Make sure you guys post in the respective online threads here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=8
BobTheFork said:You guys should post those here instead
that way they'll all be in one place.
Edit: Foiled again!
BobTheFork said:You guys should post those here instead
that way they'll all be in one place.
Edit: Foiled again!
BobTheFork said:You guys should post those here instead
that way they'll all be in one place.
Edit: Foiled again!
Why do you want to separate?kamorra said:So, do we get a GTA IV PS3 Europe PSN ID Thread too?
Wollan said:Why do you want to separate?
that's one benefit out of how many millions?Freestyler said:Gosh darn I love being in New Zealand - we get the game on the 29th which is actually the 28th for you mere Americans. So I'll get the online mode all warmed up for yall for when you finally get the game a day later!
Mr. Spinnington said:that's one benefit out of how many millions?
Mr. Spinnington said:that's one benefit out of how many millions?
I'm not sure if I want to watch I don't want to be spoiled,dankir said:
dankir said:Fucking eh man, Rockstar is on this shit quick
9:44rockstargames:Sorry, guys I'm having to end the live feed due to a breach in the TOS. Get the game 4/29/08 like everyone else
GoncaloCCastro said:MGO Beta and GTAIV, next week is going to be awesome!
kamorra said:umm... I dont want to separate. But I'm from Europe and the North America part of the title suggest that it's not for me.
DoctorWho said:NOOOOOOO!!!!
Second 360 AM DEAD! Fallen hero! A clone mass produced and born to fail.
Fuck this, I'm going to switch my preorder to PS3. :/ I really hope that extra content eventually comes out.
SolidSnakex said:
andrewjnyc said:This may be the one screenshot that's done more than anything to make me salivate over this game. As a New Yorker, the perfect-in-every-detail recreation of Lincoln Center as a backdrop here totally gives me wood. This looks like it's going to be the first game in history to really "get" New York City, and that's gonna be a marvel to behold.
BenjaminBirdie said:I think it's definitely going to come out. It's been advertised.
DoctorWho said:It has? I haven't been following this thread closely. I thought it was 360 exclusive...
DoctorWho said:It has? I haven't been following this thread closely. I thought it was 360 exclusive...
That sucks.DoctorWho said:NOOOOOOO!!!!
Second 360 AM DEAD! Fallen hero! A clone mass produced and born to fail.
Fuck this, I'm going to switch my preorder to PS3. :/ I really hope that extra content eventually comes out.
Eric WK said:Ben's drunk.
BenjaminBirdie said:Man, shut up and listen to some Zooey Deschanel records, you Vice reading, Dave Eggers glorifying, albums not featuring theramins ignoring razza frazzin...
*slumps to the floor, unconscious*
Just kidding! I'm not drunk, I'm lit up on Iced Coffee.
BenjaminBirdie said:Man, shut up and listen to some Zooey Deschanel records, you Vice reading, Dave Eggers glorifying, albums not featuring theramins ignoring razza frazzin...
*slumps to the floor, unconscious*
Just kidding! I'm not drunk, I'm lit up on Iced Coffee.
BenjaminBirdie said:Don't be mad, Eric. I was just kidding. I know you'd never read Vice Magazine.
Let's all watch Niko Bellic ride a dirt bike through Brooklyn and HOLY SHIT HE JUST BLEW THAT GUY'S FACE OFF WITH A POINT BLANK SHOTGUN.
oh fuck. I heard my 360 making popping noises today on multiple occasions. It was noticeably hotter outside and inside my house today than it's ever been while I've owned my 360, so I imagine that it does indeed have something to do with the 360 getting hot. I do have a falcon, but is that sort of noise something to worry about? If it is, is it too late for me to do something to prevent any further damage?
VOOK said:What the fuck dude, it's your game you can do what you like no?
Yeah, I just told the store I ordered from to ship it expidited. But I didn't want to watch the videos for this one. I don't want my re-introduction to Liberty City to be in the form of a grainy youtube clip. Next week I'm going to sit down at my HDTV, crank up my 5.1 stereo system, and just let the time go by.Hunter D said:I've been watching vids of this and I want it now, now, now!!!
http://www.gamespot.com/news/6189718.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;title;2GTAIV will hit European stores on April 29, with a recommended retail price of £319.99 in the UK (approx $635) and 439 in Europe.