BobTheFork said:I thought it was because some of those decisions can keep you from getting 100% complete.
The designers were smart enough to accommodate the players choices. You can get 100% no matter what you do.
BobTheFork said:I thought it was because some of those decisions can keep you from getting 100% complete.
Himuro said:Oh come on. GTAIII has the best cast to me, but since I haven't beaten IV yet I don't know if it has topped it or not!
Himuro said:Unlocked the central island and it was a total non event.
Himuro said:I agree there. The story was soooo good early on. Now it feels like vintage GTA. Like I'm doing stuff for random people. Although they're good an all, they aren't as interesting as Vlad or Mikhail or Dimitri. I wonder when it picks up again.
Himuro said:Yeah. In IV there's not even any gangs. So disappointing.
CoLaN said:
CoLaN said:
rhfb said:I hate 4chanI was just over there last night and I think I had "ending" spoiled for me, and if it isn't the ending then it has to be a major point in the game :<
Darunia said:Well, Ricky Gervais is pretty terrible in it
sparky2112 said:Haven't bumped into him yet, but outside of GTA IV, does Gervais even DO stand-up? Don't get me wrong - the guy's is pure genius. But stand-up? Wouldn't he have been better off in some kind of TV show?
CoLaN said:
BPK said:So.....I'm on the fence about getting this game. Like most of you I was uber hyped for GTA before it came out. Over the last week I've been out of town and thus have not played the game. Upon returning, and upon reading this thread, it seems that the game has mildly disappointed a lot of you (perhaps too much hype). Is it too early to give a final verdict GAF? (I'm on ps3 if it matters)
sparky2112 said:Haven't bumped into him yet, but outside of GTA IV, does Gervais even DO stand-up? Don't get me wrong - the guy's is pure genius. But stand-up? Wouldn't he have been better off in some kind of TV show?
Pharmacy said:- No distinct gangs
- No gangcars
- No gangcar round up
- Car rounds-ups, but without the element of unlocking some unique vehicles after you've done them or being able to order any of the vehicles
- No emergency vehicle roundup / import-export crane
- Terrible hidden packages, GTA3 had a weapon for every 10 packages found, now its 200 fucking pidgeons for a helicopter
- No fire missions and therefore no flamethrower or flameproof
- No ambulance missions and therefore no extended health or stamina pill
- Cop missions, but no armour bonus
- Taxi missions, but not optional ones that unlock the Borgnine Taxi
- No payphone missions
- No carsalesman missions that unlock unique vehicles you can only get in one place in the game
- No one-off bulletproof vehicles
- Even if there are bulletproofs, you cant push the wreckage to your garage, because there arent garages
- Poor superjumps
The problem with GTA4 is that is has a pretty good story, but nothing else to do or unlock. I could sit here and bitch and bitch about it and I feel really down about how much of a step-back it is, or how realism has ruined everything, but when I play it, I like it.
Catch 22
I don't understand how you're able to go back.Y2Kev said:The good news is that I am definitely replaying San Andreas when I'm done with IV.
Wollan said:I don't understand how you're able to go back.
Y2Kev said:I think the game has too many missions. There are too many chase missions.
The crazy mission variety of San Andreas is just not here. But I guess what is here is a bit more polished (though still not perfect). If I get one more mission with...oh shit they are making a break for it!!!...i'm gonna make a break for it.
The good news is that I am definitely replaying San Andreas when I'm done with IV.
Wollan said:I don't understand how you're able to go back.
Wollan said:I don't understand how you're able to go back.
Linkzg said:play it on PC.
yeah, there is very little mission variety in GTA4 with the exception of a few fantastic ones (like, very few).
Y2Kev said:Dunno. I am gonna play the Xbox version instead of the PS2...that should get me a workable framerate.
And frankly I won't have trouble adjusting to non-boat human control (though it no longer bothers me in GTA4) and I never had any problem with aiming in the old GTAs. I never understood people complaining, lol.
I have a Mac and no copy of windows. :\
And there are some missions in GTA4 that are spectacular and actually work better than anything in the old GTAs because the systems work so well-- cover, free aim, etc. Missions I've loved have even included chase missions, but there are too many of them and that some of the escapees are INVINCIBLE before they hit a certain point makes it less a chase mission and more a "follow" mission.
San Andreas had crazy, crazy shit. Stealing combines, burning weed plants, stealth killing missions, gang territory grabs, drive bys, nice variety of chase missions, robberies, etc. Now San Andreas can be one of the most frustrating games of all time, which so far GTA4 has not really been for me. But the game is sooooo sooo watered down. Maybe at the expense of polish and focus on characterization.
San Andreas was really something.
These two are questionable. A little later on in the game, you get some payphone missions; and there aren't garages, but there are parking spaces.Pharmacy said:- No payphone missions
- Even if there are bulletproofs, you cant push the wreckage to your garage, because there arent garages
CoLaN said:
Y2Kev said:Dunno. I am gonna play the Xbox version instead of the PS2...that should get me a workable framerate.
And frankly I won't have trouble adjusting to non-boat human control (though it no longer bothers me in GTA4) and I never had any problem with aiming in the old GTAs. I never understood people complaining, lol.
Teknoman said:Boat human controls?, also because auto aim being mandatory sucks no matter what.
All I'm upset about is the lack of mission checkpoints. No GTA's have them, and it's fucking retarded.BeeDog said:You echo my sentiments exactly. A shame really. :/
Wollan said:I don't understand how you're able to go back.
t4ng0 said:anyone?what happens if you let darko live?
funkmastergeneral said:Any of you guys do the street mission for that blonde girl who just got divorced? that was strange...
alr1ghtstart said:How the hell am I supposed to do the "Walk Hard" achievement? Outrunning the cops with a 4-star wanted level? :lol
Y2Kev said:The good news is that I am definitely replaying San Andreas when I'm done with IV.
Y2Kev said:I agree that GTA3 is really rough around the edges. Vice City is a little annoying to play. San Andreas is totally comfortable for me, though the framerate is shiteous on the ps2 version.
Yeah, this is the horrible thing. The game really shouldn't make your targets invincible, particularly when it instructs you to kill, rather than just chase them.Darunia said:- I never know whether it's okay to start shooting on my target or not. Like in Big Gay Bernie's Big Gay Boatride I was firing at the boat, but of course it has absolutely no effect, since the crew has to get on land before you kill them. In other missions it's possible to kill your opponent early on.
flunkie4455 said:These two are questionable. A little later on in the game, you get some payphone missions; and there aren't garages, but there are parking spaces.
funkmastergeneral said:Any of you guys do the street mission for that blonde girl who just got divorced? that was strange...