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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

guggnichso said:
Shooting everyone in the strip club is always a pleasure :D

Whatever: You still have the message in your phone. Just open it and read it. If that doesn't work, just don't go there, they'll send you a new one with a new date.
ok i missed the interview. I deleted the old message long ago and then new one they sent doesnt have a location, only a time. It diidn't put an icon on the map.


BobTheFork said:
ok i missed the interview. I deleted the old message long ago and then new one they sent doesnt have a location, only a time. It diidn't put an icon on the map.

The office is in the Southeastern area of Algonquin. I'm not able to play now, so I can't really be more specific right now. The icon will look like a white tie. (which also looks like a lowercase i)


Himuro said:
Right now there's a lot to choose from: date Michelle, work for Brucie (haven't touched this), do some work for Jacob, Jacob's side jobs, Brucie's side jobs, and vigilante missions.

Mallorie said she'd introduce me to some people maybe there'll be even more people to mingle with and work for in the upcoming future.

One thing that has me miffed is that
no more cab place means no more taxi missions

It's lilke R* is friggin laughing at me and my favorite 3d GTA past time. -_-

Cab missions suck in this one anyway, but you'll be able to do them again soon enough.
Oh man, a story of tragedy and redemption.

So I was driving Brucie home after a bromantic man date at the bowling alley. I wasn't sure if driving him around on the back of my NRG would be hetero enough, but he didn't seem to mind. Anyway, you probably know what happened next. I was going waayyyy too fast, and t-boned a cab somewhere in Dukes. We both went flying over the handlebars, and Brucie rocketed directly into a street sign with a sickening thump. I managed to survive, but poor Brucie was "injured." I actually felt bad.

So I called 911, and asked for the paramedics, who assessed the situation, and promptly got back into the ambulance and left, driving directly over Brucie's lifeless body. I had no choice but to leave and get a hot dog.

Ten minutes later, I got a call from Brucie: he's out of the hospital, could I come pick him up. When I picked him up, he seemed no worse for the wear, talking about how he and I are winnars. I'm not sure what it was before, but now my Brucie stat is at 37%.
games mission are getting a bit boring...very similar to previous games. Need to take out some gang members. Attack the people. Some get away in car, chase then over the city, but cops are alerted, up to three stars. Rinse repeat. Some missions are definitely fun, but its boring having to go back to the start. I paid the cash so I definitely need to complete this one, but it certainly has some of the aspects which made previous games boring to me. Car chases can get really boring and drawn out, mainly because shooting from the car is still shitty. Obviously its equally difficult in real life, but you only get one chance...here you have to repeat etc to you complete it...rather boring


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Well I just hit 35%. Holy shit when does this game end? The story practically died out 4 hours ago. It slowly just picked back up with the douche at the
newspaper talking about he'll help me find the 2 guys Im looking for.
What percent does the main storyline end? 100%?
BenjaminBirdie said:

What's the button press to let someone live? Or can I just walk away instead of killing them?

I'm not sure what you mean but in a certain mission I'm thinking of you just walk away and do the rest of the mission without killing the first person.


vumpler said:
Well I just hit 35%. Holy shit when does this game end? The story practically died out 4 hours ago. It slowly just picked back up with the douche at the
newspaper talking about he'll help me find the 2 guys Im looking for.
What percent does the main storyline end? 100%?

I haven't beaten it yet (also at 35%) but a friend of mine said he completed the main story at 59% I think.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
vumpler said:
Well I just hit 35%. Holy shit when does this game end? The story practically died out 4 hours ago. It slowly just picked back up with the douche at the
newspaper talking about he'll help me find the 2 guys Im looking for.
What percent does the main storyline end? 100%?

It isn't a newspaper


The story is amazing, the cut scenes have so much emotion and are much longer than any other GTA game, but still I feel they are over too soon. Some people only have 3 missions, its been the same in every GTA that they kinda rush character and relationship development, i just wish there were a few more missions like "go and escort this drug deal" that are pretty minor missions before you get into the big time ones.. or even missions where absolutely nothing happens, just to make you feel that theres a trust between characters.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm at 58% after 81 missions, you've never needed to come close to 100% to "finish" a GTA game.

Phil Bell
ever go for cover? I've finished all the other missions that were available (
kidnapping the mob daughter was hilarious
) and this guy just keeps running into bullets.


one of my friends and i were wondering if that girl from the front cover (whom is sucking a lollipop) actually comes into the story at all

dont spoilt shit plx
Teknoman said:
PS3 users: Has the social club worked right for you yet? I've still got no zitted music and like 0 stats on the marathon.

Hasn't updated for me for quite a while. My crime blotter isn't being updated and neither my Zit music tracker. Xbox 360 user here.


BobTheFork said:
ok i missed the interview. I deleted the old message long ago and then new one they sent doesnt have a location, only a time. It diidn't put an icon on the map.

This is fucked :( I don't know what else you could do then, sorry.


One thing I really wish Rockstar included in the game in the ability to check out your friends stat pages.... that would have been awesome. It could easily have been accessible through the leaderboards. I realise this would probably take some hefty network engineering work but whatever. It should have been there.
BobTheFork said:
ok i missed the interview. I deleted the old message long ago and then new one they sent doesnt have a location, only a time. It diidn't put an icon on the map.

I think it only appears two hours before the actual event.


little trick for people that want lots of easy AK/Sniper ammo and lots of grenades.

early Playboy X mission
Deconstuction for Beginners - Playboy X asks you to drive to his car that is loaded with all weapons I mentioned. Basically all you need to do is die or fail the mission and you keep all the ammo and weapons. Restart the mission and keep doing that until you max ammo for everything :D


Revengeance said:
Oh man, a story of tragedy and redemption.

So I was driving Brucie home after a bromantic man date at the bowling alley. I wasn't sure if driving him around on the back of my NRG would be hetero enough, but he didn't seem to mind. Anyway, you probably know what happened next. I was going waayyyy too fast, and t-boned a cab somewhere in Dukes. We both went flying over the handlebars, and Brucie rocketed directly into a street sign with a sickening thump. I managed to survive, but poor Brucie was "injured." I actually felt bad.

So I called 911, and asked for the paramedics, who assessed the situation, and promptly got back into the ambulance and left, driving directly over Brucie's lifeless body. I had no choice but to leave and get a hot dog.

Ten minutes later, I got a call from Brucie: he's out of the hospital, could I come pick him up. When I picked him up, he seemed no worse for the wear, talking about how he and I are winnars. I'm not sure what it was before, but now my Brucie stat is at 37%.

Hilarious, man :) I got in to a fight once, the cops saw me and Roman, brave as he was, came to my aid and punched the cop guy. 3 minutes later he was shot. Next day he called me to pick him up from the hospital, but I couldn't, as I was doing a mission. He didn't like it.
I just got done playing for 8 1/2 hours straight.... man what a great fucking game.

Im tired as shit now though, and the sun will soon be up :(


I am a little bit late on the GTA front, since I only played it last night. Skipped singleplayer and went straight to the online modes. I have not laughed like that in a game for years. Free Roam is really great fun.

As my bother said "Its the best film you will never watch."

3 of us just went mental, got 4 stars and all hell broke loose. I go onto a moped while my bro flew in a chopper to save me. I hammered towards the chopper but hit the front of a cop car and went flying over the hood. By this time the SWAT vans had arrived and I had to make a heroic dash towards the chopper. I managed to get in and we took off, laughing our heads off at how cool it was. :lol :lol


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Zep said:
Lawchick says F Street...Im in Little Italy but where the fuck is F street:lol ?

You going to meet her for the first date? If so you'll get a warning and a heart will appear on the map like 2 hours before go time.


X26 said:
MAJOR END-GAME SPOILERS! Even if youv'e beat it, highlight the first sentence first!

This is based on picking DEAL over REVENGE

So I beat it earlier, and damn Roman dying really really sucked. Last mission was alright, from car chase -> shoot out -> boat chase -> heli chase -> on foot chase. Lame that there wasn't a checkpoint after each section, and what the hell with all the FBI at the end when you're bound to have little health left. Took me like 10-15 tries overall to beat it, kept failing due to the awkward heli controls and if not that the FBI gunning me down.

Overall loved the game. Plenty of issues and problems, but it had great gameplay and narrative. Problem now is that I kinda feel depressed playing now at the end and doing whatever I want without roman :(. No one's beat it twice I imagine, but for someone reading this who already knows: does roman die no matter what?

I made a seperate savegame right before picking deal/revenge. I chose DEAL first, and like you, I felt kinda bad, I missed Roman :lol. After finishing the game I loaded the savegame and did the Revenge mission, and not to my surprise (I was spoiled in this thread) Roman doesn't die, but someone else does. Don't highlight the next bit if you don't want to know who:

Kate. I hadn't dated Kate at all, so I didn't feel that bad, plus she doesn't have any perks, so I think it's the better choice.
My mom was over yesterday and watched me play this for a bit and it blew her mind. She couldn't stop laughing at my reckless driving, the radio shows and the pedestrian comments, and couldn't get over the detail in the city. You should all show your mommies this game, they'd love it.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Scotch said:
awesome spoilers
I choose
deal, can/will jacob shoot down the chopper for me or do I really have to manually aim with chopper miniguns?


Nozdeuce said:
I choose
deal, can/will jacob shoot down the chopper for me or do I really have to manually aim with chopper miniguns?
You don't have to use the miniguns, just follow the chopper and Jacob will shoot it down. If you're having a hard time, just go really high so you're flying over the buildings instead of between them. Use your middlefingers on the LT-RT/L2-R2 triggers, and your indexfingers on the LB-RB/L1-R2 buttons, so you can use the bumpers/L1-R1 while steering. It feels awkward but it really helps.


Here's the direction of the building for "The final interview" that seemed to be missing on the map for a lot of people.



If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Scotch said:
You don't have to use the miniguns, just follow the chopper and Jacob will shoot it down. If you're having a hard time, just go really high so you're flying over the buildings instead of between them. Use your middlefingers on the LT-RT/L2-R2 triggers, and your indexfingers on the LB-RB/L1-R2 buttons, so you can use the bumpers/L1-R1 while steering. It feels awkward but it really helps.
Excellent. Thanks. As usual I got pretty far my first try then went downhill fast the next few tries. I'll have to give it another go later :D


Nozdeuce said:
You going to meet her for the first date? If so you'll get a warning and a heart will appear on the map like 2 hours before go time.

I kept playing and thats exactly what happened. Thanks though for responding. Her and Carmen are easy...Got both by the 2nd date. Now I can drop both and finish the game.

Edit: haha nice map pic. Thanks also.

Also, the GPS cars are fuckin nasty. I don't think I could go with another car after those speed demons.


BeeDog said:
So, can you date any of the chicks that are on the LoveMeet list online?

I think it's only SobeHoe and Lawchick. Someone can come correct me but I've gotten no other responses.


So, apart from Modo and Perseus and the Russian store, what other clothing store are there? I only see these on my map. Do we have to find them first in order for them to be added to the radar?

Also, has anyone seen a Lambo/Infernus around? The only one I've ever seen was during the very first racing mission. Same for Comet. It's ridiculous how rare these cars are.


Snow Storm is fucking me around. The first two times I
got hammered trying to lose the wanted level (epic chase the first time) and the next time the fucked up cover/camera system conspired to fuck me up the arse inside the old hospital.
Think I'll leave that mission for tomorrow - gonna watch a DVD to relax before bed.


I'm fucking done with this piece of shit game. No checkpoints is just the dumbest thing ever. Died two times on The Snow Storm now. I can think of better ways to waste my time. Fuck you, Rockstar.


ElyrionX said:
So, apart from Modo and Perseus and the Russian store, what other clothing store are there? I only see these on my map. Do we have to find them first in order for them to be added to the radar?

Also, has anyone seen a Lambo/Infernus around? The only one I've ever seen was during the very first racing mission. Same for Comet. It's ridiculous how rare these cars are.

Don't know about an Infernus, but there's a Turismo
a couple of driveways from Faustin's place. It's behind another car.
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