Damnit. Atleast I'm turning down the volume and going to another tab when he does missions. :lol
I thought R* shut him down already. Not that I would look anyways. There's only a few more days left until release.Xdrive05 said:Shit just got real on the live feed. I just got sorta spoiled... it was god damned amazing but spoiled for me... Don't ruin your virgin eyes if you can help it.
Spider_Jerusalem said:"Yes, you're all waiting for the GTA IV face-off, and Eurogamer have something special lined up for that, but in the meantime, perhaps they can tempt you with this delicious range of cross-platform fancies?"
Prepare yourselves :lol
BenjaminBirdie said:Wow, this guy really is terrible.
he attacked some lady after throwing her out of he car, stabbed her ot death, then random people on the street, like atleast 6 of them, attacked him!:lol Then the police were called, he tried to run, he wanted to steal a gun off a cop...unfortunately, the cop had a shotgun.Brandon F said:Can't seem to get a connection to the feed at work. Need impressions, not just blanket comments or smiley's people!
He's done doing missions for now, but he said he has to go in like 45 minutes or somethingnewsguy said:Tell me about it! I keep leaving the tab and waiting for him to finish the mission to avoid anything story related. He's now repeated it so much that each time I go back I catch a little piece of what he's doing. I am at the point where I've seen so much I can pretty much piece it together.
Iamthegamer said:He's fucking running in circles:lol
Iamthegamer said:fuckin idiot, I've SEEN you get arrested before.