Xdrive05 said:I'd love to see the development numbers on this game: Days in full production, Number of employees, etc. This will probably be the premier "next-gen" title for scope of production.
Which makes you wonder: will they only get one more GTA out this gen? (surely they can't pop them out one right after another with this level of polish and content)
Well, they can pump out another with the same polish and content...but it would be just that, the same. The question is how much more do they need to add to wow gamers. A lot of the fundamentals are the same from GTA3 to San Andreas...I'm wondering if we'll see at least one more title based on this engine, and venturing into a different story in order to attract gamers.
I'm so glad this game got delayed. Had it not, it would have been a game that would potentially stellar. With the delay it looks like all that potential has been realized.