those, try that.Kryten said:What vehicle has everyone used to complete the Road Rage events? - the numbers required are getting high now and I'm struggling to keep my Civilian in one piece long enough, even with plenty of "route planning" along the waterfront garages to keep it repaired.
Dizzan said:My thoughts on the pricing:
Burnout Paradise was chosen by EA, as an established franchise, to test out new strategies of Digital distribution. Test out what people are willing to pay for, see if they only want free stuff, see if it affects sales/trade ins etc.
IMO Criterion will create an island so big that it will practically be a sequel. Instead of producing an entire new game, they will just sell new areas each year for a few years. Maybe this will flow on to games like Madden, NBA, Fifa where they just release a full game every two years. On the off years they will just sell an updated roster with a few tweaks.
Kryten said:What vehicle has everyone used to complete the Road Rage events? - the numbers required are getting high now and I'm struggling to keep my Civilian in one piece long enough, even with plenty of "route planning" along the waterfront garages to keep it repaired.
Exaggeration much? There were only two cars costing $5 apiece (the Boost Specials), and that's if you buy them separately. Big Surf Island comes with one vehicle that we know of (Dust Storm). There's no telling how much they would sell it individually.DuckRacer said:Besides, they've already released a barebones mode for $10 and multiple cars at $5 a piece. This is a whole island with new billboards, events, and vehicles, which would sell for $3 a piece if they were sold individually. I'd be shocked if it cost less than $20, to be honest.
The Big Surf Island page on CG's website says that it's roughly the size of Downtown Paradise. Your suggestion reminds me of this VS. Mode between Stephen Totillo and N'Gai Croal.Dizzan said:IMO Criterion will create an island so big that it will practically be a sequel. Instead of producing an entire new game, they will just sell new areas each year for a few years.
Burning routes are already on the map, look for the one with a star, it matches the car you drive. As for stunt runs, It should be much easier with the sluggish timer pie introduced by the V1.60 update. Don't go too fast, boost a split-second (or reverse) to reset the timer pie, head to a place where you can rack up multipliers (South Bay Expressway, Rockridge Dam, Lone Peaks Quarry, Railway Tracks), flat spin at every occasion for reverse air, don't be too greedy with barrel rolls, plot your course and repeat it, take breaks. That's how got my 40x multiplier Paradise Award.Kryten said:now I've only got 3 cars to take down / get burning routes for (if you can tell me how to make them spawn, I'd be grateful) and the dreaded stunt runs![]()
That's a way to put it, though driving back to the start in oncoming was a good way to get better at it!Kryten said:You guys must have fucking HATED the WTR Burning Route before restarting was added.
There's a checkmark on the event marker when it's done, but it can be hard to distinguish when zoomed out, especially on an SDTV I guess.jibblypop said:When I'm on the map screen and I can see events listed, how can I tell which events I've already beaten on the current license?
It may be very easy to tell but I have an SDTV so the text is incredibly small so maybe I'm just not looking in the right spot..
I don't think so, and saves from the retail game aren't compatible with saves from the PSN version either it seems.ggp759 said:does anyone know if a PAL save of the game works with the NTSC version or the downloadable version of the game? thanks
bridegur said:They wouldn't ask for more than $9.99 for the island, would they? Anything above that and I'd expect it to be at least as half as big as the normal map.
crispyben said:There's a checkmark on the event marker when it's done, but it can be hard to distinguish when zoomed out, especially on an SDTV I guess.
I don't think so, and saves from the retail game aren't compatible with saves from the PSN version either it seems.
I loved the GS car, hence why I hate they took it out of the PSN version of the game.M3wThr33 said:Whew. Reverted to an old save to get the promo cars. Took a while to redownload them. Got a handful more trophies tonight, too. So much to do in the game and I haven't even gone online since I deleted my save.
The Gamestop car gets a SHITLOAD of Driveaways.
I was wondering the same thing because I ordered the Japanese Ultimate Box and I'm wondering what will happen if I try to play it.ggp759 said:Thanks do you know what happens with the trophies though? thanks
Trophies are tied to profiles, not saves.ggp759 said:Thanks do you know what happens with the trophies though? thanks
thanks this is all very confusingcrispyben said:Trophies are tied to profiles, not saves.
It may be OOO, but make sure to save manually through the Save option in Under the hood, so that the right files are created, because it doesn't work with the auto-save.bune duggy said:And www.burnoutteamrocks.com isn't working for me. I load my save, it says it's thinking, and then it doesn't do anything. I only have 5 smashes left and I just want those cars.
I don't trust auto-saves so I always save manually before I quit the game.crispyben said:It may be OOO, but make sure to save manually through the Save option in Under the hood, so that the right files are created, because it doesn't work with the auto-save.
M3wThr33 said:Also, anyone ever notice the Kitano Pioneer seems to make the game's audio sound like it's in a tunnel?
Shit. Doing a google search after I entered the bug gets this page:AnEternalEnigma said:Jesus, I thought I was the only one that knew about that.
Sweet! I'm all for grabbing more cars, thanks!bune duggy said:you'll have to go back to prior to 1.5 (i.e. delete all of the downloaded stuff), unplug/turn off the Internet, start the game, go to "under the hood" and there's an option for putting in sponsor codes. Gamefaqs has the list.
You have got to be kidding me. I thought the game was just acting up. After I did the burning route, I never went back to check it out but I wondered why it sounded so bad. That's pretty silly.M3wThr33 said:It's INTENTIONAL. :|
crispyben said:IslandPete's gone on holiday, which could mean the Island testing is done. If it's gone to certification, we could see it in two or three weeks, but the PCPD pack should be out before it, so who knows?
Dizzy-4U said:So, I'm having very bad luck trying to update to 1.7 (Ps3). Every time it reaches to 52%, the connection crash on me. Though, the connection works great if I donwload a demo or something else.
So, if I delete the game and re-download it, do i get the regular game without patches or will it be 1.7?
I've tried everything. IP in DMZ, disabling UPnP, everything. But now I'm reading that my stupid router might be the problem. Time to change this D-Link piece of crap.Philanthropist said:Most likely you'll have to install the updates again. Try to reset your connection (turn off and on your router or whatever) and try again, and turn off and on your PS3 just in case if you haven't. Try a few hours later too if you can.
I believe that remark was made about the PCPD pack by one of the employees... I'll be away till Monday, I hope to find good news on my return.Dezcom said:Yeah, on the latest Qore, they said by the time we saw the episode that the Island should be just about ready to release or already released.
gdt5016 said:Looking to clear some space and I have a question.
I have the V1.6 update (825MB) and the Bikes (445MB) and read somewhere that I can erase the Bikes update. As in I want to keep using the bikes, and whatever else it did.
Can I?
It's suppose to sound like the vehicle has those badboy subs in the boot and all you hear is "oomph oomph oomph oomph" as it drives past, it's a cool effect and only on that vehicle.M3wThr33 said:Shit. Doing a google search after I entered the bug gets this page:
bune duggy said:I was playing last night and noticed something strange twice in the span of 30 seconds: a police car. And no, not the one from the game. The lights were on and it was running against traffic during a Road Rage event. It was very weird. Didn't see it again, but I wonder what it was?
CurseoftheGods said:So the island costs as much as the game itself? I don't think so.
Teasing for the PCPD pack? Did you recognize the model?bune duggy said:I was playing last night and noticed something strange twice in the span of 30 seconds: a police car. And no, not the one from the game. The lights were on and it was running against traffic during a Road Rage event. It was very weird. Didn't see it again, but I wonder what it was?
Did you already have more than 10 roads ruled when you downloaded the trophy pack? Did you rule roads with a bike before you had ruled ten of them with a car? If that's the case, you need to back up your save, erase it, start anew and you'll get the trophy once you've ruled 10 roads in a car.jett said:I think I got a trophy bug or something. I have like 34 time roads ruled, and yet I haven't got the "10 Time Road Rules" trophy. :/
that's what I was thinking, but then why would I be the only person who's seen it? and no, I didn't recognize the model as I was in the middle of a Inferno Van version of Road Rage and was surrounded by large cars trying to take me down.crispyben said:Teasing for the PCPD pack? Did you recognize the model?