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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Unlimited Capacity
Frenck said:
I don't get it, really. The first thing I'm going to do is watch a busy street as the day goes by and the shadows move around or something like that. Soak in the atmosphere, explore the city.

I'm not a hypocrite or anything, you're going to kill cops and civilians as you explore the sandbox, there's no way to avoid that. But a rampage? Mass killings and executions?

GTA 4 offers way more than that.

Of course it does. I didnt say going on rampages is the ONLY thing i was going to do. Its a long game dude, plenty of time to experience everything in all kinds of ways.


Girl got arse pubes.
SolidSnakex said:
Uhh you're bringing a completely different discussion into this now. But all companies do this for the most part. You can say "well all they have to do is not click the link", but once the spoilers are out there all it takes is 1 person to just start posting it in random threads and spoiling it for people who didn't want to know about it.

I just don't see a problem with it. In fact I actually like it.

you like the idea of censorship?



look, avoiding spoilers is piss easy, you just have to be net savvy, a game company has absolutely no fucking reason to censor a game less than a week before release, it's not like it's classified material, and it won't affect sales.

Only an ignorant person would believe in censorship over choice.


There's only one downside to all these videos, looks and plays great but makes me realize that playing on a mid-sized SDTV with the minimalistic HUD may be awkward, hopefully there's some video options to make things readable for us poor folk


Frenck said:
I don't get it, really. The first thing I'm going to do is watch a busy street as the day goes by and the shadows move around or something like that. Soak in the atmosphere, explore the city.

GTA 4 offers way more than that.

Exactly, I probably won't even start a mission until a few hours in. I'll just explore and enjoy the freedom. My main thing is usually trying to run into crazy shit that I as the player have no involvement in.
SolidSnakex said:
Uhh you're bringing a completely different discussion into this now. But all companies do this for the most part. You can say "well all they have to do is not click the link", but once the spoilers are out there all it takes is 1 person to just start posting it in random threads and spoiling it for people who didn't want to know about it.

I just don't see a problem with it. In fact I actually like it.

I dont like censorship! if its not stuff thats bad for you like,drugs and bad porn.


Himuro said:
I don't want to spoil myself, but it IS tempting.

How does it look boys? As good as we hoped?

I thought it looked alright. Nothing blew my mind. It's pretty obvious it's GTAIV. Probably the most impressive thing I saw was Niko actually smashing the window of a car and unlocking it from within before he could open the door. Nice touch there.


Unlimited Capacity
Just watched one of the vids...



...hate me...
So guys, tell me this. Is the SE version of the game limited?

I don't own either a PS3 or an X360, nor will i play the game until at least the Summer breaks in and classes are out.

But i really like the SE, teh box and bag are awsoms, i want it :-( and that whore boxart i want it too :-(

What do you think of buying it now and get a PS3 (probably months) later? Stupid?


keep your strippers out of my American football
SolidSnakex said:
I like that a company is willing to do this to try to prevent spoilers. I'm not going to knock a company for doing that. If you want to then go ahead.

I am not going to knock a company preventing possible videos comingout from builds that aren't final either. For all we know the vids that have been leaked are from a build that are actually a month or two old.
I noticed today and I noticed the GTA logo on the PS3 box art is raised. It's pretty sweet. I could only find 360 Display cases though, not the final thing, so does anyone know if the 360 art will have that?


y'all should be ashamed
EktorPR said:
No one has answered my query ("witty" remarks notwithstading):

What version is this? PS3 or 360?

The PS3 is the only version we've seen out in retail, so I'd assume that one.


Well, just got back from class and realized this thread is 5 PAGES LONGER than where I left off like at 1 am last night. Without looking I know the vids leaked. Fuck Will and his powers, I need a fix.
newsguy said:
Well, just got back from class and realized this thread is 5 PAGES LONGER than where I left off like at 1 am last night. Without looking I know the vids leaked. Fuck Will and his powers, I need a fix.
Watch the one 5 of us just posted. lol
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