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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


bigmakstudios said:
How could I improve my driving? I mean... I guess I'm not totally horrible at it, but I have trouble taking sharp turns. And I'm sure there's going to be a lot of driving missions in the game.

Just break when coming up to at turn, kinda alternate between break and the gas depending on what kinda of vehicle it is, then after you've started to turn, gun it.

EDIT: Yup now I can fly down the free way in between cars without bumping anything...unless some ass pulls out without his/her blinker on.
Looking forward to some online crazy GAF chases friday.


chubigans said:
You have to lay off the gas and use the handbrake only when doing 180-360 degree spins.

I've gone from crashing into everything to darting between traffic and sliding into turns like a pro. Real life level-up ftw.

Yea, once I got used to it I can dart in and out pretty effectively. It's also a good idea not to floor it everywhere (like real life, whowuddathunk!)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Playing Cops 'n Crooks right now with 14 players... OMG, seriously... no words... contain... feelings....


flinging feces ---->
chubigans said:
You have to lay off the gas and use the handbrake only when doing 180-360 degree spins.

I've gone from crashing into everything to darting between traffic and sliding into turns like a pro. Real life level-up ftw.

Sometimes it's hard to reconcile life and racing games, for me. What works in real driving, doesn't seem to work in racing games. Case in point: my friend beats me in Forza 2 when he holds both the break and the gas triggers around turns. I let go of the gas and apply the brakes but that doesn't get me anywhere (or I'm just naturally inept when it comes to driving games).

Whatever the case, what's the deal with GTA IV: do I press the right trigger halfway ("easing off the gas") and apply the breaks while turning, or do I completely let go of the gas trigger, and apply brakes to turn around sharp corners?


People called Romanes they go the house?
Anyone got any good clothing locations in the first island? The initial Russian shop is wearing a bit thin, and I can't seem to find any others.


snack said:
Holy fuck. I just did the bank mission that has been shown in all the trailers.


what's the mission right before it called ?

i want to save my game right after the mission before it, so i can play the bank mission over and over
blanky said:
that Retail Therapy achievement - for getting someone to sell guns from his car to you - does this naturally happen from the story or do I have to work for it?

Depends. Do you really consider playing pool and eating food with Little Jacob "working"? maybe you should play him some "Uncle" Bob Marley on the drive over.

Teknoman said:
Should've sent a poet?




dirtmonkey37 said:
Sometimes it's hard to reconcile life and racing games, for me. What works in real driving, doesn't seem to work in racing games. Case in point: my friend beats me in Forza 2 when he holds both the break and the gas triggers around turns. I let go of the gas and apply the brakes but that doesn't get me anywhere (or I'm just naturally inept when it comes to driving games).

Whatever the case, what's the deal with GTA IV: do I press the right trigger halfway ("easing off the gas") and apply the breaks while turning, or do I completely let go of the gas trigger, and apply brakes to turn around sharp corners?

Ease up on the gas, and gently brake, start the turn, and once you're mostly facing the direction you want to go, accelerate.


So umm, hopefully the REAL missions start soon, this is great fun and all, but I think it's time to get into some real shit instead of the tutorial style missions. I went through the missions for
and onto the next guy. When does the epic shit begin? :lol


chespace said:
Playing Cops 'n Crooks right now with 14 players... OMG, seriously... no words... contain... feelings....

You make me jealous man =( I have gotten like 4 game invites in the past half hour...and I can't connect to the damn game servers. So for those sending me invites...sorry guys =(


I could be playing MP, Got an MP invite from Darkressurection awhile ago, but had to decline (just got the radio in game in the background) because im doing some work/ studying for a final.


Junior Member
I'm confused as to how the wanted system works:

When I get out of the wanted zone and a cop car already in the chase sees me it re-centres, but does that happen with cops coming from outside the zone? I tried once driving slowly and they ignored me but the other time I was just speeding my wanted level came back up.

Also does changing car really help?
I need people to play online with (PS3)- add me at UncleGuito.

Online has been fun so far, but without people to play with that I know, it can get kinda boring.


When does the real missions begin? I'm really trying to get past this hump of enjoying the game for what it has to offer.


dralla said:
I got the "Lowest Point" achievement, am I gonna get some better guns now? sick of weak pistols and SMG

Search different buildings if you cant buy em yet.

UncleGuito said:
I need people to play online with (PS3)- add me at UncleGuito.

Online has been fun so far, but without people to play with that I know, it can get kinda boring.

I think I should already have you on my list, you were on MGO as well right?


i got a nice little automatic rifle early in the game.

i walked on to the subway tracks and ran on the tracks that connects algonquin-dukes.

i got a wanted level of 6. i saw a pedestrian on the walkway next to the subway tracks. i killed her. then some other pedestrian pulled out his automatic rifle and started firing at me. i killed him and took his gun.


woodchuck said:
i got a nice little automatic rifle early in the game.

i walked on to the subway tracks and ran on the tracks that connects algonquin-dukes.

i got a wanted level of 6. i saw a pedestrian on the walkway next to the subway tracks. i killed her. then some other pedestrian pulled out his automatic rifle and started firing at me. i killed him and took his gun.
knocked a guys coffee out of his hands and he pulled a shotgun on me

right then and there, i knew i loved this game

because he got hit by a car and tumbled over the railing nearby.


NaughtyCalibur said:
Okay, so my cab driver just did something stupid and I got a wanted star for it? That hardly seems fair.

there are a couple weird glitches with the cabs and car services.

i got drunk with michelle. i called roman to have a cab pick me up. when the cab was approaching my location, it got into a car wreck with another driver. then the cab just drove off so i had to drive michelle home drunk:lol
while playing this game, I remembered the game Wreckless. The reason I remembered the game wreckless, is because I use to play that game a long time ago thinking..."damn, I wish I could play a GTA game that looked like this" and it hit me...I AM NOW playing a GTA game that almost looks like wreckless, if not better in some aspects.
Teknoman said:
I think I should already have you on my list, you were on MGO as well right?
Yea, I played with you on MGO, but the buddy lists are separate (I don't think I have you on my main PSN one yet).


there is joy in sucking dick
Took a cab for the first time (with Michelle) while drunk, was fucking hilarious. The cabbie I rode with was talking about how much pussy he gets and that he puts his hands on more international woman than Airport security :lol

The use of color filters to brighten and mute colors is fantastic


UncleGuito said:
Yea, I played with you on MGO, but the buddy lists are separate (I don't think I have you on my main PSN one yet).

Oh yeah...well anyway just to throw my PSN into the ring, it's TeknomanEX

So anyone in this topic/ GAF is welcome to add me.


traveler said:
I didn't have any idea
was going to end up having anything noteworthy in the story happen.

Your first two or three conversations with her are FULL of hints. She pretty much
stumbles over every lie she tells
they really couldn't have made it more obvious.


BlueTsunami said:
Took a cab for the first time (with Michelle) while drunk, was fucking hilarious. The cabbie I rode with was talking about how much pussy he gets and that he puts his hands on more international woman than Airport security :lol

The use of color filters to brighten and mute colors is fantastic

:lol :lol

I need to start riding cabs if they're this funny.


Was just driving Playboy to a mission and I was driving top speed and banging into shit.

Well the car starts smoking and he says "This shit is gonna explode!" so I bailed out right then while the car was still speeding. He was still in the vehicle though and I was watching the burning car speed down the street with him still in the passenger side. When it finally stopped he got out and was on fire, then it blew up a second later. Fucking awesome. :lol


Not Banned from OT
I am really enjoying this game so far. It is by far my favorite GTA game on a console. The storyline and the city are the stars of the show imo. The draw backs are bad driving controls and while gun play is improved it still needs some work. They could of just cloned GoW or uncharted and bame the fun play would of been great. I don't think the game deserves a 10 but a solid 9 so far.
Other than not being able to do multiplayer, the game is running flawless for me (PS3 version). However one bug I have is after I save in my safe house (the first one, I'm still kind of early in the game) and then quit the game using the PS button, my PS3 reboots. It's not a huge deal, but kinda strange.


rofl, I saw a guy commit suicide today! (don't know if it was intentional). He just, for whatever reason, jumped down on the tracks and started to make a cell phone call then BAM. That was it. Priceless.
Ugh, the driving. I keep expecting the game to point me to a driving school where I can make the handling bearable, but it will never come, will it? :(

Otherwise, I can't believe how far they went to put you in the game world. I knew about the cell phones, but TV and Internet!? Freaking wow.


there is joy in sucking dick
Driving is easier when you realise that you can't always go full throttle with the cars. Just ease around corners and you'll be aight


Stoney Mason said:
I actually like to take cabs and just look around in the car or go to the cinematic view and listen to the music. It's weirdly relaxing...

Me too! It's really fun to just take a cab ride and look around, fiddle with your phone, make some calls. lol

At least I know I'm not the only one.


quest said:
I am really enjoying this game so far. It is by far my favorite GTA game on a console. The storyline and the city are the stars of the show imo. The draw backs are bad driving controls and while gun play is improved it still needs some work. They could of just cloned GoW or uncharted and bame the fun play would of been great. I don't think the game deserves a 10 but a solid 9 so far.

Have you ever played Forza or Gran Turismo?
Dice Man said:
Me too! It's really fun to just take a cab ride and look around, fiddle with your phone, make some calls. lol

At least I know I'm not the only one.

I took a cab when I was drunk. man, it's so trippy. if you haven't done that try it :lol


blindrocket said:
Other than not being able to do multiplayer, the game is running flawless for me (PS3 version). However one bug I have is after I save in my safe house (the first one, I'm still kind of early in the game) and then quit the game using the PS button, my PS3 reboots. It's not a huge deal, but kinda strange.

Exact same game behavior on my part.
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