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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Don't spoil it here....

Is it the same one he said on O&A? Something about Roman getting sent back to russia
Wollan said:
Well, not too bad but I think I know who the special someone is.
Yeah, that's the one thing I've heard about Lazlow. He really isn't as tight-lipped compared to the others that are involved with the game. Maybe it's just that he isn't too keen on what people would consider spoilers, but either way.


1UP: Plus, you're not guaranteed a hard drive in every system.

SH: That's a complicated one. I met with a bunch of the senior fellows from [Microsoft]. I said, that's kind of complicated.... The upshot of the technical challenges we've experienced on either the 360 or on the PS3 is [that] both companies stepped up to the plate and have supported us in a way that was beyond even my greedy expectations. They've been amazing. I think that the 360 is going to have to get 'round this issue we're talking about. I can think of various ways they can do it. Hopefully, they're going to adopt one of those in the next year or so, because it's going to become more of an issue. If we're filling up the disc right now, where are we going? It's not like our games are going to get any smaller. I think that issue's on the table with a bunch of games right now. I'm sure they'll come through with an intelligent solution.

So GTA4 could eb the last GTA on 360? :O


I wasn't going to, but I think I'll spend the extra 30 bucks and get the LE. I really fucking want the artbook and soundtrack and I'm sure I can find some use for the duffel bag/lockbox.


Does there exist a fair & balanced 360 vs PS3 head to head available anywhere yet?

I'm GameFlying the 360 one just in case there's a ton of DLC for it down the pike, but if the multi-player is amazing (I don't have Gold), I might go PS3. Is there a general consensus I've failed to pick up on?


y'all should be ashamed
Juice said:
Does there exist a fair & balanced 360 vs PS3 head to head available anywhere yet?

I'm GameFlying the 360 one just in case there's a ton of DLC for it down the pike, but if the multi-player is amazing (I don't have Gold), I might go PS3. Is there a general consensus I've failed to pick up on?

So you're holding out on ten or more hours of gameplay for the 360 version...verses dozens and dozens of hours for the online multiplayer?


Teknoman said:
Im afraid people will just use free mode now, instead of experiencing other game modes.

Yeah, that mode sounds extremely uninteresting to me. Ah well.

Doc Evils

Himuro said:
GTA is made in Scotland.

yeah but he's vice president of Rockstar games along with his brother.

Oh and to fan the flames:

1UP: Let's talk about the hardware issues. Back when GTA4 was delayed, PS3 technical hurdles were cited as a contributing factor. I take it those have been ironed out.
SH: I don't know what anybody's said on that stuff. I didn't say anything, and I stay out of it.... Both machines are absolutely fantastic, but they both come with strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the 360 is a very, very accessible, familiar, effective environment to work in. You're making the game from the get-go, everyone understands its PC environment -- boom, off we go. It's pretty good. One of the problems with the 360, and it affects games like Grand Theft Auto if you think about how much content we put in the actual machine, is the fact that they don't have a significantly larger storage medium than the previous systems. It's a slightly bigger DVD disc.


Sylar said:
1UP: Plus, you're not guaranteed a hard drive in every system.

SH: That's a complicated one. I met with a bunch of the senior fellows from [Microsoft]. I said, that's kind of complicated.... The upshot of the technical challenges we've experienced on either the 360 or on the PS3 is [that] both companies stepped up to the plate and have supported us in a way that was beyond even my greedy expectations. They've been amazing. I think that the 360 is going to have to get 'round this issue we're talking about. I can think of various ways they can do it. Hopefully, they're going to adopt one of those in the next year or so, because it's going to become more of an issue. If we're filling up the disc right now, where are we going? It's not like our games are going to get any smaller. I think that issue's on the table with a bunch of games right now. I'm sure they'll come through with an intelligent solution.

So GTA4 could eb the last GTA on 360? :O

Oh shi-

Yeah I don't know how they're going to get the next GTA onto a DVD-9 unless they make the world around the same size as LC.


chubigans said:
Yeah, that mode sounds extremely uninteresting to me. Ah well.

Then again, if people do 4 team Team Mafiya work:

In multiplayer, you can use your phone to dial and have private conversations with members of your own team or of the opposing team. So give a call to an enemy -- one who's not too bright -- and act like you are on his team. Who knows, he may just be dumb enough to follow your instructions. And if nothing else, at least you can mock him until he hangs up his phone.

That sounds really cool, especially with the quick 4 man objectives. Imagine 4 teams of 4 people fighting it out for the same objective, or calling someone with false information.

Either way, might end up playing this more with GAF than with other random people (of course pick up games probably still will be fun). I just hope a decent amount get the PS3 version (since more of GAF interested in the game seem to be going for the 360 version).

Doc Evils


Getting things running on the PS3 initially was challenging. I think it was challenging for a lot of companies, but it's also a machine where, now that we've got comfortable with it -- I don't want to say we've cracked it, but we've got comfortable with it -- we know we can make our games. We're at a point now where the games pretty much look identical side by side. There's a slight difference in the way they look. I think that's to do with really low-level technical stuff that I'm not the guy to explain. The 360 games have a certain look to them; PS3 games have a certain look to them. I like the way [the PS3] renders. There's a certain kind of softness without being blurry -- some warmth to it -- and then there's a certain more clinical element to how the 360 looks

maybe the rep was right?


dork said:

thats a great deal for anyone who doesnt have a system for this game yet

Anyone know if this is a BB deal or an MS one? More importantly is it available in Canada?

Could be the excuse for an Arcade SKU that I need


MercuryLS said:
Oh shi-

Yeah I don't know how they're going to get the next GTA onto a DVD-9 unless they make the world around the same size as LC.

Not if they keep their existing solution... But I can see that changing fairly soon as well.
(making hard drives less of a ripoff and allowing installs for example)


Your cell phone plays a major role in the single-player campaign, but is a fairly minor thing in multiplayer. That is, until you play Team Mafiya Work. Throughout the match, you and the competing teams receive text messages assigning you missions from the mafiya. This might mean jacking a specific car, assassinating an informant, or any number of other errands. The team that completes the objective first scores the cash. Just don't get cocky. As soon as one errand is completed, another one pops up on your phone.

While most team-based games play best with just two groups, Mafiya Work is better with more teams. The errands given are usually fairly easy to pull off and something that a small group of three or four people can handle. You get greater chaos and a more competitive match with more teams vying for the same objective.


Mafiya Work is a fairly unique objective-based multiplayer. We didn't play a lot, but we never had a duplicate mission. As great as Cops 'n' Crooks or Team Deathmatch may be, they have the same objective every single time. Mafiya Work mixes things up and will keep you on your toes because you can never anticipate what the next errand might require. And it can lead to some chicanery.

:D :D :D


Himuro said:
Good job at picking specific lines and mincing Sam Houser's words to fit your ps3 agenda.

The FULL quote:

I fail to see your point. He specifically points out the ps3 version.


Girl got arse pubes.
Himuro said:

he does point out the PS3

'Clinical' definition: lacking in character and warmth, lacking emotion: e.g.
"We were going to paint our kitchen white, but we decided that would look too clinical".


Dunlop said:
Anyone know if this is a BB deal or an MS one? More importantly is it available in Canada?

Could be the excuse for an Arcade SKU that I need
It's a Best Buy deal.

Not sure if it is available in Canada.


I seriously hope that there wont be a problem in the future for the GTA series with running out of disc space, for either or any console in the future. :(
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