calder said:About 24 hours to go for me.![]()
23h for me.
I'm actually looking forward to the workday, it should take my mind off the game.
calder said:About 24 hours to go for me.![]()
76 hours for me. ;_;calder said:About 24 hours to go for me.![]()
Onix said:Does anyone think the SE is worth it, or should I cancel my Amazon pre-order and just get the regular one tomorrow night?
MercuryLS said:23h for me.
I'm actually looking forward to the workday, it should take my mind off the game.
disappeared said:After calling EB today and finding out that I couldn't upgrade my regular edition to the special edition, I actually thought about whether or not the added stuff would be worth my money. And to be honest, I'm happy now with my regular edition. The lockbox is nice, but I'd never use it, the duffel bag is cool but I never travel or take a bag with me anywhere, and I'd probably only listen the soundtrack once or twice. The only thing I'm missing is the nice lollipop girl artwork. But I can just find the picture on the net and set it as my PS3 wallpaper.
No installation option available on the 360.cordonbleu said:Ive been reading in places about some sort of 'optional install' for the 360 version of the game, is that a fact
TTG said::lol
dedhead54 said:I am still on the fence in between the regular and SE. I probably will decide when I get the game tomorrow night. I kind of am trying to save money at the moment, but it's fucking GTAIV and I might as well go all out. Granted I'll never use the box or the bag.
bishoptl said:No installation option available on the 360.
painey said:Special Edition is online only
dedhead54 said:Um... Come again? Sure about that?
Keyser Soze said:18 hours bitches (Ireland midnight opening)
Keyser Soze said:I think the SE is online only in Europe
dedhead54 said:I'm only 24 minutes in so far. There hasn't been any storyline spoilers up to this point. If you have been in complete blackout mode and really have no clue what the deal is with this game I wouldn't listen, but if you have only avoided storyline spoilers you're fine.
Whaaat....happened.. there? I could have sworn someone just asked about the podcast??...
Remy said:A few more notes from the remainder of my playing this evening. I don't consider any of this a spoiler because I'm not giving away plot points, but if you're trying to be completely blindsided by a game, then skip the rest of this post (and why are you in this thread to begin with?):
- Got my internet access set up in the game, and holy shit are there a lot of parody sites. You can't do much with any of them, but...lots of fun stuff to read, if you're into that sort of thing.
- BenjaminBirdie, I did make it to the Steinway Beer Garden. It's not quite as mammoth as the Astoria Beer Garden, but it made me smile.
- I've now also played darts and pool, in addition to the bowling earlier. Pool is pretty unforgiving physics wise; darts is pretty easy.
- At the beginning of the game, they tell you that you can't go into Algonquin - a word to the wise: don't try. Getting near the barricade on the bridges gives you an instant unshakeable six-star wanted level. I found this out the hard way.
- The gunplay? So much better than the previous games. The cover system and the targeting feel good.
- I did find one pigeon; it had a little red light around it, much like dropped weapons do. They explode in a nice puff of feathers.
- Despite all the warnings against doing so, I did drive drunk in the game. I drove a whopping 200 feet to a diner so I could sober up.
- I wish the toll bridges had an EZ-Pass lane.
- There's a nice little tutorial for how multiplayer works. I haven't played an MP game yet but I ran through this. So many games tend to skip actually telling you how to play MP.
It snowed 20+ inches at my house on Friday. I usually take the bus, and that entails walking about 2 miles. Stop your bitchinGrimm Fandango said:Crap my weather forecast for Monday night is in the mid 30s (F) and I have to walk about 15 minutes to the store. Just when I get sick of the recent hot weather, I get shat all over upon.
Sounds like my in Illinois? Ive gotta walk a ridiculous 3 minutes to Gamestop but yeah, its supposed to be a chilly one.Grimm Fandango said:Crap my weather forecast for Monday night is in the mid 30s (F) and I have to walk about 15 minutes to the store. Just when I get sick of the recent hot weather, I get shat all over upon.
Keyser Soze said:I just opened Word to write something, and notice "Times New Roman"
...I then started to think about GTA some more!
Pachael said:There has to be a mission in GTA4 that parodies this. It's too good to miss! Times (Square), New (Wardrobe?), Roman. Or some other mission name that relates to math/sex (Times/Multiply), eg. Times New Romans where Roman gets freaked out over a prostitute that's claiming to have his babies after a one-night stand and Nico's job is to talk her over, if you know what I mean*.
* I made that all up, of course.
You just spoiled the last mission...Keyser Soze said:There should be a pornstar / prostitute in the game called Alotta Times
She should have a past with Roman Bellic
She should make an apparence in the game
She pisses Roman off in some way
Roman asks Nico to kill her
The mission should be called "Times Knew Roman"
gnarkill bill said:To help pass the time:
Yoboman said:So I'm getting impatient and think I might read a review... What's the best written review so far?
I heard it's spoilerish though, or I would've gone there by defaultKeyser Soze said:Eurogamer seems to hit on all the right points
disappeared said:Nice mix man!
Remy said:- Got my internet access set up in the game, and holy shit are there a lot of parody sites. You can't do much with any of them, but...lots of fun stuff to read, if you're into that sort of thing.
dedhead54 said:There is some excellent music in that mix, Ben. Thanks! Minus the Bear, LCD Soundsystem, Ghostface...some of my favorites.