fuck you you just cost me another £200
argh I dont know, I'm gonna feel super guilty if I buy a new 360 anytime soon. I just spent the equivalent of an arcade 360 on headphones + jvc sudh1 unit to give my ps3 surround sound - all in preparation of playing gta iv and mgs4. I suppose I could apply it to my 360 as well....
why couldnt sony just make the online good
Fallout-NL - I'm also from Europe. I don't consider the post a troll, its definitely part of my decision making process and as stated earlier I'm waiting so theres more chance of me getting one of the later gen 360s which are supposedly better.
You also reminded me that XBL isn't cheap/free so I think I will just get the PS3 one for now. Peace of mind and solo play will tide me over and maybe...just maybe the online component will still be ok.
rod - good times man

Add me on PSN too! my tag is Bi-7.