MiamiWesker said:I cant get online in the PS3 version. Is this happening with everyone?
Papercuts said:I like the graphics, but I was really stunned at the thunderstorm, made the game look incredible. People walking down the streets with umbrellas or covering their head with a newspaper, crackling lightning, you can see the sidewalks glisten, and the roads make driving cars a lot more fun.![]()
I agree totallychubigans said:I think the graphics really strive to achieve a style that some here don't like...I love it. It looks amazing...really, really amazing.
But, maybe that's just me.
xS1TH L0RDx said:just about, yes.
krackerjack said:Hey guys
I know this sounds really REALLY noobish, but how do you get online with the PS3 version? It just starts me straight to the main game and I can't figure out how to get the thing to go to multiplayer!
Thanks in advance!
Wow, just came here to post that.DaCocoBrova said:On foot controls should be a lot more responsive. For example, I'd really appreciate the whole Gears' 'snap to' thing when it comes to ladders and such.
Kind of a waste to have nailed everything else so perfectly, but skimp on the playability in that regard.
I assume its the same as 360. Open up your Cell Phone. Its up on the D-Pad in the 360 version.krackerjack said:Hey guys
I know this sounds really REALLY noobish, but how do you get online with the PS3 version? It just starts me straight to the main game and I can't figure out how to get the thing to go to multiplayer!
Thanks in advance!
Ferrio said:This recent? Last night I had no troubles...
Use the traditional trick: Look backward to regain orientation when in a car. It's the only way.Pimpwerx said:The driving camera is garbage. Well, the camera in general is pretty crap. It's better than past games on-foot, but the driving cam seems like a step back. I use the most distant view, but it still can't keep up. The worst is changing elevation and not having the camera adjust in time. It makes driving a chore. If there was auto-sprint/run, I'd travel on foot, taking the subway whenever I could. PEACE.
Scotch said:I have to say though, that 10 IGN gave for the graphics is a FUCKING JOKE. I really love the overall look, but it definitely has some problems, like the framerate, dithered shadows, etc.
Pimpwerx said:The driving camera is garbage. Well, the camera in general is pretty crap. It's better than past games on-foot, but the driving cam seems like a step back. I use the most distant view, but it still can't keep up. The worst is changing elevation and not having the camera adjust in time. It makes driving a chore. If there was auto-sprint/run, I'd travel on foot, taking the subway whenever I could. PEACE.
Truelize said:So are packages in this game? I haven't found one yet
I would pay any amount for DLC jetpack.Kittonwy said:I used to just run all over the place in San Andreas, I figure on-foot is probably my favorite way of getting around in the game aside from the jetpack
Eric WK said:They're flying rats (pigeons).
lol I just climbed that. It was like living out one my real life fantasies :lol I've always been too chicken to climb the fence (it's all boarded up IRL).El_TigroX said:the MGS3 Ladder of Forever ALMOST has rival... the ladder in Meadows Park to get up into the tower... LONG.
xS1TH L0RDx said:how are you guys liking the radio stations?
i'll spoiler tag this just in case...
i almost fell out of my chair laughing when the female caller was bitching about how her husband is a fantasy game nerd and refers to her as a troll in bed and every time he does her from behind he shouts "2 damage 2 damage" :lol :lol :lol
Yeah that was hilarious... I'm really liking the TV shows too.xS1TH L0RDx said:how are you guys liking the radio stations?
i'll spoiler tag this just in case...
i almost fell out of my chair laughing when the female caller was bitching about how her husband is a fantasy game nerd and refers to her as a troll in bed and every time he does her from behind he shouts "2 damage 2 damage" :lol :lol :lol
NameGenerated said:Aye, I would like to know this as well. 1080p 360 Version is Jaggie-central
Scotch said:I have to say though, that 10 IGN gave for the graphics is a FUCKING JOKE. I really love the overall look, but it definitely has some problems, like the framerate, dithered shadows, etc.
Truelize said:Haha. Do I have to shoot them outta the air or something? Or they just sit there? Are they even noticeable? I spent a good amount of time walking down alleys looking for stuff and never noticed anything remotely like a pickup.
I thought that was really sillly aswell, but I'm assuming you can probably beat the main story in 15-20 hours if you really wanted to.painey said:that 30 hour achievement has me pissed off beyond belief.. i want to enjoy the game and watch TV, look for pigeons, explore.. but this achievement to beat the story in 30 hours is constantly hanging over me.. i hate the idea of blocking it off and i dont want to play through again.. really, really fucking stupid to put it in if you ask me.
push up again on the d-pad.krackerjack said:Yeah guys I can't connect to any type of multiplayer....heck when I try to dial a number into the phone...alls I can do is bring up the cell phone where it says "multiplayer" do I dial numbers into the phone?
Windu said:Has anyone tried driving to the middle island when its locked? I tried with a motocycle, and didn't last long. Another time I drove a boat over there, didn't even get to a dock on the other side. :lol
I agree, the driving camera is a pain, I always have to adjust it because it goes under the car for no god damn reason. I'm going up a hill and it can't keep up, that's annoying.Pimpwerx said:The driving camera is garbage. Well, the camera in general is pretty crap. It's better than past games on-foot, but the driving cam seems like a step back. I use the most distant view, but it still can't keep up. The worst is changing elevation and not having the camera adjust in time. It makes driving a chore. If there was auto-sprint/run, I'd travel on foot, taking the subway whenever I could. PEACE.
acevans2 said:push up again on the d-pad.
Did you see the tutorial on that?krackerjack said:Yeah guys I can't connect to any type of multiplayer....heck when I try to dial a number into the phone...alls I can do is bring up the cell phone where it says "multiplayer" do I dial numbers into the phone?