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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Is there a way to make the voice acting more prominent when it is happening? Many times I can't hear the voice over the music or other noise in the game.
rhfb said:
So I finally got it. Now I thought the PS3 version was supposed to have LESS popin... If thats the case it must be unbearable on the 360, I don't like how the random stuff on the street just shows up when you drive by. Is there any way to fix this on the PS3? Also, I haven't read through the entire thread, but are there packages/ect things to collect to get some power ups???

It doesn't happen nearly as often in the 360 version as you might think.

I've gone hours of playtime without noticing a single pop-in. I kid you not. Ones that do happen are so few and far between that it isn't even worth talking about.

I would say pop-in is very minimal in the 360 version of the game and I naturally expect it to be even better on the ps3 version (saw retail ps3 build and played it, but naturally put more time into the retail 360 build) so I can't see pop-in being a major issue in this game on either platform.

It really doesn't happen as much as I would've expected. Not one tree of death moment, not one hospital load incident. Just minor stuff and the rest I don't even see.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Missions failed, 0... wtf.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
CowboyAstronaut said:
Total beast lol. I've failed 32 missions so far.
I failed the final mission around 32 times -_-


CowboyAstronaut said:
I don't know maybe everyone else already knows this, but I just found out about it :lol

Do you guys know how to PROPERLY shut off your cars when you get out so that there is no possibility of it being stolen or leaving that spot? Instead of simply pressing y to get out of the car you hold the y button down and you'll hear the hand break being applied and the car will be shut down properly.

Probably something stupid that everyone already knew, but I JUST found this out lol.

Also I've played for 19 hours so far and the game is only 19.53% completed. Pretty cool when you think about it.

Wow no way! I didn't know that. That's some insane attention to detail.


Every time you die/get arrested. Reload the last save. hax

although your life will revolve around saving the game everytime you complete something..
Surfheart said:
Wow no way! I didn't know that. That's some insane attention to detail.

Wow I literally thought I was completely late to the party in this regard. Had no there were people other than myself that didn't know about it yet.

This is even considering the fact that I beat the entire non final ps3 build of the game without knowing this.

Chris R

CowboyAstronaut said:
It doesn't happen nearly as often in the 360 version as you might think.

I've gone hours of playtime without noticing a single pop-in. I kid you not. Ones that do happen are so few and far between that it isn't even worth talking about.

I would say pop-in is very minimal in the 360 version of the game and I naturally expect it to be even better on the ps3 version (saw retail ps3 build and played it, but naturally put more time into the retail 360 build) so I can't see pop-in being a major issue in this game on either platform.

It really doesn't happen as much as I would've expected. Not one tree of death moment, not one hospital load incident. Just minor stuff and the rest I don't even see.
strange, in just the 15 mins I've spent driving around so far, it sucks seeing the tips of buildings on the next island over show up in the fog out of nowhere, and the garbage/boxes on the side of the street appear only when I'm close to them. Haven't had a tree or building pop in yet though.

Also nobody answered my question about packages/tags/ect that have been in the previous game. I'm guessing the included them in some shape or form, and if so thats usually the very first thing that I do on the road to 100% :lol
If you've been playing GTA for any length of time before GTA4 you're no doubt used to pop-in and framerate hitches anyway.

Be thankful it runs as good as it does.


Fair-weather, with pride!
I don't understand quite what you're supposed to do for the puerto rican connection. How do I get the car onto the tracks?

Chris R

Sega1991 said:
If you've been playing GTA for any length of time before GTA4 you're no doubt used to pop-in and framerate hitches anyway.

Be thankful it runs as good as it does.
GTASA on the PC had no popin :( and it ran at 60fps constant :(


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
QVT said:
I don't understand quite what you're supposed to do for the puerto rican connection. How do I get the car onto the tracks?
Follow under the tracks, and kill them when they get off. If it's the mission I think it is.
rhfb said:
GTASA on the PC had no popin :( and it ran at 60fps constant :(

Not for me it didn't. Even after I upgraded my PC to something that ran it smoother, I still had the same pop-in I got when I was running the game on low. Besides, the visual fidelity in GTASA was on par with like, Half-Life 1. GTA4 is a mite-bit more visually impressive and demanding.


Unconfirmed Member
Whats the thoughts on running the subtitles in the game? They translate all the languages into englishso you can read all the little smart ass shit Nico and his cousin say to each other?

Or maybe ts better left not known?

Haven't played much of this yet, but it is fun.

I drove a car off a cliff and bailed out. I flattened against a rock with blood splatter everywhere almost Wile E Coyote style and nico didn't get up until after the car finished its decent, rolled accross the beach, some beach walkers doeve out of the way and the car rolled into the bay and sank.. :lol Awesome.


Three Leaf Clover. Words cannot describe how awesome this mission was. This mission was what Kane and Lynch: Dead Men was supposed to feel like.


scola said:
Whats the thoughts on running the subtitles in the game? They translate all the languages into englishso you can read all the little smart ass shit Nico and his cousin say to each other?

Or maybe ts better left not known?

Haven't played much of this yet, but it is fun.

I drove a car off a cliff and bailed out. I flattened against a rock with blood splatter everywhere almost Wile E Coyote style and nico didn't get up until after the car finished its decent, rolled accross the beach, some beach walkers doeve out of the way and the car rolled into the bay and sank.. :lol Awesome.

Good question. Ive been tempted a few times myself because the amount of dialogue I miss is just ridiculous.... however I never like putting subtitles on in games as that usually means I just read rather than watch and listen.


there is joy in sucking dick
Played some Deathmatch for the first time. It seems like people can get headshots from a distance rather easily. I mean, I crouch and shoot and yet the other dude is still able to kill me with a few shots...whats that about? I don't think they're using a sniper rifle either (I think).

It was fun nonetheless. Jacking a car and riding over people is so fucking satisfying


scola said:
Whats the thoughts on running the subtitles in the game? They translate all the languages into englishso you can read all the little smart ass shit Nico and his cousin say to each other?

Or maybe ts better left not known?

Haven't played much of this yet, but it is fun.

I drove a car off a cliff and bailed out. I flattened against a rock with blood splatter everywhere almost Wile E Coyote style and nico didn't get up until after the car finished its decent, rolled accross the beach, some beach walkers doeve out of the way and the car rolled into the bay and sank.. :lol Awesome.

I definately enjoy it more now that they are in, as mentioned it translates the other languages spoken as a bonus
voltron said:
Good question. Ive been tempted a few times myself because the amount of dialogue I miss is just ridiculous.... however I never like putting subtitles on in games as that usually means I just read rather than watch and listen.

I really like the subtitles because it helps me catch things I would miss otherwise, but there have been a few times when I've been driving and trying to read subtitles at the same time and gotten into a crash. One time I hit a cop. It didn't end well. :[
In addition to all the MP3s from the GTA Radio Stations, a chilling sign that no box set may be in the offing, in an ad for the box sets still on sale from the previous games:

Back before DRM-free MP3s were readily available and easy to purchase, new Grand Theft Auto games marked the arrival of big, beautiful CD box sets featuring the music included in the game. Check out the collections for Vice City and San Andreas and get down with the sounds of games past.

So. Looks like this is it.
BlueTsunami said:
Played some Deathmatch for the first time. It seems like people can get headshots from a distance rather easily. I mean, I crouch and shoot and yet the other dude is still able to kill me with a few shots...whats that about? I don't think they're using a sniper rifle either (I think).

It was fun nonetheless. Jacking a car and riding over people is so fucking satisfying
You can aim for the head while locked on- it's pretty easy to headshot this way using single bursts.


I've played around 15 hours, killed
, have great relationships with
Michelle, Roman and the Jamaican guy
, and my stats show that I've only completed 6.98% of the game.

This world is crazy huge. =/


You like me, you really really like me!
wtf, I just attacked some bum on the street and he screamed "YOU AINT STEALIN NO SPERM FROM ME ANYMORE ALIEN"

:lol :lol :lol

Just turned on the TV, and Ricky Gervais was doing a stand up routine; it lasted a good 5 minutes or so, and then I saw a commercial that he was playing at some club (I forget the address.) It totally sucked me in, and I forgot for an instance that I wasn't just watching a routine on Comedy Central or something, but this was just another added tidbit in this game.

The attention to detail is seriously just mind-blowing.
IAmtheFMan said:

Just turned on the TV, and Ricky Gervais was doing a stand up routine; it lasted a good 5 minutes or so, and then I saw a commercial that he was playing at some club (I forget the address.) It totally sucked me in, and I forgot for an instance that I wasn't just watching a routine on Comedy Central or something, but this was just another added tidbit in this game.

The attention to detail is seriously just mind-blowing.

Wait until you see the other comedian. (Don't want to give it away if you haven't seen it.) It's almost 75% physical comedy and it totally works. It's a really impressive feat of animation capture.


andrewfee said:
Nope. I've finished a few missions with a tiny sliver of health left though.

I just picked the guide up today to go for 100% though – so far I've only found 6/7 pigeons and there was no way I'd get them all before next Tuesday. As the game is constantly crashing on the last mission for me, I'm going to see if I can return the lot, I'm fed up with it now.

Wats the deal with pigeons? Do they make a funny noise?


slept with Malkin
Looks like there's going to be some kind of GTA4 bit on Conan coming up. Saw it on the preview commercial.

Kydd BlaZe

Tokubetsu said:
Three Leaf Clover. Words cannot describe how awesome this mission was. This mission was what Kane and Lynch: Dead Men was supposed to feel like.

Just completed that mission a few hours ago. Shit had Heat written all over it. Fucking amazing...


Awesome just found my first pigeon.... I didnt even know about them until I saw the post above then I was walking around near Brucie's and heard a weird noise up an alley. I couldnt find it so I parked a car near a fire escape around the back and climbed the stairs to the top of the building and managed to find the pigeon eventually. How fucking awesome.... I love that sort of stuff.
I would like to slap R* high five. I shop at Jimmy Jims and J.I.M, all the time.

Cant wait for the season premiere of 72.

If there is a Kennedy Fried Chicken in here, I will LOL.
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