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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Xdrive05 said:
I'd love to see the development numbers on this game: Days in full production, Number of employees, etc. This will probably be the premier "next-gen" title for scope of production.

Which makes you wonder: will they only get one more GTA out this gen? (surely they can't pop them out one right after another with this level of polish and content)

Well, they can pump out another with the same polish and content...but it would be just that, the same. The question is how much more do they need to add to wow gamers. A lot of the fundamentals are the same from GTA3 to San Andreas...I'm wondering if we'll see at least one more title based on this engine, and venturing into a different story in order to attract gamers.

I'm so glad this game got delayed. Had it not, it would have been a game that would potentially stellar. With the delay it looks like all that potential has been realized.
newsguy said:
I won't do it. Reason why? Cause when I see little things in Liberty City that R* threw in there for nostalgia, I want it to literally be nostalgic. I haven't played III in years.

I played it when it launched for the PS2 and then I completed it 100% when I picked up the Xbox double pack. I'm rushing through the story missions this time around. It aged very very well.


Felix Lighter said:
SA eh? The cool guys are playing GTA III.

SA is the only 3D gta I haven't finished...so I had to go back to it. I quit last time cause I couldn't finish the airplane training mission.

I played through III twice actually. Once on vanilla settings (pc version), and again with every car replaced with a real world alternative. I love mods :D


Will drop pants for Sony.
Felix Lighter said:
SA eh? The cool guys are playing GTA III.

What's so bad about San Andreas? I for one loved that game and it was the first GTA game I've played. I have recently bought GTAIII, so I see about that one.
neojubei said:
What's so bad about San Andreas? I for one loved that game and it was the first GTA game I've played. I have recently bought GTAIII, so I see about that one.

I was just joking around. Nothing wrong with playing San Andreas.:D

If you haven't play GTA III yet, you'll probably think it's relatively small and lacks a lot of features they added to the later games. Seeing that you played SA first and then GTA III, I'm curious how you'll feel about the game. Oh and you may find the lack of the main character having a voice odd. Give us some impressions of III if you get around to playing it.
Himuro said:
I have a fear he'd hate it. :( I mean, going from SA to III would be sooo weird. Give it a try though!

Nah. The game stands up very well. I prefer it to San Andreas personally but I do agree with you, Vice City is the best game in the series.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Felix Lighter said:
I was just joking around. Nothing wrong with playing San Andreas.:D

If you haven't play GTA III yet, you'll probably think it's relatively small and lacks a lot of features they added to the later games. Seeing that you played SA first and then GTA III, I'm curious how you'll feel about the game. Oh and you may find the lack of the main character having a voice odd. Give us some impressions of III if you get around to playing it.

Sure, if i can pry myself away from GTAIV when it comes out. I'll start playing GTAIII this weekend.


Himuro said:
I have a fear he'd hate it. :( I mean, going from SA to III would be sooo weird. Give it a try though!

III is more a pure experience than SA. SA was a bit too big and had almost too much stuff to do (much of it uninteresting). III had the best city(not too big, not too small, amazing layout), the best music (IMO) and some of the coolest supporting characters. I cannot fucking wait to re-visit LC, it looks like III's LC on crack :D


Himuro said:
I have a fear he'd hate it. :( I mean, going from SA to III would be sooo weird. Give it a try though!

I've gone from VC back to III, and I didn't hate it at all. I think I have my fondest memories of GTAIII because thats the first open world action game I ever played, knowing I could go anywhere in that whole world was mind boggling to me at the time. I ended up liking GTA:VC better than III, but only because of its more cohesive feel, with the 80's theme running through it so well.

Really, I didn't even miss having my main character speaking in III, since all the other characters make up for it so well.

And even now, finishing III twice, the third island is still unfamiliar to me, since I barely spent any mission time there (comparatively)


MercuryLS said:
III is more a pure experience than SA. SA was a bit too big and had almost too much stuff to do (much of it uninteresting). III had the best city(not too big, not too small, amazing layout), the best music (IMO) and some of the coolest supporting characters. I cannot fucking wait to re-visit LC, it looks like III's LC on crack :D


I will never forget the first mission I played in GTA III where you had to kill this chinese guy in a fish stand and before I could pop him he spotted me and took off running. I chased him down an alley and he ran across the street without looking when all of a sudden this speeding truck absolutely crushes him and I see "Mission Accomplished" on the screen. GTA III had me at "hello". :lol

GTA III was the best of the series in my opinion. People who haven't played it should play it just to experience the joy that is listening to Lazlow. :lol


MercuryLS said:
III is more a pure experience than SA. SA was a bit too big and had almost too much stuff to do (much of it uninteresting). III had the best city(not too big, not too small, amazing layout), the best music (IMO) and some of the coolest supporting characters. I cannot fucking wait to re-visit LC, it looks like III's LC on crack :D

Same for me. VC is the best in terms of features I cared about and added gameplay stuff etc (bikes so on) but I absolutely love everything else in GTAIII so much. Characters, the city (one of the reasons why I know I'm just going to love GTAIV so much) and overall story. I remember when you'd hear Maria on Chatterbox talking about how she's in love with you but how you're mute. "He don't talk too much." Fucking awesome. GTAIII also had Rise FM which is just WIN.


Tokubetsu said:
Same for me. VC is the best in terms of features I cared about and added gameplay stuff etc (bikes so on) but I absolutely love everything else in GTAIII so much. Characters, the city (one of the reasons why I know I'm just going to love GTAIV so much) and overall story. I remember when you'd hear Maria on Chatterbox talking about how she's in love with you but how you're mute. "He don't talk too much." Fucking awesome. GTAIII also had Rise FM which is just WIN.



I remember the NIGHT I got GTA3. It was so underhyped at first. I remember going into Wal-Mart to get a game (because my dad was in the hospital and I was young and my mom wanted me to cheer up) and I sat there looking and couldn't decide between Devil may Cry, a game I heard alot about or this unknown GTA3 with this cool cover.

Im glad I made the right choice.

I remember getting home and playing it for a second that night, then went back the next day with my friend who collectively said "HOLY SHIT". And the rest is history.

My favorite part of GTA3 is when Salvatore betrays you, and you get sent to that second island, but essentially you can't go back to the first island because the Triads and Italians will kill you on sight. So awesome.


Sylar said:
I remember the NIGHT I got GTA3. It was so underhyped at first. I remember going into Wal-Mart to get a game (because my dad was in the hospital and I was young and my mom wanted me to cheer up) and I sat there looking and couldn't decide between Devil may Cry, a game I heard alot about or this unknown GTA3 with this cool cover.

Im glad I made the right choice.

I remember getting home and playing it for a second that night, then went back the next day with my friend who collectively said "HOLY SHIT". And the rest is history.

My favorite part of GTA3 is when Salvatore betrays you, and you get sent to that second island, but essentially you can't go back to the first island because the Triads and Italians will kill you on sight. So awesome.

I remember getting GTA3, the game had next to no hype (except for some on GAF, that's actually what got me interested in it). So I went to my local flee market to pick it up, $35 new, the guy marked it down cause it wasn't moving (this was a day or two after release). I brought it home expecting it to me a decent game. It ended up grabbing me by the balls and kept me glued to the TV screen for 12hours straight, still the longest I've ever played a game in one sitting. By then end my muscles were tense, I was playing on a shitty 21" SDTV while sitting on a super uncomfortable wooden chair. It didn't matter cause I was so immersed in LC. I bought my PS3 for MGS2 but it was GTA3 that made me love the system.

Oh yeah, when I went back to the flee market a few weeks later the game was marked at $60 cause it was now hard to find. Within a few weeks GTA went from an underground game to a major blockbuster franchise. It was amazing to see.
When I first started playing GTA III, the first little mini-mission (driving to the safe house with 8 ball), I was underwhelmed because I didn't understand what the game was all about. The graphics weren't impressive. Then I grabbed the baseball bat and started walking around town, beating random pedestrians and I realized how free you were to do whatever you wanted in a giant open world. It just clicked.


Oh GTA III reminiscing time? All I will say is that for me, it changed gaming forever. I would sit in the living room for hours. My mom would see it and even she knew that awesomeness was in the air. It's literally the most "wow" i've ever experienced in a game. Like it's been said in the hype thread, until games get jacked directly into our brains, there won't be another gaming experience like the first time I played 3D GTA.

Alex P

Just a heads up, if you plan on getting the game for the PlayStation 3 and want it Day 1, it might be a smart idea to preorder it first.

S'all I'm saying...

*Alex P walks away whistling


Will drop pants for Sony.
Alex P said:
Just a heads up, if you plan on getting the game for the PlayStation 3 and want it Day 1, it might be a smart idea to preorder it first.

S'all I'm saying...

*Alex P walks away whistling

I already have the PS3 CE pre-ordered at Amazon with 1 day shipping using Amazon Prime. :D
Since I skipped last generation entirely (I know, I know...) I picked up GTA:VC to see what the fuss was about and I had a similar reaction: with the cheesy graphics and lack of linearity, I thought "what's the big deal?". But I think it was the moment you had to fly a RC helicopter that I was like "holy shit!". The sense of freedom and sheer variety the game brings is incredible. And though it's been said a hundred times before, it's the city that becomes the main attraction, the simple fact that you feel as if you're provisionally inhabiting this cool, interesting, ironic world. I have never pre-ordered a game in my life - until GTA IV. This is gonna' be huge.


somuchwater said:
Since I skipped last generation entirely (I know, I know...) I picked up GTA:VC to see what the fuss was about and I had a similar reaction: with the cheesy graphics and lack of linearity, I thought "what's the big deal?". But I think it was the moment you had to fly a RC helicopter that I was like "holy shit! this is fucking frustrating, GTAIII was better". The sense of freedom and sheer variety the game brings is incredible. And though it's been said a hundred times before, it's the city that becomes the main attraction, the simple fact that you feel as if you're provisionally inhabiting this cool, interesting, ironic world. I have never pre-ordered a game in my life - until GTA IV. This is gonna' be huge.

Fixed. And I agree.
MercuryLS said:
I remember getting GTA3, the game had next to no hype (except for some on GAF, that's actually what got me interested in it). So I went to my local flee market to pick it up, $35 new, the guy marked it down cause it wasn't moving (this was a day or two after release). I brought it home expecting it to me a decent game. It ended up grabbing me by the balls and kept me glued to the TV screen for 12hours straight, still the longest I've ever played a game in one sitting. By then end my muscles were tense, I was playing on a shitty 21" SDTV while sitting on a super uncomfortable wooden chair. It didn't matter cause I was so immersed in LC. I bought my PS3 for MGS2 but it was GTA3 that made me love the system.

Oh yeah, when I went back to the flee market a few weeks later the game was marked at $60 cause it was now hard to find. Within a few weeks GTA went from an underground game to a major blockbuster franchise. It was amazing to see.

Man, while we're going down memory lane...

I was so hyped for GTAIII. I rushed to Wal-Mart to pick it up on my lunch break, then drove home super fast to play it. I couldn't believe how crazy it was. Starting out by grabbing a car, the first radio station that kicked in was the talk station. Everything was just so epic about it. Then I had to shut it off and go back to school. But after school, I played it nonstop until about midnight.

Himuro said:
I think I'm the only person in the world who never had a problem with that RC helicoptor mission. All you have to do is barely fly in the guys, and it's instant death because of the blade. Then drop the dynamite on top of the barrel. Simple.

Same. Took me three tries if I remember correctly.
Fuck the Triads. They're bitches. What kind of gang drives around in fish trucks and runs laundromats? Now, the Colombian Cartel, those bastards meant business.


Alex P said:
Just a heads up, if you plan on getting the game for the PlayStation 3 and want it Day 1, it might be a smart idea to preorder it first.

S'all I'm saying...

*Alex P walks away whistling

I've been procrastinating for the last couple weeks on if I should pre-order or not. Guess I'll just get it over with now.


Himuro said:
The first time I played GTA3 it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life. I had played GTA previously, through the top down iterations, but I wasn't a super big fan.

But the first time I play through that game, man...it was the most amazing thing. I couldn't believe it was possible.

Me and this dude would exchange stories about our experiences in GTA3 in art class all the time and holy shit, he really had a vendetta against the Triads. :lol

You remember that tanner mission? I always hated that mission, the moment you touch him you get 4 stars and the cops gangbang your ass. So I came up with an ingenious plan:

1) Memorize his route.

2) Drive up ahead and wait for him with a rocket launcher

In theory this plan is fool proof, but I forgot to account for the randomness of the GTA world. I get set up and wait patiently for him all the while patting myself on the back for thinking up of such clever plan to beat this annoying mission. Anyways, so here I am aiming through first person with the rocket launcher, he comes into view and I take him out clean with one perfect shot right at his hood. You see 4 stars pop-up then disappear in a flash. I get up to cheer, pumping my fist in the air when the craziest thing happened. You see I didn't factor in the momentum of the car in all of this, the rocket barely put a dent in the cars speed. You can guess what happened next, the flaming piece of shit runs me over and "Wasted" flashes on screen. I couldn't fucking believe it, I was speechless. I burst out laughing at how fucked up this all was, but at the same time I was pissed that I failed the mission again even after all that planning. It was at this moment that I went from liking GTA to absolutely adoring it. The best feeling was knowing that this story was mine and that it (most probably) has never happened to anyone else playing this game. Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. Good fucking times.


Alex P said:
Just a heads up, if you plan on getting the game for the PlayStation 3 and want it Day 1, it might be a smart idea to preorder it first.

S'all I'm saying...

*Alex P walks away whistling

Why is that? :)


Love the GTA III stories, keep them coming.

Personal stories are what makes GTA games special. For the first time, in GTA III, you didn't have to follow a set-path to complete a mission, doing everything just right to be successful. You were allowed--and encouraged--to improvise.

One of my favorite things to do was to jack cars and set up roadblocks whenever I had to slow down a car carrying my target. Then, with the subject car usually ramming the roadblock trying to get through, I would rocket blast the roadblock or throw grenades at one of the roadblocked cars, creating a chain reaction of explosions which would usually take out the car with guy I had to kill. I did that once at the entrance to Salvatore's waterfront mansion (if you recall, it was flanked by concrete walls on both sides) and couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.

Also, jacking someones car, setting a bomb in it, putting the car back, arming the bomb and watching the poor dude get blown up when he started the car NEVER got old. :lol


y'all should be ashamed
I'd always make up my own games to play within GTA III...when you do a driveby on a car, usually it stops and the driver makes a run for it. But sometimes there will be a car that floors it and runs full speed through traffic...and that's where the game gets brilliant. I never used my guns at that point and would just play a game of chase with my car...nothing was more satisfying than finally beating down that driver in the end.

That was my most favorite memory of GTA III. I hope this can be done in IV. :D
Oddly enough I'm most excited to experience one of the game's thunderstorms. I can only hope there's such a thing as wind in the game, even gale force at times... but that's dreaming.


MercuryLS said:
In theory this plan is fool proof, but I forgot to account for the randomness of the GTA world. I get set up and wait patiently for him all the while patting myself on the back for thinking up of such clever plan to beat this annoying mission. Anyways, so here I am aiming through first person with the rocket launcher, he comes into view and I take him out clean with one perfect shot right at his hood. You see 4 stars pop-up then disappear in a flash. I get up to cheer, pumping my fist in the air when the craziest thing happened. You see I didn't factor in the momentum of the car in all of this, the rocket barely put a dent in the cars speed. You can guess what happened next, the flaming piece of shit runs me over and "Wasted" flashes on screen. I couldn't fucking believe it, I was speechless. I burst out laughing at how fucked up this all was, but at the same time I was pissed that I failed the mission again even after all that planning. It was at this moment that I went from liking GTA to absolutely adoring it. The best feeling was knowing that this story was mine and that it (most probably) has never happened to anyone else playing this game. Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. Good fucking times.

Mmm-mmmm. That is a tasty story

You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?

Mr. Spinnington said:
Oddly enough I'm most excited to experience one of the game's thunderstorms. I can only hope there's such a thing as wind in the game, even gale force at times... but that's dreaming.

GTAIII, Vice City, and San Andreas all had thunderstorms complete with wind. It didn't have force to it or anything though. I'd love to fly a chopper in a windstorm. :lol


disappeared said:
GTAIII, Vice City, and San Andreas all had thunderstorms complete with wind. It didn't have force to it or anything though.
Light planes handled a little funny in SA storms didn't they?


y'all should be ashamed
Himuro said:
I was addicted to jumping on top of car roofs and owning everyone from the top, while the driver panics because there's some goddamn lunatic throwing grenades and firing shotgun shells on his car's roof.

Yes! I'd do that too, except if they took off I'd stay on the hood and fire at people around me, Virtua Cop style.


Mr. Spinnington said:
Oddly enough I'm most excited to experience one of the game's thunderstorms. I can only hope there's such a thing as wind in the game, even gale force at times... but that's dreaming.
A well implemented heavy storm would be great to see coupled with Euphoria.

..and speaking of which, I hate that there isn't seasons or snow in this game. I would've loved to see how everything reacts to ice or the ground being slippery.
disappeared said:
GTAIII, Vice City, and San Andreas all had thunderstorms complete with wind. It didn't have force to it or anything though. I'd love to kick a fly a chopper in a windstorm. :lol
You've also got to think that this game is coded with 5.1 in mind, as well as the new lighting effects it'll use. The snippets I've seen in trailers look like they'll be something else.
Grayman said:
Light planes handled a little funny in SA storms didn't they?

Maybe they did, yeah. Can't remember all that well.

Mr. Spinnington said:
You've also got to think that this game is coded with 5.1 in mind, as well as the new lighting effects it'll use. The snippets I've seen in trailers look like they'll be something else.

Man, I envy people with a good surround sound setup and a sub right about now.

Oh, and Spinnington, you should put Mr. Goodman in a walking avatar.


Standing on the tops of moving cars probably won't work with euphoria. It will be one of the first things I try though


How difficult will it be to walk into a Best Buy and just pick up the PS3 version on the 29th? Should I worry about pre-ordering? I didn't with Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy and was fine.


bridegur said:
How difficult will it be to walk into a Best Buy and just pick up the PS3 version on the 29th? Should I worry about pre-ordering? I didn't with Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy and was fine.
No clue, but if you're lazy you could just pre-order it on the website and choose in-store pickup.

That's what I did.


I wonder how a mid air copter vs copter crash would be. Thats one way to get the fuzz off your boss in that Team Mafiya game. All for one mode of course.

Grayman said:
Standing on the tops of moving cars probably won't work with euphoria. It will be one of the first things I try though

Cant you hold onto bumpers?
bridegur said:
How difficult will it be to walk into a Best Buy and just pick up the PS3 version on the 29th? Should I worry about pre-ordering? I didn't with Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy and was fine.

Some places are doing midnight launches, so if you're up at 12am maybe take a drive downtown or something. I'm pretty sure most stores will sell out their initial shipments in the first couple days, if not sooner.


y'all should be ashamed
bridegur said:
How difficult will it be to walk into a Best Buy and just pick up the PS3 version on the 29th? Should I worry about pre-ordering? I didn't with Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy and was fine.

Well, they say the launch of GTAIV will be the biggest opening in entertainment history, raking in an unheard of $400+ million on the first few days alone.

So I would be pretty worried right about now.
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