Illuminati said:Where is this "multiplayer thread" the OP is referring to? I just want to know if players can drop in and out of games mid-game.
That would be great to know.
Illuminati said:Where is this "multiplayer thread" the OP is referring to? I just want to know if players can drop in and out of games mid-game.
Breda, 15 april 2008
Van Take Two Interactive Benelux BV.
Geachte relatie,
De officiële Streetdate en streettime van Grand Theft auto IV (GTA IV) Playstation 3 en Xbox 360 is dinsdag 29 april 2008, (Streetdate). Om in de Benelux een gelijktijdige release van GTA IV op 29 april 2008 voor alle partners mogelijk te maken, zullen wij deze titel tijdig aan u uitleveren. Dit betekent dat u het product voor de officiële Streetdate ontvangt. Wij zien deze vroegtijdige uitlevering als dienst om gelijke verkoopkansen te bieden aan alle relaties, door iedereen de mogelijkheid te geven gelijktijdig de verkoop te starten.
Voorwaarden voor vroegtijdige uitlevering zijn:
Het is NIEMAND toegestaan GTA IV voor de streetdate te installeren, gebruiken of doen gebruiken.
Het is niet toegestaan GTA IV voor de streetdate aan eindgebruikers, medewerkers of derden te leveren.
Het is niet toegestaan GTA IV voor de streetdate voor consumenten zichtbaar in een winkel te laten zijn.
GTA IV mag op 28 april en absoluut NIET EERDER afgeleverd worden aan uw filialen/winkels zodat iedereen vanaf 29 april kan gaan verkopen. U dient uw medewerkers voldoende te informeren dat NIEMAND (medewerkers noch klanten) GTA IV voor de streetdate mag kopen, verkrijgen, installeren, gebruiken of doen gebruiken!!
Mocht u (uw onderneming) zich niet aan bovenstaande voorwaarden houden of GTA IV voor de Streetdate aan een eindgebruiker of medewerker (laten) leveren of (laten) gebruiken, dan zullen wij uw onderneming met een boete van Ç 25.000,00 belasten wegens contractbreuk. Daarnaast zal uw onderneming geen voorrang krijgen bij een volgende levering van GTA IV (restant D1 levering) en in de toekomst worden uitgesloten van vroegtijdige leveringen.
AniHawk said:Hard to believe it's been four years since the last GTA. Really looking forward to this.
This has got to be the biggest April in video game history. ...Or at least the last decade.
This is great.Keyser Soze said:Okay, here is BitterSweet Symphony / GTA IV...
dejay said:That wanted circle looks quite large for a single star - over two city blocks. Imagine the wanted circle for three stars.
True.. :/BeeDog said:Where the fuck is my d'n'b station?![]()
There's a lot of things like this but most of the stores sell at least the game one day before the official release date.Jel0man said:Hmm this notice sent to Dutch retailers kind of crushes my hopes to get the game early:lol.
It basically says that Take Two will ship the game to retailers early, but that retailers may only begin delivering the copies to their stores starting the 28th. Of course, stores are not allowed to sell the game before the 29th. If a store is crazy enough to break this rule, they can pay Take Two 25.000 euros.
Banzaiaap said:True.. :/
DnB/Dubstep station would be epic.
(Such as bassjunkees radio, which I tend to listen alot..)
If a train leaves at 10:00 am and you arrive at 10:01 am, you fail the mission. Missions also happen on specific days. If it's Monday, sometimes you will have a mission that starts on Wednesday.
dejay said:![]()
That wanted circle looks quite large for a single star - over two city blocks. Imagine the wanted circle for three stars.
*high fives*Tieno said:Bittersweet symphony is in GTA? That's one of my favourite songs!
Felix Lighter said:With 18 radio stations, I'm hoping for at least 4 or 5 talk radio stations.
The camera angle there is a little strange. I'm guessing they moved the camera before making the screenshot for dramatic effect but chose to leave the HUD in the image. I doubt that Niko would ever be that far off center.
rhino4evr said:The OPM review was much better written then the OXM review. Although it did have a lot more spoilers. I'm trying to keep my expectations lowered, but it sounds like tthey have really polished the overall GTA experience. A smaller map, better aiming, and a more tightly focused story are all big pluses for me.
.CalamityDaunt said:I can't fucking wait any longer goddamit
VindicatorZ said:All those radio stations sound awsome but what is Massive B Soundsystem 96.9 (dance hall) What is dance hall music? Just curious.
And why the hell isn't there Flashback FM so we can have some awsome classic 80's music?
rhino4evr said:The OPM review was much better written then the OXM review. Although it did have a lot more spoilers. I'm trying to keep my expectations lowered, but it sounds like tthey have really polished the overall GTA experience. A smaller map, better aiming, and a more tightly focused story are all big pluses for me.
Tieno said:Bittersweet symphony is in GTA? That's one of my favourite songs!