The highest Stunt Run score required is 500,000. The quarry is so great. I ended up with 6.9 million after going off every ramp there at the end of one run.
the hell? :lolOatmealMu said:![]()
The best for last. Peter Moore and his undead sidekick.
Escalation said:The highest Stunt Run score required is 500,000.
OatmealMu said:![]()
The best for last. Peter Moore and his undead sidekick.
a Master Ninja said:
Bebpo said:I played way too much of this over the weekend. When I close my eyes I just see ramps leading to burnout billboards >_<
Most fun I've had driving around taking jumps since Crackdown. But need to stop playing soon or this will become an addiction. I feel pretty satisfied with the game. The racing was much better than Revenge. Surprisingly I learned far more sections of the city in Paradise than I did tracks in Revenge...guess the sandbox method worked. Showtime was no crash mode, so hopefully it'll be back in Paradise 2, but it was still fun. Presentation and the way you can do SO MUCH STUFF with the d-pad (flip showtime [offline/online], road time [offline/online] scores, all the online stuff) was amazing.
The online is the thing to beat for all other games. Being able to go to your city map at any time and look at a street and see who holds the #1 leadboard out of all the people on your friends list is awesome. Seeing real-time in-game messages that someone beat your score on a street even WHEN THEY AREN'T IN YOUR GAME is from the future stuff. Seriously this feels a generation beyond online gaming anywhere else. And on the PS3, with shitty online tools, no less!
Great game. Definitely 9+ish/10.
alr1ghtstart said:Re: custom soundtracks (360)
Is there an in-game option for them to play through the EA Trax system (i.e. it turns off when your guide is talking, when you crash) or just through the usual 360 dashboard?
McBacon said:So if I beat the time, I get a Silver Road Sign... how do I get gold?
Doc Evils said:"Shit it's about to RROD, bring the towel Igor!"
I just noticed he's holding a sixaxis.:lol
steve said:Agree pretty much completely, although I don't miss Crash mode at all, Showtime is highly entertaining.
ntb825 said:Is there really a "secret island" or is it just internet hearsay? :lol
Nooo, it was my favorite zone in Burnout 2, i just... like that setting in a Burnout game.Doc Evils said:It might be the airport they pulled the last minute.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolOatmealMu said:![]()
The best for last. Peter Moore and his undead sidekick.
OatmealMu said:![]()
The best for last. Peter Moore and his undead sidekick.
ntb825 said:Is there really a "secret island" or is it just internet hearsay? :lol
I was lucky, I got infected with Criterion Fever early on and have been spreading it ever sinceWizpig said:Criterion Fever (Xbox 360 only):
Everyone at Criterion Games is infected with a virus. The virus is passed when those with it are taken down online, and from there it just spreads... You will unlock this achievement when you get infected.
Do you actually have to barrel roll through it? I did this challenge last night and just jumped through it, as did everyone in my group and we all beat it fairly quickly...Gary Whitta said:have to barrel roll through the hanging fuselage at the airport...
FlyinJ said:I still haven't figured out how to barrel-roll your car. Is there in-air control? Or do you have to hit a ramp a certain way to get your car to start barrel-rolling?
Aladuf23 said:you have to hit a ramp a certain way and tap the e-brake and it starts spinning.
newsguy said:I have BO Legends on the PSP. This same track is on there... In 4 different languages! :lol
I remember the first time I heard it in Mandarin I almost dropped my PSP mid race.
QVT said:All you need to do to barrel roll is to hit a barrel roll ramp. If you tap the e-brake you will never ever barrel roll. Do not try to tap the e-brake.
X26 said:beat the showtime record for that road
Kyoufu said:Is this game actually worth getting or is it a shallow Need For Speed Carbon experience? Thats the vibe I was getting off the demo.
I'd be playing this for the online. Frantic races?
ntb825 said:Do you actually have to barrel roll through it? I did this challenge last night and just jumped through it, as did everyone in my group and we all beat it fairly quickly...
Kyoufu said:Is this game actually worth getting or is it a shallow Need For Speed Carbon experience? Thats the vibe I was getting off the demo.
I'd be playing this for the online. Frantic races?
QVT said:Buy. The races are fun although Eric WK will beat you if you invite him so be careful. He'll also likely smugly deride your driving skill while remaining a loyal friend throughout your difficult times.
Buy the damn game. I wish some cheeky reviewer had made a review titled like;
"Achievement Unlocked!
9.8 Review Score
Make a true next gen racing game"
Kyoufu said:Okay, so how is the community like on the PS3 version? Or do I need to get the 360 one? Haven't really kept up with this ever since the demo hurt my feelings.
QVT said:Buy. The races are fun although fistfulofmetal will beat you if you invite him so be careful.
bran said:Where can I get this in Mandarin, I gotta listen to it.
Kyoufu said:Okay, so how is the community like on the PS3 version? Or do I need to get the 360 one? Haven't really kept up with this ever since the demo hurt my feelings.
Gowans007 said:im gonna pop on again tonight guys, last night was ace but man this game is a time sink, before I knew it it was well past my bed time. Checked time played too, wow all of the things I could have accomplished :lol (yeah like five god damn barrels rolls thats what!)
Y2Kev said:I actually like the Avril track :lol
this game has the best sense of speed EVER. You get in one of those light speed demons, crank the Avril up, go into first person mode, and hit the nitros. Holy. Shit.
Doc Evils said:Girlfriend defense force COMMENCE!
Y2Kev said:I actually like the Avril track :lol
this game has the best sense of speed EVER. You get in one of those light speed demons, crank the Avril up, go into first person mode, and hit the nitros. Holy. Shit.
Y2Kev said:People that hate on the song are too cool for school. It's a fast, upbeat song with catchy lyrics. And then it's over and you don't hear it again for like five hours.
I think I am gonna do what I did for GT3....put a fan in front of my TV and turn it
Bebpo said:There's first person camera?
Doc Evils said:you can skip tracks by using R1.
with bald space marines.