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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Beaulieu said:
this question has been asked about 40 times already, and It tells you what to do at the top of the screen when you hail a taxi. People keep asking stupid question on the forum... just try and play the game god damnit.

Is it really that upsetting to you? Who cares if he asked? It's no big deal.

NJ Shlice

Little Jacob needs to learn how to speak fucking English.

I wish I could turn up the volume on the voices in this game. I feel like I can't hear shit. I'm gonna have to turn on subtitles.
NJ x Falkor said:
Little Jacob needs to learn how to speak fucking English.

I wish I could turn up the volume on the voices in this game. I feel like I can't hear shit. I'm gonna have to turn on subtitles.

Required anyway imo. They should be defaulted on anyway.
NJ x Falkor said:
Little Jacob needs to learn how to speak fucking English.

I wish I could turn up the volume on the voices in this game. I feel like I can't hear shit. I'm gonna have to turn on subtitles.

You sir are quite uncultured aren't you?


Beaulieu said:
this question has been asked about 40 times already, and It tells you what to do at the top of the screen when you hail a taxi. People keep asking stupid question on the forum... just try and play the game god damnit.

Unfortunately, being an active duty service member (Army) and a college student, I don't really have the time to devote 100% of my attention to every pop up that may happen in GTA, especially when I'm playing in between papers and quizes. Nor can I actively follow or post as much as you do in this thread.

I'm so SO sorry I ruined your oh so great experience in this thread, having tainted it with my extremely stupid question. I promise from now on, if I have a question, I will start with the first post of the topic, and I won't ask the question until I've read everything up until the last post of the topic. Thank you again for the absolutely amazing advice.

(In reality, thank you to all the individuals who replied without sarcasm or dick headed behavior. It is greatly appreciated)


NJ x Falkor said:
Little Jacob needs to learn how to speak fucking English.

I wish I could turn up the volume on the voices in this game. I feel like I can't hear shit. I'm gonna have to turn on subtitles.

Even with the subtitles on, it's still hard to understand at times.


Earlier in the thread somebody said that they turned off their Map and HUD.

I have just done this and can confirm what he said, It's more of a visual experience w/ the City now. Instead of looking at my map, I look at the landmarks around me and find the way to people and places. It feels SO much better this way and I think when you're not on a mission, this is the way to roam.


A couple of questions..

1. I've found 3 chickens out of 199. I'm still on the first island (about 7 hours in). Where the heck are they? Any tips on where to look?

2. What happens if I just capped one of the main characters (Little Jacob, Roman)? Or one of the supporting characters like Michelle or Dmitri? I'm just curious.

Also, I read in a review that the game has two endings.. pretty cool.


_dd_ said:
Earlier in the thread somebody said that they turned off their Map and HUD.

I have just done this and can confirm what he said, It's more of a visual experience w/ the City now. Instead of looking at my map, I look at the landmarks around me and find the way to people and places. It feels SO much better this way and I think when you're not on a mission, this is the way to roam.
I'm gonna give this a shot.. sounds fun.


kbear said:
A couple of questions..

1. I've found 3 chickens out of 199. I'm still on the first island (about 7 hours in). Where the heck are they? Any tips on where to look?

Pigeons, right? Try the evolving list on wikicheats.com

kbear said:
2. What happens if I just capped one of the main characters (Little Jacob, Roman)? Or one of the supporting characters like Michelle or Dmitri? I'm just curious.

Some you can't kill, if they're important to the story at that point.

kbear said:
Also, I read in a review that the game has two endings.. pretty cool.

Kinda. It's more like
than anything too exciting though.
kbear said:
2. What happens if I just capped one of the main characters (Little Jacob, Roman)? Or one of the supporting characters like Michelle or Dmitri? I'm just curious.

They get injured and disappear if you're on an activity, you can go pick them up when they get out of hospital and get positive friendship points though (even if you were the one who "killed" them or crashed your car/bike)
EverSoTrendy said:
You sir are quite uncultured aren't you?

Little Jacob is supposed to be difficult to understand. The player, like Niko, is supposed to catch the basics of what he's trying to say but not understand him perfectly. I'm sure if you deal with extreme Jamaican accents often, you'll have no problem understanding him but the average person playing the game will have trouble making out his every word. Badman is a few notches beyond Little Jacob. With Badman, the average person will only catch a word or two.

It's like Brad Pitt's character in Snatch.


andrewfee said:
link doesn't work

nofi said:
Pigeons, right?
:lol yeah that's what i meant... chickens can't fly can they

Francias Castiglione said:
They get injured and disappear if you're on an activity, you can go pick them up when they get out of hospital and get positive friendship points though (even if you were the one who "killed" them or crashed your car/bike)
So they don't permanently die? my second playthrough of the game i'm gonna try all this stuff...going against the grain all the way through
dark10x said:
I'm really impressed with how much more fun each mission is in this game. The previous games were all very interesting from a concept level, but the actual minute to minute gameplay was incredibly flimsy. That is no longer the case. While it's not on par with a dedicated shooter just yet, it still feels very satisfying. Taking out a whole group of people on foot, for instance, is actually fun and rewarding. Previous games made it feel as if you were just running around like a headless chicken trying to kill everything as fast as possible. This feels so much more cinematic.

The car chases are great too. Brucie had me chasing down one guy for a good 5 minutes or so. I couldn't believe how cool it was when he slammed the side of a semi-truck causing it to lose its load of pipes all over the road. The way the physics, motion blur, camera movement (first person driving) and everything came together made it feel like a highly scripted, cinematic moment. It was that kind of thing you'd expect to see in a promo CG trailer for a game. There have been a lot of these moments, actually.

Agreed! That Brucie mission has been my favorite so far. I was chasing the guy in a stolen cop car with the sirens blaring, and over the course of the chase two different semis spilled their cargo all over the road. By the end of the chase both of our cars were decimated. I managed to swing near his car and head shot him and see his head smack into the steering wheel. So satisfying!
kbear said:
:lol yeah that's what i meant... chickens can't fly can they
Chickens don't clap!


Does anyone have tips on hand-to-hand combat?


So i was playing with some friends, yeah?
Free-roaming mode.

I decide to put a Deathmatch with the phone and... bam.
We end up in a lobby full of americans and then... bam again.
I get disconnected and promptly returned to Single-player.

How the heck can i start a Deathmatch or something else ONLY BETWEEN the guys who were already playing with me in Free-roaming?



Once you unlock a special ability from becoming good friends with somebody, can you ever lose it, even if you completely ignore them thereafter?


X26 said:

Once you unlock a special ability from becoming good friends with somebody, can you ever lose it, even if you completely ignore them thereafter?

Yup, just lost one of them myself because I neglected Jacob.
Nexus Zero said:
I've just ran into a fun little bug. I'd noticed that whenever you start a mission of Elizbetha's, the car you were last in is parked neatly outside. I imagined there'd be some sort of proximity limitation, so I certainly didn't expect this:


Oh also I tried to kill Michelle because she criticised my awesome getup. Bitch took 5 bullets to the head until the game told me I'd "scared" her, and another 20 before she broke up with me. I've heard of clingy but...

I don't think it's a bug, it's just the way the game works. When you go into mission mode, the game nicely parks your car on the street regardless of how you came barreling into the marker. It's just most obvious at E's because her apartment is way off the street. I guess that if you drive along the walking path all the way to her front door then you're way far away from the GPS point on the street that is her address?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I'm installing the game on the PS3. Never liked a GTA before, but all this insane praise convinced me to buy it.
AHH, what's with the disabling phone calls (you slow down, can't shoot) after completed missions where your wanted level in most cases is 2-3 stars. I've been shot to death several times because of it.
How stupid do these devs/qc-testers have to be to not notice such a crucial design flaw?


Issun23 said:
Yup, just lost one of them myself because I neglected Jacob.

I lost Brucie's
Heli Ridep

I think the "Like %" needs to be >=75 for them too keep offering you their special abilities.


Issun23 said:
Yup, just lost one of them myself because I neglected Jacob.

Oh that just sucks. Too many people in the game to maintain them all constantly, and I don't want to keep taking out a particularily annoying girl from love-meet out on dates just to keep her nice bonus


Grandma's Chippy
I'd like to know how to do private multiplayer other than freeroaming as well...

Aslo I have a tech question.

I have a BT Headset on order to use with this game and for others but for now I am using my USB headset since it has about a 15 foot cord lol...

Anyway...my PS3 sees it, it allows me to setup the mic, and the mic works in multiplayer BUT I can;t figure out how to make the sound go through the headphones. Right now only the mic works while all the sound (including other voices) come from the TV.

Anyone know how to change it?


Phantast2k said:
AHH, what's with the disabling phone calls (you slow down, can't shoot) after completed missions where your wanted level in most cases is 2-3 stars. I've been shot to death several times because of it.
How stupid do these devs/qc-testers have to be to not notice such a crucial design flaw?

Hang up bro.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wizpig said:
So i was playing with some friends, yeah?
Free-roaming mode.

I decide to put a Deathmatch with the phone and... bam.
We end up in a lobby full of americans and then... bam again.
I get disconnected and promptly returned to Single-player.

How the heck can i start a Deathmatch or something else ONLY BETWEEN the guys who were already playing with me in Free-roaming?

I believe, you can start a MP player game of "whatever" (free mode, deathmatch, etc.) instead of just creating "Party." Then, invite people. You are already then in a mode, and you control the settings and who is in or out. We did something like this last night.


tha_con said:
Unfortunately, being an active duty service member (Army) and a college student, I don't really have the time to devote 100% of my attention to every pop up that may happen in GTA,


A bit of a stretch there.... I can appreciate that you cant track the thread - but to not have time to notice on screen instructions when playing a game?

Issun23 said:
Yup, just lost one of them myself because I neglected Jacob.

This is BS. I also lost Jacob's ability because I ignored him. The social stuff is really annoying, especially when I'd rather spend my time trying to beat the missions then go bowling.
Phantast2k said:
AHH, what's with the disabling phone calls (you slow down, can't shoot) after completed missions where your wanted level in most cases is 2-3 stars. I've been shot to death several times because of it.
How stupid do these devs/qc-testers have to be to not notice such a crucial design flaw?
Never played Dead Rising, huh?


Lonestar said:
I believe, you can start a MP player game of "whatever" (free mode, deathmatch, etc.) instead of just creating "Party." Then, invite people. You are already then in a mode, and you control the settings and who is in or out. We did something like this last night.

You got that to work? Is there an option to make it a private room or do you just send invites? When I set that initial one up, there were like 4 random people in there.

Eric WK

AirBrian said:
You got that to work? Is there an option to make it a private room or do you just send invites? When I set that initial one up, there were like 4 random people in there.

There should be a private slots option on the phone. Just set it to max and only invited people can get in.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Issun23 said:
Yup, just lost one of them myself because I neglected Jacob.

So um, last night I did all of Jacob's package missions (they're pretty fun if you don't get lost trying to find the fucking "tunnels") but it didn't unlock his perk. I also took him to a strip club but that didn't seem to help either. :)

What do you need to do to unlock your friends' perks?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
chespace said:
So um, last night I did all of Jacob's package missions (they're pretty fun if you don't get lost trying to find the fucking "tunnels") but it didn't unlock his perk. I also took him to a strip club but that didn't seem to help either. :)

What do you need to do to unlock your friends' perks?

Keep taking him out as a friend, I think I got his ability when I hit 78% on his "like" meter. Didn't do any of the package missions.


Is there any way to 'befriend' someone and get their ability so that you can totally ignore them after that? I *HATE* 'maintenance' in games.
I understand that the populace of Liberty city is supposed to be more like an actual society, but the social interaction is a bit annoying. Sometimes I just want to roam around the city and check out some of the sights, jumps, weapon locations, pigeons . . . but then I get a phone call and have to run off to meet them "within an hour" in order to preserve their friendships. When I am scouting around on the other side of the city this is a pain.

I appreciate the option to turn off the story progression, but it would be nice to have the option to turn off the social elements as well.

Aside from that the game is amazing and there is so much to do/see that it is a bit daunting (and I only have two sections open atm).

I may have missed it in this thread, but is there a way (on the PS3 version) to turn down the music in the vehicles when someone calls? As it is the voice on the phone is always lower then the volume on the radio and usually end up getting out of the car to hear what the character is saying.
MaizeRage25 said:
This is BS. I also lost Jacob's ability because I ignored him. The social stuff is really annoying, especially when I'd rather spend my time trying to beat the missions then go bowling.

I screwed up some missions for him and my fears became reality. I needed to go that extra mile to get up to par with him again.

Know what's even more annoying? Getting an internet date....... in about a week! You'll see, I'll just be in the heat of a battle when that stupid pager goes of to warn me of an upcoming appointment.


Has anybody set their phone to "Mission Mode" or whatever? I think it blocks all incoming calls. But that spells potential trouble if you actually need a call to come through.
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