flunkie4455 said:The damage has already been done. Thanks. :'(
Edit your quoting of his post, so others don't suffer the same fate.
flunkie4455 said:The damage has already been done. Thanks. :'(
Dun'd.Goreomedy said:Edit your quoting of his post, so others don't suffer the same fate.
BenjaminBirdie said:After Tuesday though, for when people want to talk about missions, MY SPOILER PROPOSAL WILL BE CRITICAL AND SHOULD NOT BE IGNORED!!
the installation took 7:31 minutesMrTroubleMaker said:cool!!!
how big is the install? thanks![]()
thanks!!!Big_T said:the installation took 7:31 minutes
And the size is 3339MB
Himuro said:Entirely agree, Benjie. Let's do this. Anyone else agree?
yep, great idea!Himuro said:Entirely agree, Benjie. Let's do this. Anyone else agree?
-viper- said:What is the health system like?
Same as COD4/Uncharted/Gears or a traditional based health system out of 100??
Oldschoolgamer said:The hype. Arrrrrrhahahahaljadjkhdaljhfas.
I'm going to get a 360. How bad does the arcade edition suck? I can still get a hard drive for it, right?
BenjaminBirdie said:Sure you can still get a Hard Drive for it.
Oldschoolgamer said:One more question. Does this one have the newer fixes to the mobo/whatever? This one isn't as likely to die on me is it?
lexdysia said:My 360 rrod'd two days ago. So I ran to the Gamestop preordered GTA 4 for PS3 and bought the system. I will get the Dual Shock 3 with the money from my Xbox 360 gta preorder (from another store) lol.
Oldschoolgamer said:One more question. Does this one have the newer fixes to the mobo/whatever? This one isn't as likely to die on me is it?
Does it re-generate or must you hunt down for health packs?lexdysia said:It is a circle around the radar. The left (green half) is health, the right (blue) half is armor.
BenjaminBirdie said:SPOILER PROPOSAL
In this hectic time of the release of one of our medium's finest games, I propose that we take not only great care not to spoil spoilery spoilers, but to also help our friends who may have gotten to a certain point in the game but not further.
To this end, I propose that before a particular spoiler, you note where in the game you are, in the following format:
For example:
Can we do this? Can we all pledge to do this?
I think this thread will be all the better for it.
-viper- said:Does it re-generate or must you hunt down for health packs?
I hope this game isn't TOO difficult - I've not played any GTA games previously and judging by reviews they sound difficult. Punishingly difficult.
-viper- said:Does it re-generate or must you hunt down for health packs?
I hope this game isn't TOO difficult - I've not played any GTA games previously and judging by reviews they sound difficult. Punishingly difficult.
chubigans said:You hunt for health, buying food on the street and such. No regenerating health (I'm not even sure if Body Armor from the last games are in it).
Himuro said:All arcade models have the latest tech. Get a used HDD and it'll be cheaper than a premium 360.
chubigans said:DO NOT BUY AN ARCADE UNIT.
Trust me, if you're going 360, you absolutely must go Pro. Some games don't even allow you to go online without an HDD (Burnout Paradise being one).
Add me if you want- chubigans.![]()
yes you are correct.Brashnir said:since the health bar only takes up half of the circle when full, I imagine body armor completes the circle when worn. But that's just speculation. I haven't seen anyone using it on any of the feeds.
snack said:Why would you not know you are a cop throughout the whole game until the end?
DoctorWho said:Practicing:
"Why did I highlight that text!!"
yeah there was some lot#, build date, team "FDOU" you used to have to do...Oldschoolgamer said:One more question. Does this one have the newer fixes to the mobo/whatever? This one isn't as likely to die on me is it?
Iamthegamer said:Alright, I've registered for a Silver Live account, and I'll be online first day with that free month long membership that comes with the game. Can you add friends with Silver? If so: SpeedinUptoStop
Alright ,cool beans.guidop said:Go to this Thread http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=283681 and add your gamertag
I think you can do everything except play online.Iamthegamer said:Alright, I've registered for a Silver Live account, and I'll be online first day with that free month long membership that comes with the game. Can you add friends with Silver? If so: SpeedinUptoStop
Iamthegamer said:Alright, I've registered for a Silver Live account, and I'll be online first day with that free month long membership that comes with the game. Can you add friends with Silver? If so: SpeedinUptoStop
dagZ said:whaaaaaat? is that confirmed?
Sylar said:Why did I read that :/.
dagZ said:whaaaaaat? is that confirmed?
Sylar said:Why did I read that :/.
Elios83 said:So is the reviews embargo over in half an hour?
Thrakier said:Plz say it's not true because I read it too...I don't know why I did it.![]()
Sylar said:Well it doesn't really make sense anyways. We know he's an immigrant. Why would he be a LCPD cop?
No, I've had it for a while now, and I already signed up via the site and started adding people.painey said:are you buying an Xbox 360 for the first time Tuesday for GTA? Because if you sign up for a gamertag through the 360 you will get a free month right away, if you recover your gamertag you just made you wont get the free month.
Thrakier said:Why not? Maybe he wants revenge and so he had contact to the cops...
Himuro said:Added you to XBL, Iamthegamer!
Guys, I don't think I'll be able to play with you. At least, not close to release. I've had problems with XBL lately. My card was declined when I had Gold, and now for some reason I owe them a fee and I can't get on XBL until then.
Will the Free XBL Gold that comes with GTAIV allow me to have get online and I'll go back to having no gold after the month is up?
Or will I not be able to use it the Free XBL Gold until I straighten this out and pay the fucks?