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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Does anyone agree with me that, the decision to boot you back to the Single Player load screen when you can't connect to a game, just sucks balls? Especially when it happens ALOT.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Fixed2BeBroken said:
My holy shit moment was playing a game of cops and crooks. That mode is just ridiculously fun for some reason

I absolutely love watching people swim for 10 minutes in a video game.


Costanza said:
Are there seriously episodes of 72 on the TV? I need to see!

I can't wait to watch that show. I have been doing missions all day, time to curl up on the couch and watch some Liberty City TV. If it's anything like Republican Space Rangers, im in!


Lonestar said:

Yep...a Stripper in the Rain, with an Umbrella. And a Thong.
A well made gif. :lol


dralla said:
Where do you have to park the car in order for it to save? My cars always disappear in front of the Safe House

Turn on your bright headlights if you cant see the parking spot. Also helps to move the camera over your vehicle. 2 cars can fit, multiple bikes, or a big ass truck.
Haha after bring home Roman, I parked too close to another car so he had to come out on my side of the car. So he punched Niko and forces him out of the vehicle. :lol


Same thing happened to me. Parked it right in the middle of the rectangle (it says RESERVED), saved the game and quit. When I loaded up the game again, it was gone. It was that Merc CLK Convertible w/ voice-navigation and the speakers between the seats. So nice... :(
Riding in a cab and looking out the window, the game seems about 80% of the way to being photorealistic, which if you think about it is an absolutely huge achievement. They replicate the experience almost perfectly.


Tiduz said:
Game just got stuck on the same mission 2 times
After Romans place got burned down and you meet the rapper and need to follow the drugdealer without getting to close

The chase is really fucking long too so im done for today, hope it isnt a bug on my disc or something, that would really suck.


Don't freak out...I've had mine lock up 3 times now on my 80 gig...it just happens sometimes. Completely random. With this much code and shit being shoved around I knew it'd happen here and there.


my "holy shit" moment was
on the mission from Mikhail where you must kill the guy at the train station
I got to the station and as the guy was running, I crossed the tracks and started to chase him down the stairs, bear in mind the stairs are LONG and straight leading from the station right to the pavement, anyway as I ran i knocked a guy back who fell onto the stairs and proceeded to roll down the 300 odd stairs, rolling and bouncing in the most realistic way until finally he came to a stop face down at the very last steps, where i jumped over him and chased my man down.


Just picked up my copy, 360 version, my local Hastings sold completely out of the PS3 version, there were about 40 copies left of the 360.


Himuro said:
The number is busy, just like any other number I find in the city that's not 911 or a friend's number. I heard you could call every number you see in the city and get a response? I called some numbers posted inside cabs while ride in one and it's always busy. Heh.

No I mean in real life.


Well, my game just froze up my PS3 again. Normally I would be irate at this type of thing, but this game is so fucking good, I almost don't care. GOTY IMO, even with the glitches.


Revolutionary said:
Crap, my PS3 just froze for the first time. Nooooo!!! ;(
Same here..fuck.

edit: took my first drive through "times square" at nighttime. fucking UHMAZING. the most beautiful thing I've seen in the game yet.
Teknoman said:
No I mean in real life.

555 is a universally used (well, at least in the US) "fake" phone number prefix. Almost every TV show, movie, etc. uses "555" numbers because they are set aside for use as fakes in fiction. Unless I'm mistaken, the phone companies do not assign "555" numbers for this reason.

EDIT/Correction - Most 555's are fake, but there are a few directory services that use it.

See the following Wikipedia entry

So, I'm playing this on the 360. Every once in a while the game will just shut down and the "disc unreadable... wipe disc on your pants or somethin'" message comes up. I read on Kotaku that there are reports of the game freezing on both consoles at the start screen.

Anybody else having this problem? Really frustrating, and I'm not sure if it's the game or my console.


Well, I need guns, but if pigeons don't move, there's on in the park, and one on top of the old roller coaster.

rofl. Screw guns, killing pigeons with Molotov's = 100 times more fun.


If anyone wants a nice car
there's a Turismo showroom opposite the northernmost Perseus in Manhattan. You can drive a car through the window if the doors are locked.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tralfamadore64 said:
So, I'm playing this on the 360. Every once in a while the game will just shut down and the "disc unreadable... wipe disc on your pants or somethin'" message comes up. I read on Kotaku that there are reports of the game freezing on both consoles at the start screen.

Anybody else having this problem? Really frustrating, and I'm not sure if it's the game or my console.
The freeze thing seems to be a PS3 problem. You probably jsut have a bad disc.
Well after having played the previous three GTA's (Vice City being my favorite) I wasn't all interested in getting into GTAIV. Games were fun but San Adreas did nothing for me (maybe one day I'll play it more and try to complete it)

I only slowly started getting hype for this game right near the end. So I picked it up and all I can say is that I'm in wow. I've played a good 5-6 hours and have only progressed about two missions in. The rest of the time was me walking around, taking drives, and playing multiplayer.

While the game has some frame rate issues, pop in, blah blah blah technical bullshit, this game is unmatched when it comes to free roaming titles. Never have I stepped foot into a game that struck such a realistic cord with me.

And the humor is ace. The commercial for the burger joint is hilarious. "That was one awesome fucking burger" or something alone those lines. :lol

So anyways, while a ton of people are picking the game apart from its ass to it balls, I'm just highly enjoying what will probably turn out to be one of my favorite games of the year. This experience will be hard to top. Bravo Rockstar!
Tralfamadore64 said:
So, I'm playing this on the 360. Every once in a while the game will just shut down and the "disc unreadable... wipe disc on your pants or somethin'"

The problem other folks are having are hard crashes. Yours is just a disc-read problem. I'd say you have a bad disc or dying drive.

You can try one of those dry lens cleaning discs, it might help, but don't tell anybody at MS you tried it if it doesn't
Iamthegamer said:
The freeze thing seems to be a PS3 problem. You probably jsut have a bad disc.

I've heard of it happening on both, like I said. Who knows, though. I'm going to try it for a bit longer. It only happened when I tried
to take Michelle on a second date
. So I'm gonna avoid that event and see what happens.

Doc Evils

Did anyone else find the
Roman as hostage
mission emotional? The way Niko was screaming no one fucks with his family was very well acted.
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