Having owned both the Momentum 2 and Pm3, I would go with the Momentum 2, particularly with your music selection. Though I did sell them both eventually to stick with my Momentum 1.
I'm curious, does the 2 offer a big improvement on the originals?
Need to replace my Momentum over ears v1 which I bought due to recommendations from here a thread back, I think. Loved them, they were perfect for me.
Looking at the current prices, I'm going to spend 500+ CAD for a newer set, so I'm looking for recommendations. My choices are as follows:
Sony MDR-100AAP h.ear Headphone - Charcoal Black - ~$200
M50x is meh, can't speak for the Sony. Someone in this thread owns it, and really likes it.
Also i just bought the dragonfly red. To be totally honest, there's not much separating it from the mojo. From what I've listened to so far, it's a bit more smoothed out and smeared in the lower mids, and maybe a little bit more laid back in the treble whereas the mojo has a bit more sparkle, which makes it a tad warmer, but for the form factor and the price, it's kind of a brilliant device. Got it for those times where i don't want to lug a brick around.
Who knows, I'll see how the announced mojo module that basically turns the mojo into a dap is, but i can very well see tge df red relegating the mojo to desktop duties or even being sold off. I still think the mojo is a bit more resolving but we'll see if the differences makes it worth keeping.
Have you noticed anything about the soundstage? Trying to decide if I should just get the Dragonfly Red for my Roxannes instead of hunting down an used Mojo.
Also what about the battery life?
That's a tall order! P5 Wireless maybe?
Thanks for the opinions, appreciated.
I put the NAD Viso HP50 and the Sony MDR-1A on my immediate buy list, and put off the PM-3 and Momentum 2s onto my christmas list. Found a few reviews and consumer reports directly comparing the HP50 and momentum, with them recommending the HP50, also found the Sony MDR-1A at thesource for 399, so bought those too.
Should have the first two here in a week or so, nice to finally have new sets of headphones.
I've had the MDR-1A for about 4 years and used them for about 1 hour. Pretty sure I hated their sound out of the box and basically never touched them again. I should really get around to selling them one day.
The 1A came out late 2014/early 2015, so it's highly possible you actually have the 1R, which is widely regarded as inferior in sound quality.
That's probably the case.
V-shaped compared to the 1st could be good because goddamn the first one has the most rolled highs I've heard in a while.
I did liked it, but couldn't live with the severely rolled treble.
So I recently demo'd the HD800, it sounded nice, but it wasn't as... mindblowing? As I was led to believe? It's ok, but I did not hear the speaker like soundstage nor the mass amounts of micro-detail that I've never heard before. Didn't really sound trebley as I thought it would be.
Granted I was listening it through a chain that goes phone > mojo > woo audio wa2, and from what I know woo audio tends to warm over everything, but I was kinda underwhelmed I guess? Didn't feel like a massive step up from the HD600.
Woo Audio WA2 has an output impedance of ~70 ohms, which changes based on tubes used. That could potentially push up the mid-bass enough for the treble to be far less of an issue. For reference, a Bottlehead Crack with its 120 ohm output impedance results in around a 2-3dB lift at around 100hz.
Difference between 1A and 1R:
That hump really does the 1R no favors.
Anyone familiar with Lavri Cables?
They have a lightning to micro that works on the Mojo apparently? I guess they ripped the internals from a CCK and put it into their cables.
Looking at their ebay store the cables seem nice...and PROFOUNDLY expensive.
I won't judge you if you feel they have a product that would do something for you. If it were me I'd just use a CCK and a cheap cable.
My headphone DAC/amp also only cost me a hundred bucks, so I'm not really playing in your league. But general wisdom and also science suggest that 9.9 times out of 10, premium cables are snake oil.
Requoting a small question I had between A-T m50X and BW HM5 since it got buried a couple days ago.Are the m50x and HM5 about equal in terms of isolation? Does one do a better job of keeping outside noise from getting in than the other?
What Coachella promo are you talking about?
you see it in checkout, has to be the B&O PLAY by BANG & OLUFSEN seller though. just checked it and it still works
Ah, I see now! That seems like... a really great deal? The bluetooth speaker goes for $400 on eBay, and we can get it with this for $179.
i posted it in off topic. i wanted to share it with others before it gets to slickdeals and those assholes get it all
works on the b15 speakers too
Item(s) Subtotal: $1,198.00
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Coachella 10%: -$119.80
Coachella 20%: -$239.60
Coachella 40%: -$479.20
Total before tax: $359.40
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Grand Total: $359.40
Just got my custom Roxanne's in.
oh boy
Goddamn that seems kinda... fast? I thought you only had a demo recently.
My impressions are still on the way to noble.
B&O PLAY by Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H6. coupon mistake?
coachella promo stacks 3 times. $95
Woo Audio WA2 has an output impedance of ~70 ohms, which changes based on tubes used. That could potentially push up the mid-bass enough for the treble to be far less of an issue. For reference, a Bottlehead Crack with its 120 ohm output impedance results in around a 2-3dB lift at around 100hz.
The HD800 is obviously cleaner sounding than the HD600, especially around the bass region, but a lot of the time I wonder why I even bothered with the HD800. Music is mostly midrange and not many headphones do it better than the HD600.
I had sent my impressions in awhile ago. Yea they finished mine within a week. They've definitely improved their turnaround for this.
I still have the universal Angies and Roxannes. I'll compare them tonight but I can already tell the custom Roxannes are vastly better than the universals I have. I'm surprised as I expected it to be the same but then again supposedly my Roxies are the new and improved design so who knows.
Also works on their expensive ass headphones.
Got these for $140...