holy mother of god
newsguy said:Hopefully this can be turned off by host. If not, this will be the exact scenario:
*Custom cellphone rings*
Me: yeeeeeellow
12 year old bible belter: "YOU FUGGIN N***ER!!! HUAHUAHAUHAU!!!!!!
Me: .... :/
Ten-Song said:This is why I turn off all but friends voices in Xbox Live.
pswii60 said:Dunno if this is old, but from Fox News thread. GTA IV ads in US without a 360 logo?
Also got an email from GAME, saying my 360 SE version will be picking/packing from tomorrow. Fingers crossed I get it before the weekend!
SolidSnakex said:
Teknoman said:Some of those screenshots are most likely from the MP version of things. Especially since
alot of the "bad" looking shots focus on characters from specific angles that seemingly have nothing to do with the story.
How large is this Liberty City compared to the version in GTA III?
Garbut: In terms of pure landmass its roughly three times as big. But it's far more dense, varied and detailed. I didn't actually realize how much more dense and detailed until I reminded myself just now by overlaying the two maps. There is so much more of everything in GTAIV.
I heard peds talking in a wide variety of languages across the city, lots of Chinese in Chinatown, Russian in Hove Beach etc. How many different languages are represented in the game?
Garbut: One of the things I love most about New York is the amazing mix of people. We tried to capture this visually and for this to work as well as it needed to and to set the correct vibe of each area we had to do it audibly too. Its one of the many distinctive things about New York, as you walk down the street you'll see so many nationalities, hear so many languages and accents. So wherever it was appropriate we do that in Liberty.
Teknoman said:That has got to be the BIGGEST cup of coffee i've ever seen.
Recoil said:
First sighting of the transit busses..
Smokey Bones said:From IGN update:
We took around a quarter of a million photos and a silly amount of video footage. We spent another year or so working up the city based on this research then about a year or so ago we flew a smaller group across for more research. We also had a full time research team based in New York to handle our numerous little requests for particular details anything from ethnic breakdowns of particular areas to photos of certain interior types or videos of traffic patterns. I have 20 DVDs of traffic flows at random junctions at various times of the day sitting on my desk here as an example, and a few hours of footage of a night in a Russian supper club. They also sent across various reports, census data, even information on drainage, sewage, electrical and other infrastructure. Some of this is obviously superfluous in some respects, but it's important to start everyone thinking about how something works so they can build with that in mind.
Good god
woodchuck said:wait. can you hijack the transit buses with passengers remaining inside?
Sylar said:I see the patented GTA gay jokes certianly haven't gone anyweres.
Sylar said:I see the patented GTA gay jokes certianly haven't gone anyweres.
they probably all jump outwoodchuck said:wait. can you hijack the transit buses with passengers remaining inside?
newsguy said:Mass casualties imminent.
chubigans said:I used to hate the paint filter, but it's definitely grown on me. Anyone else feel the same?
chubigans said:I used to hate the paint filter, but it's definitely grown on me. Anyone else feel the same?
How large is this Liberty City compared to the version in GTA III?
Garbut: In terms of pure landmass its roughly three times as big. But it's far more dense, varied and detailed. I didn't actually realize how much more dense and detailed until I reminded myself just now by overlaying the two maps. There is so much more of everything in GTAIV
MobiusPigeon said::lol @ "CNT" billboard. damn i love rockstar. they just dont give a fuck.
newsguy said:Hey dude, I noticed you made a "my 360 died" thread. What's the deal? Will you have a replacement for GTA?
Sylar said:They've always loved to poke fun at the gays a little more, and like to use "fag" alot.
chubigans said:I think he has a PS3 actually. So he'll be good.
Teknoman said:Dont forget the frisbees in the dark commercial.
Would be pretty awesome if while you were driving one a passenger walked up and knocked you upside the head or something, or there happens to be an off duty/undercover cop onboard.woodchuck said:wait. can you hijack the transit buses with passengers remaining inside?
Me: When did you decide to do the episodic content? How do you see it fitting into GTA IV?
DH: I think its an experiment. The idea of a world thats you can drop bits into it, thats interesting. But well see how it goes. At the moment, theres not much going on with it. Were finishing off the last bits of this one and the only way we can really do this is by really focusing on it.
Come April the 30 [the day after "GTA IV" comes out], then well look at [September release] Midnight Club[:Los Angeles] and the episodes and everything else. For the moment were all like, GTA 4! GTA 4! GTA 4! If you want to launch a big big media product, it has to be all consuming.
But yea, its interesting. Maybe its changing and maybe its not ready. You dont really know whats happening with that stuff and at the time well see whats going on.
Sylar said:Cool interview here:
very long.
So they haven't even worked on the DLC yet.