chapel said:Well let me know. My schedule will be in flux soon, but I will make sure to let everyone know. Im all for a reboot if need be.
Hell, as early as possible would be great. I'd do it today if I could get the people together.
chapel said:Well let me know. My schedule will be in flux soon, but I will make sure to let everyone know. Im all for a reboot if need be.
chapel said:Who else would play with us?
You should check out a movie called "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising" its a low budget indie film but definitely funny for gamers. DnD gamers that is.
chapel said:Are we going to try and play this weekend? I found out my new schedule after march, it potentially will be m-f so thats good. My local game shop has phb2 coming tuesday, so Ill probably pick that up then.
chapel said:Early sunday is fine, like early morning for us. I dont think sunday works for jaydub because he has a rl game then.
I got the PHB2 as well, pretty cool. Only thing it does is make my brother want to recreate his half-orc barbarian he loves so much heh.
Haha, I meant to say saturday was not okay, sunday was.rSpooky said:argh ..i thought sunday mornings was not a problem for him..
how do Saturdays work for you guys ? Or Saturday late nights ( well late for me)
chapel said:We were thinking 5am PST, which gives you guys plenty of time and is still early for you easternly folk.
There is an option that might work well versus ventrilo. It is called Tokbox, is meant for video chat but can easily just be used for voice chat + text chat. It loads up in a browser and requires no special port forwarding or hosting a server, just click a link and it works. I have used it a lot with friends and so it may work well for this.
You can test it with this link without registering.
If you want to use cams, that can be arranged, I have one and I think my brother could get one or something, but I really don't expect that heh.
Other than that, I have work tonight but get off around 11ish. I will pop into that tokbox conference room when I get home if any of you are going to be around to test things.
733 GP loot
51 sp Loot
Red hide armor
absedion neckless Gromm is from Hammerfall
attacked by goblins on our path
arrived safe in winterhaven
staying in Wrafton's Inn
talk to Ernest Padraig, Lord of Winterhaven about kobols, militia is not doing much.
Quest: Missing Mentor - Douven Staul, explorer, mentor to Ricdak, dragon expert DM: Quest: Ominous Signs; Priestess Marla of the Great Church in Fallcrest found information about missing people and cult activity in the Nentir Vale
Blacksmith DM: Thair Coalstriker: could use metal scraps.(housenr5..across the way there is a gate with two more guards.)
Neckless, obsidian (dragon figure) bottom has carving on it (skull)skull is for demon lord of undead orcs.
spear2, light shield4x, short word3x, scale armor3x Red hide armor 1x
Met triese padraig the niece of lord padraig.(she is a warlord)
Stuff battle in cave:
Irontooth: chainmail shirt, wolf fur cloak, 2xbattleaxes,
pulled irontooth prostetic off and it is now on my(gromms) neckless.
Gold and chest with shiny clean chainmail (+1 dwarvenchain, worth:520GP)(420GP)
see you tomorrow morning thenJayDubya said:Oh my. That IS early. Not impossible, as I will have to be up that early on Monday (5 CST, I mean), just a bit abnormally early. Still, if everyone's up for it, fine with me.
rSpooky said:see you tomorrow morning then![]()
I still don't have them down pat. You can learn as you go. What were you thinking of playing?Davidion said:Holy shit, just saw this...8 am?! :lol
I'll try to scramble and get my character together. Guess I shouldn't have just poured myself this rum and coke...:lol
Edit: just realized i don't know 4e rules. Might just have to sit in and look on for this one. :lol
chapel said:I still don't have them down pat. You can learn as you go. What were you thinking of playing?
We haven't leveled up yet, still at lvl 1 but close to 2.Davidion said:Was going to do a thief, striker good/unaligned. It's a character that I played during my last D&D game a long time ago. Not an incredibly complicated character stats-wise.
What level are you guys on right now? I skimmed through the thread and read through jaydubya's synopsis thus far but I have a couple of drinks in me so I might have missed a thing or two. I started the character template with Spooky's character sheet recommendation.
chapel said:We haven't leveled up yet, still at lvl 1 but close to 2.
slayn said:If you just want to build a level 1 4th edition character, you should check out the DDI character creater demo:
The free demo has everything up to level 3 and is awesome.
it does not yet have PHB2, I think they are adding that in this week.
Next Week!JayDubya said:Good game folks; I'll be posting some notes about xp and gold if needed, but I think I gave that out pretty well during the session.
@ Davidion, it's a 25 point buy, using the new 4th Ed point-buy system. Standard is 22, but I already let the others have a bit more than that and they've just barely been squeaking by some of these fights, so I'm okay with that.
So, are going to play next week, or are we going for a bimonthly schedule?
slayn said:How far are you guys in keep? Since we're both going through it it might be interesting to compare notes?
Our party is: dragonborn charisma paladin, elf bow ranger, eladrin wizard, dragonborn inspiring warlord, and tiefling fey warlock.
We've been through two encounters now. We are going at an extremely slow pace because the encounters take so long. Both because we're still learning all the rules and because 3 of us are tactics fanatics and can debate/plan for 10 minutes about a single move easily.
encounter 1:
Walking to the town, encountering a group of kobolds. Since we were walking to a town, our wizard decided to break out her daily right from the start and we ripped through this first enouncter like it was nothing. I think we took 10 damage total at best. I don't remember much else besides that.
encounter 2:
we set out towards the kobold lair but were ambushed. These guys were a lot tougher and we knew this was going to be a multi-encounter day and so didn't use dailies or action points. We also wrongfully assumed that the weaker looking kobold was a minion instead of a skirmisher so the kobold ended up doing a number on our wizard after flanking her from behind the trees.
My first impression of our team is that we have very high dpr and good survivability individually, but that we are so heavily range focused that we can't really flank much nor prevent the enemies from flanking. I think perhaps my warlock and the ranger were keeping their distance too much, and should instead attack 'from range' while still standing near the main fight area with the paladin and warlord to prevent flanks and to have the ranged guys take a few hits instead of the enemies focus firing on the paladin.
slayn said:What level is your fey warlock player? How is she enjoying it?
The abilities look fun, but I keep being paranoid that later on the sub-par damage of fey abilities will start to hurt and make the character one of the least useful in battle for the party.
Granted, I'm sure having godly ability scores helps quite a bit.
Mine are str10 con14 dex13 int16 wis8 chr18 at level 1 with 22 point buy
slayn said::lol at those stats
Davidion said:Alright, I've submitted my character to jaydubya a couple of nights ago and after some tweaking here and there, should be ready to go. Very eager to play this character...going to have some fun with him.
Are there any short descriptions of your characters so I can see what I'm getting into?
JayDubya said:The new character introduction is always a good point for people to describe their character and such; honestly, we kept things pretty simple because that's what most people wanted. We did a little bit of RP introduction rather than just start in medias res as the module does. I'm trying to spice up the module a bit, as it's pretty dry.
The group and style is not a purely gamist / kick-in-the-door, but that's certainly the dominant style.
I've been known normally to ask for an optional written character background and reward players for doing so (and work the background into story hooks), but that doesn't work as well with a module like this anyway.
I actually like having a mix of different player preferences because it allows me to have a more complete and fulfilling experience, if more difficult (you can only please all of the people some of the time, etc.).
Everyone could possibly stand to have maybe a bit more personality / unique characterization, and everyone needs more introduction to 4th Ed, which is what this module is for anyway.
Storywise, Gromm (rSpooky, Dwarven Fighter) and Kethanel (Spooky Jr., Elven Ranger) are essentially sellsword / adventurers / bodyguards from Fallcrest. Emoran (chapel, Half-Elf Paladin of Pelor) more or less contracted their services as an agent of the church () - due to the dangers of traveling the Old King's Road of late, it's best not to go alone. Ricdak (achapel, Eladrin Wizard) was also a traveler headed the same way, trying to find an old friend. Triese (kamikazechick, Human Warlord) is the niece of Lord Mayor Padraig and has trained intently to one day take his place).
Standout personality traits? Well, that's really more up to them to tell you, especially where I'm not sure these are the character's traits or the player's traits!![]()
Davidion said:Then let's do this. Present whatever scenario you want to the party, combat or otherwise, and give me an idea where/when you want my character to come in and I'll role-play along with whatever the situation is, introduction, combat assist and all. (god that was a long sentence) If you don't want to tell me ahead of time, I'll just wing it. Just let me know if I'm violating some rules and I'll accommodate accordingly. This way no one has to break for an intro and you can use the opportunity to spice up the session as you see fit.
I never liked stale scenarios; had my share of campaigns filled with endless combat roll after combat roll padded with walk-here-and-fight-enemy type progression.
I've already told you what the character is bringing to the table so if nothing else, you can use this as your wild card.
I also made some minor mods to the character like small ability point adjustments and such. Let me know if you want to see anything or if you just want me to send it to you Saturday night.
rSpooky said:Ok, give me a little. I will tweak 2nd level gromm and get it to you later.
So we are still on for Sunday morn ?