Mr. Spinnington
DON'T POST UNLESS IT'S ABOUT SOCIAL CLUB BEING UPj-wood said:Woot! I just picked up my dualshock 3.
GTA4 does support it correct?
DON'T POST UNLESS IT'S ABOUT SOCIAL CLUB BEING UPj-wood said:Woot! I just picked up my dualshock 3.
GTA4 does support it correct?
chubigans said:Alright, is there anyone here on GAF that's actually going to go for the top ten people (or whatever it was) who finish the game first?
Sylar said:Am I the only one whose not going to ever touch multiplayer?
Also i'm getting it once Best Buy opens that morning and have until like 2 to play it![]()
I'm sure they thought of that, the leaderboard probably only counts games that were started on the 29th or later.Zoink said:I assume that will be 10 games journos/bloggers who have already finished the game on a preview copy and with early access to a retail copy...
SuperEnemyCrab said:Im more excited about multiplayer than single player, TBQH.
dork said:Will free roam mode have cops? The multiplayer free roam
must. resist. posting. blanket. statement. that "No one plays GTA for multiplayer. They play for singleplayer and DJ banter".._tetsuo_ said:Why would you avoid the multiplayer? Its going to add so much more to the game...
Yep. Cops, peds, traffic, everything. With host control, of course.dork said:Will free roam mode have cops? The multiplayer free roam
dork said:Will free roam mode have cops? The multiplayer free roam
raYne said:must. resist. posting. blanket. statement. that "No one plays GTA for multiplayer. They play for singleplayer and DJ banter"..
*whew* That was close.
Van volwaardige coöperatieve mode is misschien geen sprake, maar er werd ons beloofd dat dit in ieder geval niet de enige coöpmissie zal zijn.
I hope not. Also, it was stressed in a few interviews that it's "over" 15 mp modes. So I can't wait to see what the others are.MMaRsu said:It seems Hangman's Noose won't be the only coop mission available, this is from a Dutch hands-on of the MP :
"There is no full coop story mode, however we were told that this won't be the only coop mission. "
But this IS from a DUTCH hands-on and it's something that can never be trusted 100%.
Shouldn't be a problem.neojubei said:yup, but the host can control whether they are in the multi-player or not.
Question: In multi-player can the host choose to have predestrians and no cops or we cannot have one without the other.
I want to create a multi-player session with only predestrians and have my friends and I go wild in a city with no cops.![]()
dork said:Excellent. If this game has a good lobby system, then goodbye every other game...ever
In most of the previews, the media weren't shown any of the matchmaking or lobby systems. It seems Rockstar just put them in games that were already up and running.Kordos said:Yeah. I've heard no one mention "matchmaking", and I'm afraid to ask lest my fears confirmed.
Just going to wait patiently to find out... so patiently...
MMaRsu said:Man I got my shit all ready for GTAIV to play[IMG][/QUOTE]
garbage angels!
MMaRsu said:
homez99 said:Glad to see you upgraded from the Shadowrun days.
Make sure you move that body bag under the trash pile. Wouldn't want your GTA experience to be distracted by that.MMaRsu said:
MMaRsu said:It seems Hangman's Noose won't be the only coop mission available, this is from a Dutch hands-on of the MP :
"There is no full coop story mode, however we were told that this won't be the only coop mission. "
But this IS from a DUTCH hands-on and it's something that can never be trusted 100%.
Bossman said:Well obviously there are going to be more than 1 co-op mission. Hangman's Noose will be fun for couple hours but after you have completed it half a dozen times, you don't want to play it again.
MMaRsu said:Man I got my shit all ready for GTAIV to play
Yeah, the host options are crazy. There's going to be lots of variety in the way you can set things up. I can't wait to try having tank races.Goreomedy said:With all the host options, I think you're grossly underestimating this mode's depth.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Yeah, the host options are crazy. There's going to be lots of variety in the way you can set things up. I can't wait to try having tank races.![]()
This is going to be the longest 11 days ever.
:*(newsguy said:What tanks![]()
For a bag I'll never use, a lockbox that'll just take up space and a partial sample soundtrack & small limited art book? Not really.XenonOxide said:I've pre-ordered meself the Special Edition for 360 month ago for £70 but after seeing all the stuff you get with it I'm having second thoughts, is it actually worth getting the special edtion? I am a fan of series ever since the first GTA, but I'm unsure about the Special Edtion. What do you guys think? Is it worth the extra £30?
XenonOxide said:I've pre-ordered meself the Special Edition for 360 month ago for £70 but after seeing all the stuff you get with it I'm having second thoughts, is it actually worth getting the special edtion? I am a fan of series ever since the first GTA, but I'm unsure about the Special Edtion. What do you guys think? Is it worth the extra £30?
Have they really said no tanks? I thought they just haven't been mentioned yet.newsguy said:What tanks![]()
You know, if people followed my instructions that wouldn't happen...MMaRsu said:Not to me. But if you like it keep it.
I wouldn't buy it but I'm pressed for monies right now anyway
Goreomedy said:![]()
It was the 374th time I heard the neon hum of the Social Club sign that my mind finally snapped.
raYne said:You know, if people followed my instructions that wouldn't happen...
blanky said:maybe the dates on their pc's are wrong![]()
Ya, no shit. :lolMMaRsu said:Dude I'm always pressed for monies, I spent way too much money on way too much shit I don't really need.
you're getting the 360 one right?BobFromPikeCreek said:AGGGGGHHH I NEED THIS GAME.
I finished finals yesterday and now my hype has quadrupled. And it was already overwhelming.
Yes. Yes I am and yes we will.Mr. Spinnington said:you're getting the 360 one right?
cause if you are we can shoot each other in the head online
BobFromPikeCreek said:Yeah, the host options are crazy. There's going to be lots of variety in the way you can set things up. I can't wait to try having tank races.![]()
This is going to be the longest 11 days ever.
Bossman said:Yes.
GTA 4 multiplayer is something really unique and fresh. The singleplayer is same old stuff with better graphics.
Bossman said:Well obviously there are going to be more than 1 co-op mission. Hangman's Noose will be fun for couple hours but after you have completed it half a dozen times, you don't want to play it again.
disappeared said:I'm more looking forward to single player, but I'll hop online on PSN to join some GAF crew.
MMaRsu said:m8 I purchased Shadowrun couple days back, wanna play a couple of games soon?