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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

womfalcs3 said:
The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.

Ugh, I hate the chases, and I loved, as you said, weaving in and out of traffic and stuff in San Andreas. Nothing like seeing my target get away because I got caught on a freaking fire hydrant or something. I still haven't gotten use to the way the cars handle in this game; every time I get into a car I feel like I'm battling the controls. I much prefer shootouts, even with the sometimes-clunky movement and cover controls. On missions where there's an easier way to complete them, I purposely engage in shootouts just because.


isamu said:
You ARE joking, right? This was one of the most ridiculously hard/tedious/frustrating games I've ever played. Even harder than Uncharted on Crushing or Gears on Insane.

you must be a shit gamer. I found it very, very easy and manageable.

Jedeye Sniv

Just finished the last mission again, on the
track. Did it first time as well, was expecting something really hard after all the spoiler'd out bitching that's been going on.

The stuff with the bike especially was incredibly easy, just drive around the coast and then jump off a ramp. Piece of piss, what were some of you moaning about??

Definitely think that Kate dying was the 'good' ending, I was gutted after Roman died and this ending left me surprisingly happy, tearing round with my buddies. I can go blowing with Roman again! Hooray for time travel!!

Killing Dimitri was great as well, the fight on the boat was especially fun,
I'm really going to miss these more scripted fights now that I've finished and all I have left are free-form Police chases.

And speaking of the Police, I definitely think now that the police are harder when you finish the game. It's not so much that they're more aggressive, it's just that there are more of them so they can block off escape routes and prolong the chase, making you have to work to avoid even three stars. I think it's because you're not working for the Paper Company any more, they can't 'take the heat off you' as it were. As I said before, this is very subjective, but I'm having a lot more fun with them now than I was in the game itself.
Won said:
Social Club will know when it happened. At least it does know with my "story complete".
But (very big but here) I think the rules state, that you not only need to have 100%, but you also need access to the 100% area on the side.
Considering how R* handles the club and all community things so far nothing can be said for sure. I think the whole extend thing was because of the slow update in first place.

It's about a week ago that I finished the story and SC still hasn't been updated. I do have one Zit added to the list though.
OK, early game question here. After I met Little Jacob for the first time and dropped him off, I started doing some other piddly stuff for a few hours and then started in on the Vlad and Faustin missions. I've tried to call the dude several times and he's not available. I thought I'd read that the LJ missions are some of the first ones in the game. Do I have to wait until I'm through with Faustin's story before the game will let me dig into LJ?

Also, Dimitri wants me to
waste Faustin
. But my stats say I've only completed 71 percent of the Faustin missions. What gives? I skimmed a couple of guides just to see if I was missing something but the
biker boyfriend
mission appears to be the last for Faustin...


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
lionelhutz said:
They give you a map with the game. There is also a map in the lower left corner of the screen.
that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.


I beat the game, enjoyed the ending, now its time to finish the odd jobs and not get distracted with killing cops which I have hard time trying not to do. One thing about the ending,
I choose the revenge option with for the big decision, I kind of felt bad when Packie was grieving over the phone about Katie. Mainly the part about McCreary men being the sinners and she was just the innocent one keeping the peace.
womfalcs3 said:
GTA IV hasn't been hard at all. There has only been one mission so far where I've had to do it more than once (I'm currently 71 missions in). There were missions in previous installments that literally took me hours to pass. Maybe it's easier because of the improved shooting and new cop evasion system.

The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.
I cruised through most all of it too, but I just finished it last night
chose revenge
and the last few are pretty tough. A number of missions span multiple segments and if you die, you have a lot of legwork to re-do.

BTW, as I said, I finished it last night. 10, imho. It's not flawless, but no game has ever had such a high level in story, characters, physics, voice acting, environment, and online play. The music, the city, the people, the missions (yeah, drive & shoot, but I still found them a lot of fun). 10. There are many little nitpicky things I might change or adjust, but damn, the Housers know how to put a game together.


Iamthegamer said:
that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.

You can always hit B or circle at any time and the camera will point in the direction of the train.


RadarScope1 said:
OK, early game question here. After I met Little Jacob for the first time and dropped him off, I started doing some other piddly stuff for a few hours and then started in on the Vlad and Faustin missions. I've tried to call the dude several times and he's not available. I thought I'd read that the LJ missions are some of the first ones in the game. Do I have to wait until I'm through with Faustin's story before the game will let me dig into LJ?

Also, Dimitri wants me to
waste Faustin
. But my stats say I've only completed 71 percent of the Faustin missions. What gives? I skimmed a couple of guides just to see if I was missing something but the
biker boyfriend
mission appears to be the last for Faustin...
Just do the missions as they become available, you won't be missing anything. Different things may be in different order to guides/other people depending on what missions you choose to do before others, sometimes the time and stuff.

kylej said:
You can always hit B or circle at any time and the camera will point in the direction of the train.
Even so, it can be a little annoying because the target camera often means you get a shitty view of where your car is going. But just memorize the layout of the tracks in comparison to the streets and follow that, don't take corners too fast to not risk crashing into roadside obstacles. Should be pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Accidentally hitting police cars is pretty annoying too.
The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to
drive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to
drive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.
Speaking of which, losing missions when you're close to completing them coz of fucked up AI buddies pisses me off so much, and it seems to happen quite often to me. :/ Sometimes they stand there doing nothing when everyone is dead, but the building is surrounded by cops, other times they run in the wrong direction and you have to go back and make them follow again.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to
drive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.

The RPG is designed as an anti-vehicle weapon and is wildly inaccurate against single target human foes, so during this mission I found grenades and MP-5s/Ak-47s to be much more efficient in mowing down enemies. Of course, if the AI likes to camp behind vehicles, one big bullet is all you need to take down 3 of them.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to
drive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.

Yeah I don't understand the "right" way to do that mission, even though I somehow beat it. The first time, I hung back and shot guys from outside while dumbass phil went running in and got killed. The next time, I noticed it said "get through the boat yard," so I thought "oh, well i'll just drive through." Wrong. I tapped an exploding barrel with the van and died. Third time, I got out of the van to shoot that barrel so I could drive through (I had to get really close for it to explode, which is another awesome thing about the game), got back in, and phil had gotten out and was soon dead.

Finally, I just decided to try to stay close to phil as he retardedly went through the boat yard, and we somehow survived


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Anyone know what the special prize will be for the Social Club's 100% Club? It's only recently that I saw that it would be for 100% completion - I thought it was just for beating the main story, which I happened to do in the first 5 days...

I would have definitely had 100% completion a long time ago if I didn't slow down bug time with the game, and now I'm going for the 100%, which I doubt I get before tomorrow...

Does anyone know if the prize will be something to be used in-game or not, or if every single person will get it, or just randomly?

Hell, I registered for the site in the first week, and to this day there is nothing to click on on the site, and I tied my Gamertag to the account and everything - I don't even see that it acknowledged that I beat the game, or a percentage, nothing...


Skilotonn said:
Anyone know what the special prize will be for the Social Club's 100% Club? It's only recently that I saw that it would be for 100% completion - I thought it was just for beating the main story, which I happened to do in the first 5 days...

I would have definitely had 100% completion a long time ago if I didn't slow down bug time with the game, and now I'm going for the 100%, which I doubt I get before tomorrow...

Does anyone know if the prize will be something to be used in-game or not, or if every single person will get it, or just randomly?

Hell, I registered for the site in the first week, and to this day there is nothing to click on on the site, and I tied my Gamertag to the account and everything - I don't even see that it acknowledged that I beat the game, or a percentage, nothing...

Welcome to the Scoial Club experience!

And the prize will some kind of a plastic/metal key with the IV logo on it as far as I understand. They are not yet produced so everyone who fullfils the requiremens will get one.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Finally did three leaf clover. I was determined to do it without auto-aim and I came really close too. I got upto the bit where
you do down onto the train track, but then I got hit by the train.
The next time I did it I put auto aim on and finished it easily.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
whatdidyousay said:
I don't mind the driving at all. But I do HATE the motorcycle chases. Enough already!
Motorcycle chases are some of the best missions. You've just got to be pretty careful when driving around on one.


finished the game... (killed playboy x, francis mcreary and took revenge)

pegorino was a bitch in the last mission

he shot down my chopper like 5 times.. damn..

got the one man army achievement on the island of happiness after beating the last mission :D


farnham said:
finished the game...
(killed playboy x, francis mcreary and took revenge)

pegorino was a bitch in the last mission

he shot down my chopper like 5 times.. damn..

got the one man army achievement on the island of happiness after beating the last mission :D

Spoiler tag that man!
WOOO! I went to my local GAME today and they were throwing out all the GTA promo stuff! :O. Anyway I managed to snag 10 or so 40gb PS3 display boxes (I have no use for them... any suggestions?) and a huge banner :D. I'm still after the lolipop girl standee. Anyone know where i can snag one? I love that artwork piece so much!




(Ignore Paris Hilton's head.... It's a lifesize cutout I snagged from Debenhams mwhahha. EBAYAGE for teh win!)


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Won said:
Welcome to the Scoial Club experience!

And the prize will some kind of a plastic/metal key with the IV logo on it as far as I understand. They are not yet produced so everyone who fullfils the requiremens will get one.

Oh, okay - thanks man...

Dunno if it'll be worth it to rush to reach the deadline, especially if the website won't even show my stats period... but I'll keep playing...


pj325is said:
Yeah I don't understand the "right" way to do that mission, even though I somehow beat it. The first time, I hung back and shot guys from outside while dumbass phil went running in and got killed. The next time, I noticed it said "get through the boat yard," so I thought "oh, well i'll just drive through." Wrong. I tapped an exploding barrel with the van and died. Third time, I got out of the van to shoot that barrel so I could drive through (I had to get really close for it to explode, which is another awesome thing about the game), got back in, and phil had gotten out and was soon dead.

Finally, I just decided to try to stay close to phil as he retardedly went through the boat yard, and we somehow survived

Guess I got lucky. For me, he just hung back and let me clear out the hanger before going in.

Tried the last mission 3 times last night unsuccessfully before going to bed.
First time, I did the wrong jump and landed where the cars were parked.
Second time, went to the yellow arrow jump, but didn't trigger the cutscene so the bike landed in the water
Third, I went full speed at the jump and was able to trigger the cutscene, but soon after it said I had lost Peg because it took me a few seconds to remember chopper controls. f*cking POS

Some of the missions were incredibly frustrating. Whenever you're chasing on a bike or doing a mission with someone else that can't die. Long missions with no checkpoints in the middle don't help either.


Iamthegamer said:
that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.

Its a terribly easy mission. The train tracks go over the road so you just loosely follow the train. Extremely easy.

dont know why this game freaks everyone out. So many people come in here crying about difficulty.
I've never been a big fan of Grand Theft Auto. I liked three, but quickly bored of Vice City and was tired of the series by the time San Andreas rolled around. But I decided to rent GTA IV this weekend to try it out. I'm happy I did.

Liberty City is alive, moreso than any other GTA city. I played for about seven hours yesterday; three of those hours were just spent wandering around.

There's the obvious stuff, like the solid graphics, terrific voice acting, and finely tuned gameplay mechanics. But the game is full of so many little things.

The first cab ride I took was a revealtion. To get that view of the city, through Niko's eyes, is incredible. To be stuck in traffic, watching other drivers doing different things. To see people in the backs of other cabs. Seeing people walking down the street, answering their cell phones. Watching someone get mugged. People sweeping the streets. Standing outside a bar smoking. Holy hell, it felt "real."

I also, for the fun of it, drove across part of the city obeying traffic laws and observing. More incredible details. Watching people drive, honk, wait for pedestrians in the street. But the small detail that ruly blew me away -- someone tossed a coffee cup out their window while waiting at a stop light.

As for the core gameplay, it feels far more streamlined than previous GTA's. It's easier to do "stuff", which makes it more enjoyable to play. The shooting mechanics and cover system are a blast. I just (SPOILER) took out the drug dealers for Little John with the shotgun. Amazing. One of the guys then got up, limped out, stumbled in the hallway, and fell down a flight of stairs. I had to finish him off, but to be honest, I felt dirty doing so. I actually felt bad for the bastard.

I've also had several "did that just happen" moments. I can't remember the mission, but I had to "take care of" a guy who tried escaping by getting into his car. Before he got it started, I opened fire into his windshield and hit him in the head. He slumped forward, on the horn. The car horn started blaring -- and if that wasn't cool enough -- I heard an eyewitness yell "Holy f--king s--t, did you just see that?!"

GTA IV is a true achievement. It has its crass moments, and there are some funny glitches to snap you back to reality here and there, but the game is an incredible bright spot for gaming. It's placed you in control of a very human story, with compelling characters in the most fleshed out, living city ever greated in a game.


I love the commentary in this game.

I'm driving down one of the streets in Broker on a bike when all of a sudden a car jumps out in front of me and I hit it head on. I go flying into the air about 30 feet hitting things and rolling around finally stopping still against a lamp post I slam into. As I'm getting up I hear a guy on the sidewalk make a comment. He goes, "Woah, that was awesome. Just like on TV!" Hilarious. :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
voltron said:
Its a terribly easy mission. The train tracks go over the road so you just loosely follow the train. Extremely easy.

dont know why this game freaks everyone out. So many people come in here crying about difficulty.
it's nt difficult but....god damnit, I hate Manny Escuela. Where did this guy come from and how long until he goes, seriously.
The commentary is great.

I honked at a woman I though was a hooker. She turned around and said.. "Good luck trying to f--k me as I'm running!" Another woman next to her shouted "Oh my God, this is going on my blog!"

I was stunned.
G-Bus said:
So I'm playing some TDM and I click in the right analog stick.... holy shit it zooms!!! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I get gunned down by someone using a pistol from half a block away while I unload 2 clips of machine gun fire on his ass.

This should be posted in the gaming secrets that blow your mind thread.

Totally wish I had known that 40 hours ago.


Last night I got home from the bar late at night, but decided to mess around with with GTA for a bit before I went to bed. Brucie called me offering me a helicopter ride with his two girlfriends and I thought that was awesome since I hadn't done a helicopter yet so I said yes. I was flying around and then the next thing I know I startle myself awake and I see on the screen "Brucie's girlfriend was injured" and my character at the hospital.

I guess I fell asleep in mid air and crashed the helicopter? :lol


womfalcs3 said:
GTA IV hasn't been hard at all. There has only been one mission so far where I've had to do it more than once (I'm currently 71 missions in). There were missions in previous installments that literally took me hours to pass. Maybe it's easier because of the improved shooting and new cop evasion system.

The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.
Yes, remove the "maybe".
Previous games' gameplay sucked and had broken controls, this one is improved and a lot easier.
Well I just beat GTA4. 7/10 Definitely my least favorite GTA since GTA3. While I did get use to the driving and the terrible autoaim. I didn't get use to the terrible story and characters. I didn't develop any attachment to any of the characters. They were all vulgar and disgusting.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Well I just beat GTA4. 7/10 Definitely my least favorite GTA since GTA3. While I did get use to the driving and the terrible autoaim. I didn't get use to the terrible story and characters. I didn't develop any attachment to any of the characters. They were all vulgar and disgusting.

I respectively disagree. Niko is a tortured soul. He doesn't always want to kill, but he knows he's good at it. He's also desperate for money.

Early in the game, he says.. "The war ruined me." That's his character right there.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
brendanrfoley said:
I respectively disagree. Niko is a tortured soul. He doesn't always want to kill, but he knows he's good at it. He's also desperate for money.

Early in the game, he says.. "The war ruined me." That's his character right there.

Yeah, but later in the game when you have more money than you can handle he still says he'll do anything if it pays, so it felt like a lot of the people you were doing missions for were pointless and he only killed certain people because he was asked.

Anyway, what does the Fly the Co-op achievement mean? It says beat our times in Deal Breaker, Bomb da Base II, and Hangman's NOOSE...but what are the times?


he's Virgin Tight™
Hmm... is Carmen good? I was supposed to meet up with her, but I went on a pedestrian killing frenzy, crashed into the police station, ran away like an idiot not noticing the bridge to the other island was still closed and I gained 7 stars which proceeded to rape me immediately.


Guys got a question about random character's. I didn't do any all game so I'm doing all of them at once. Well, Brain the first one your suppose to do I did the first one where he gives you the 100$ and I when I go to the second location he isn't there. do they appear at random!


brendanrfoley said:
The commentary is great.

I honked at a woman I though was a hooker. She turned around and said.. "Good luck trying to f--k me as I'm running!" Another woman next to her shouted "Oh my God, this is going on my blog!"

I was stunned.

Also worth mentioning, I don't think I heard the same line twice from pedestrians during my 50 hours of play. I was very, very impressed by that.


neoism said:
Guys got a question about random character's. I didn't do any all game so I'm doing all of them at once. Well, Brain the first one your suppose to do I did the first one where he gives you the 100$ and I when I go to the second location he isn't there. do they appear at random!

I think some time has to pass. And various random characters only appear to specific times.

Oh and my Social Club account made an 1% progress in the last three days. Somehow I don't think it will reach 100 by tomorrow.


Chili Con Carnage!
People saying this game isn't as dynamic as it used to be need to stfu.

2 instances right at the end of the game

The mission where you off Ray, I thought it looked a bit tough with the PMP full of bodyguards so I gave packie a call and hooked myself up with a car bomb, then blew the shit out of ray when he stopped for gas.

Then on the revenge mission I'd just found a chopper, so i thought rather than fighting my way up the gangplank Id just fly on to the bridge, unfortunately I got shot to shit as soon as I was over the boat So i ended up bailing out of the chopper about 30 feet above the roof of the bridge...very dramatic as the chopper fell down onto the main part of the boat and blew up.


Listening-Age questions:

What Radio Stations are you guys enjoying the most? This is the first game in the GTA 3D series that I've had a really hard time finding a station that I liked.

Also, I heard the music from one of the trailers in-game earlier this a.m. (I think), the techno-y song, which Radio Station was that on.


Relix said:
Hmm... is Carmen good? I was supposed to meet up with her, but I went on a pedestrian killing frenzy, crashed into the police station, ran away like an idiot not noticing the bridge to the other island was still closed and I gained 7 stars which proceeded to rape me immediately.

Her perk is healing Niko, but it almost never works.

LukeSmith said:
Listening-Age questions:

What Radio Stations are you guys enjoying the most? This is the first game in the GTA 3D series that I've had a really hard time finding a station that I liked.

Also, I heard the music from one of the trailers in-game earlier this a.m. (I think), the techno-y song, which Radio Station was that on.

I enjoy listening to Liberty Rock Radio and Radio Vladivostok the most.


butthole fishhooking yes
LukeSmith said:
Listening-Age questions:

What Radio Stations are you guys enjoying the most? This is the first game in the GTA 3D series that I've had a really hard time finding a station that I liked.

Also, I heard the music from one of the trailers in-game earlier this a.m. (I think), the techno-y song, which Radio Station was that on.

If you're talking about LCD Soundsystem, it's Vladivostok.

I kinda bump around looking for talk radio segments or advertisements to be honest. They make me chuckle.
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