I'm not the only one who hates the online component of this game am I? The way it is implemented is pure shite.
I'm in a party but everyone else has left, so I want to join a public game. Oh whats that, I can't because I'm in a party with no one? Wait, I have to quit back to single player then back into multiplayer just to join a fucking public game? Fuck off, you stupid ass!
It's pretty fucking funny how they tried to make the multiplayer seemless transition from sinlgle player, yet I have to sit staring at a black shitty loading screen just to get into multiplayer and then to go back into single player.
If you're going to copy Burnout, do it fucking right!
Oh and I can't even talk to people with my headset if they don't have their headsets on? Why the fuck did they even bother to waste ther time to code something like that?? It's completly fucking retarded!
Yes I just got off a completely shitty game of stare at the fucking host long enough until he hits ready, only to have it disconnect me right before I get to play, so I had to rant somewhere.