I was originally going to accept the the game doesn't deserve a 10 talk, but man.. there is just no way this game can receive anything other than a 10 in the graphics department.
The way Rockstar nailed down to the tiniest of details certain areas or neighborhoods I've actually been to is simply amazing.
The first time I beat the ps3 version I was thoroughly impressed with the game visually, (playing 360 version now) but overtime I began to scrutinize all the things people were pointing out even harder than I ever did prior and was going to come to the conclusion the game is no 10 in the visuals department.
Then again.. that is until I get to the later parts in the game and I'm reminded about just how visually stunning different areas in this game can get. If people don't like the sight the aliasing that does exist in the game then there will also be plenty of times throughout the game where it will actually look like it has far more AA than it really does and moments where the lighting and scenery is such a perfect combination that you will totally forgive and even agree with the labeling of the game as a 10 in the graphics department.
Another thing I can point out with the 360 version is that as the game is proceeding and I'm getting further on, the performance seems to consistently be at the highest end of the clip which I didn't think that was the case earlier. Sure I had no major issues with the performance early in the game, but for whatever reason, I feel pretty confident in saying the 360 version is definitely hitting 32-35 fps consistently if not better. I definitely didn't feel that was the case earlier though. I would say earlier on in the game it was more like 24-28 for a good majority of the time and then it would hit 30 in some situations.
What a totally kickass game I'm having so much fun with it still.