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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Gamer @ Heart said:
So i screwed my self out of 100% unless i redo everything in a new game?

Dam, i wanted this to be my first GTA i fully completed but it looks like that wont be thecase.

i read earlier in the thread that the missions those people give you arent for 100% completion. but dont take my word for it.
btkadams said:
i read earlier in the thread that the missions those people give you arent for 100% completion. but dont take my word for it.
I just read on gamefaqs some names of those who dont count and it looks like you may be right. Of course i havent the faintest clue what the name of the guy im talking about is.


you can't put a price on sparks
does anyone know if you kill one of your friends that they never come back?

I followed Little Jacob after he sold me some guns and then i tried calling him to go eat with him to see if the game would make me go meet up with him somewhere else while he was right in front of me. didn't pick up though.

After a while, I shot him dead for the hell of it and then tried calling him again, but he didn't pick up still.

sorta interesting....i'd assume that if you kill them they're kaput.


you can't put a price on sparks
Zertez said:
I dont think it is possible to kill them. It just says they are injured and they are taken to the hospital.

oh really? I shot Jacob pretty good in the car when i trapped him, though. I guess i'd have to wait until i got that message or whatever.


davepoobond said:
oh really? I shot Jacob pretty good in the car when i trapped him, though. I guess i'd have to wait until i got that message or whatever.
He'll probably call you and ask for a ride from the hospital

If you could kill the friends it would break the story


So can someone tell me what happens when you
make a decision to kill Dwayne or Playboy? I would pick without a problem, but in the stat sheet it has a % for whether or not Dwayne likes/respects you as other friends. Playboy doesn't have one, so I'm thinking down the road Playboy just dissapears Elizabetha style while Dwayne is there for good. On the other hand it says that I am done with Dwayne's missions but not Playoboy's. It's all very confusing... is there a particular path that leads to more stuff down the road, or is it just that one mission?


TTG said:
So can someone tell me what happens when you
make a decision to kill Dwayne or Playboy? I would pick without a problem, but in the stat sheet it has a % for whether or not Dwayne likes/respects you as other friends. Playboy doesn't have one, so I'm thinking down the road Playboy just dissapears Elizabetha style while Dwayne is there for good. On the other hand it says that I am done with Dwayne's missions but not Playoboy's. It's all very confusing... is there a particular path that leads to more stuff down the road, or is it just that one mission?

You kill Playboy, and he pays you, and then says that he never wants to see you again because you actually went through with it and killed Dwayne. No friendship with him, no nothing beyond getting paid. Kill Playboy, and you get his house, and Dwayne will become a friend that you can call up to hang out with.

So basically... kill Playboy.
Gamer @ Heart said:
So i screwed my self out of 100% unless i redo everything in a new game?

Dam, i wanted this to be my first GTA i fully completed but it looks like that wont be thecase.

according to the strategy guide these people dont count for 100% completion, only the other people you run into the street regardless.


Is the volume really low in the game for anyone else? It's hard to hear the radio stations clearly or the conversations.


kevm3 said:
Is the volume really low in the game for anyone else? It's hard to hear the radio stations clearly or the conversations.

Yes, it is. I have to turn my speakers up for those. And it's annoying when you're playing at night because the guns are actually pretty loud.


kevm3 said:
Is the volume really low in the game for anyone else? It's hard to hear the radio stations clearly or the conversations.

You can adjust the sound levels in the audio menu, but bear in mind that every car has a different sound system, so in one car the music sounds better than the other. Anyway, I see that alot of you have already finished the single player, but I haven't. I am taking my time with this. I wanna explore much and enjoy the atmosphere of the different area's. Broker is still my favorite part though. The streets with the train rails above them look so nice.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Ok only people who beat the game read this (not quite there yet, but you know)

I am given the REALLY tough choice of deal or revenge right now. I'm siding on revenge right now because doing everything for money is stupid, but then you have Roman txt'ing you that I really should reconsider and not go for the blood spilling route... SO conflicting. Sparing Darko was easy, he was pathetic and he should suffer for his remaining life, but Dimitri, killing him would give some satisfaction :) Torn right here. Basically the game is telling me to choose Roman or Kate...


Darunia said:
Ok only people who beat the game read this (not quite there yet, but you know)

I am given the REALLY tough choice of deal or revenge right now. I'm siding on revenge right now because doing everything for money is stupid, but then you have Roman txt'ing you that I really should reconsider and not go for the blood spilling route... SO conflicting. Sparing Darko was easy, he was pathetic and he should suffer for his remaining life, but Dimitri, killing him would give some satisfaction :) Torn right here. Basically the game is telling me to choose Roman or Kate...

killing Darko gives probably one of the most rewarding cut scenes in gaming
I had a huge smile on my face the entire time.


TTG said:
So can someone tell me what happens when you
make a decision to kill Dwayne or Playboy? I would pick without a problem, but in the stat sheet it has a % for whether or not Dwayne likes/respects you as other friends. Playboy doesn't have one, so I'm thinking down the road Playboy just dissapears Elizabetha style while Dwayne is there for good. On the other hand it says that I am done with Dwayne's missions but not Playoboy's. It's all very confusing... is there a particular path that leads to more stuff down the road, or is it just that one mission?

Big spoilers regarding stuff that happens in Northern Algonquin.

Killing Playboy will be harder (You gotta fight out his friends and chase him through the roofs and streets... not long, but still a lot can go wrong.), but you get his apartment as a safehouse. You will also get the gratitude of Dwayne. (No direct money)

If you choose to kill Dwayne, you'll get 20,000 dollars, and it's a lot easier to kill him. Playboy will criticize you for actually going ahead and killing Dwayne.


what's up with the multiplayer :( I'm suck of being thrown back into the sp when there's disconnection, that should be fixed. But I just had a cops 'n crooks lobby, everyone was ready, but this guy kept flashing X/1/X/1 what does that mean? Then I suddenly had to pick a new gametype after waiting and it just kept on loading for ever =/
kevm3 said:
Is the volume really low in the game for anyone else? It's hard to hear the radio stations clearly or the conversations.

you can also fade the music in the options when conversations in the car come up or just use subs like I do.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Darunia said:
We just got our very first dog in the family today... He's called Brucie :)

I love brucie. He's fucking mental, but the stuff he says just cracks me up. So far, he's my favourite character out of the people you work with.


yo so
one of brucies friends called steve texted me and wants me to steal a bucaneer from the industrial park and its not marked on the map and i cannot find it for the life of me, help


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Man, the snow storm mission took me ages to do.
Getting into the old hospital and killing the people was fine, but I found it so difficult to get out and get rid of the cops chasing me


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Victrix said:
If you want to make the game a bit harder, turn off auto-aim. For whatever reason, it was disabled for me, and I played through 3/4ths of the game before a friend mentioned the lock on system and I had no idea what he was talking about. After I turned it on, I blitzed through the remaining missions, and all the interior shooting sections were boring lock-on, gentle squeeze to steady, aim up, headshot, over and over. Without lock enabled, you actually have to work a bit for your kills.
I might do that actually. Shooting is far too easy.

My biggest problem is avaoid getting shot. I know there's tons of cover, but as soon as I get behind something the covers me from most of the enemies, there will be someone standing right in front of me that i didnt notice before and I'll end up losing a load of health before i react to it. I always end up hiding behind the wrong thing


B-Rad Lascelle said:
Just a wacky thought, but with Roman out of the picture there's always the possibility that your character will have the option of dating Mallorie in this fall's DLC expansion.

it's hard for them to include roman in the expansion when he gets killed in 1 of 2 endings.


Choc said:
it's hard for them to include roman in the expansion when he gets killed in 1 of 2 endings.

They could easily make one of the endings be canon...Personally I find the Revenge route to be more in line with Nico's line of thinking...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm at the last mission now, so frustrating without checkpoints.

I'm on a dirtbike chasing Peggerino, when suddenly the game tells me to make a jump. I see nothing and keep chasing, until suddenly out of nowhere a ramp pops up and I haven't got enough speed to make it



Just beat the game. 23 hours with screwing around a bit. I thought the game was pretty well done all around. The little things are what make it great. I would give it a 9.25ish out of 10.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
so i finally tried online cops n crooks or whatever its called.

wow, nothing quite like slamming a bus into a cop's sports car and having it explode to save the mob boss to end a game

this game is too good


Darunia said:
I'm at the last mission now, so frustrating without checkpoints.

I'm on a dirtbike chasing Peggerino, when suddenly the game tells me to make a jump. I see nothing and keep chasing, until suddenly out of nowhere a ramp pops up and I haven't got enough speed to make it


Yeah it's confusing the first time,
basically when you start to see the street hang left and there's a jump you make to land in the helicopter.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I3rand0 said:
Yeah it's confusing the first time,
basically when you start to see the street hang left and there's a jump you make to land in the helicopter.

yeah I got that, but I got killed AGAIN in the next part

I get to the helicopter and suddenly the controls are different? I keep mashing the trigger to go higher, but nothing happens and then I realize of course I'm not driving... So in that heli part, you just use the left stick and X to shoot right? This is so confusing

probably the fifth time I'm trying this mission now, jesus


Darunia said:
yeah I got that, but I got killed AGAIN in the next part

I get to the helicopter and suddenly the controls are different? I keep mashing the trigger to go higher, but nothing happens and then I realize of course I'm not driving... So in that heli part, you just use the left stick and X to shoot right? This is so confusing

probably the fifth time I'm trying this mission now, jesus

I just kept chasing him, until I was hit by an RPG and then there was a cutscene.


So a couple days ago some dude was in here goin ape shit about how much better the game is with auto-aim off... well turns out he was right!

Its fucking awesome!!!

I mean, i understood why it would be better and I believed him - but now that Ive bittne the bullet and done it the shooting just becomes so much less boring. When you think about it there is shooting in almost every single mission and having auto-aim on just automates it(funny that) and takes away any need for the player other than pull trigger.

So... turn auto-aim off.

Doc Evils

Has the stats gone crazy on Rockstars severs? last night my level got reset from 3 to 1 and now on the scoial club the leadboarders have gone borked.
Doc Evils said:
Has the stats gone crazy on Rockstars severs? last night my level got reset from 3 to 1 and now on the scoial club the leadboarders have gone borked.
I don't know, but since launch the site has been effed, and now when I go to the Liberty City Marathon section it actually shows my stats. If anything Social Club looks better than before.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
I don't know, but since launch the site has been effed, and now when I go to the Liberty City Marathon section it actually shows my stats. If anything Social Club looks better than before.

Yeah have Rockstar even publicly acknowledged that at all? Its getting really fucking annoying. I mean if we didnt have it and didnt know about - no big deal. But dangle there in front of our noses and have it not work is pathetic.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished. The last mission was annoying as fuck, but the payoff was worth it. Somehow I think I got the
inferior ending, with Kate dead and all :( I'll check what happens when you take the deal route

Also: perfect New Game + after you beat the game, you gotta love that ,
complete with calls from friends, news reports and internet updates after the fact!

read about the other ending, that one's even more tragic. I'd rather see Kate go than Roman.


Okay im just trying out the mutiplayer, but how come when I go to ranked and I try to join a game, it always sets one up instead?
I need help on the
Packie Sniper mission. I snipe everyone there, but when it says Packie needs help, and his green blimp thing goes red, I have no idea what to do. I can't see him in the scope, and if I run/jump down he just dies
Chinner said:
Okay im just trying out the mutiplayer, but how come when I go to ranked and I try to join a game, it always sets one up instead?

Shitty matchmaking.

It happens a good deal especially depending on the playlist you pick. Keep trying, you'll eventually find more people (or try one of the more popular playlists even though there is no way to tell how many people are in a particular playlist at a time.) Or you can wait. Which can take forever...

*Today's daily dig.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Darunia said:
Finished. The last mission was annoying as fuck, but the payoff was worth it. Somehow I think I got the
inferior ending, with Kate dead and all :( I'll check what happens when you take the deal route

Also: perfect New Game + after you beat the game, you gotta love that ,
complete with calls from friends, news reports and internet updates after the fact!

read about the other ending, that one's even more tragic. I'd rather see Kate go than Roman.

yeah. both endings are inferior.

yesterday i picked team deatchmatch and was matchmade into a game with three teams. it was like 6 v 6 v 1. I was the 1.

good job rockstupid


Stoney Mason said:
Shitty matchmaking.

It happens a good deal especially depending on the playlist you pick. Keep trying, you'll eventually find more people (or try one of the more popular playlists even though there is no way to tell how many people are in a particular playlist at a time.) Or you can wait. Which can take forever...

*Today's daily dig.
What are the popular playlists?
Chinner said:
What are the popular playlists?

I have better luck (meaning higher chance of enter a playlist with people already there) with the race, GTA race playlists and the deathmatch, Team Deathmatch playlists) although it's just a percentage thing. The same thing happens there but just a little less for me than some of the other playlists.

To be honest its probably less frustrating to try to set up GAF games if enough people are on via that GAF GTA 4 gamertag. Although you have to setup a private game and reserve slots instead of using the party system which is fucked.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Y2Kev said:
yeah. both endings are inferior.

yesterday i picked team deatchmatch and was matchmade into a game with three teams. it was like 6 v 6 v 1. I was the 1.

good job rockstupid


I haven't played that much mp, but yesterday I did all the co-op missions with Mmarsu and others. Those missions are pretty fun

As are the races, unexpectedly


Y2Kev said:
yeah. both endings are inferior.

yesterday i picked team deatchmatch and was matchmade into a game with three teams. it was like 6 v 6 v 1. I was the 1.

good job rockstupid


did you win
Y2Kev said:
yesterday i picked team deatchmatch and was matchmade into a game with three teams. it was like 6 v 6 v 1. I was the 1.

good job rockstupid

Yeah, there is no auto-balancing in effect. The people in the room have to align themselves into proper teams. (Which means it's a nightmare)
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