PSY・S;218382929 said:Any recommendations for 2.0 or 2.1 speakers for music under $100?
Bose Companion 2 Series III are the only ones that sound good at that price point.
PSY・S;218382929 said:Any recommendations for 2.0 or 2.1 speakers for music under $100?
Oh, a Devialet Phantom Silver. How do you like it?Settling in to our new office, first thing being set up is my trusty headphone setup - Schiit Bifrost Multibit / Asgard 2 / Fostex TH-600s. Still haven't found midpriced headphones I'd like more than them - great sound stage, clarity, bass.
Oh, a Devialet Phantom Silver. How do you like it?
Chittagong said:First off-site test of my Gaming Setup 2017. Everything built up in a warehouse to test the system works when installed in December.
Thought I'd share a sneak peek to GAF.
Sony X95 85" 4K60 television running Witcher 3 maxed out. Genelec 8351A speakers.
Marantz AV8802 7.1 4K AV amplifier. Schiit Yggdrasil DAC feeding the music to the AV amp. Custom Titan X Pascal gaming PC in black case. Oculus Rift.
Genelec AIC25 in-ceiling speakers, these will go around the flat for music.
Crestron AV rack. It's got a Mirage audio server, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, internet services, and amplifiers for the Genelec AIC25s. Audio, video, heating and everything will be controlled via Crestron touch panels and iOS app.
Nice! No sub yet or do you not plan to go that loud?
Oh, and dat rack![]()
Ruben Den Boer and Victor Pool, the Dutch DJs together known as Vicetone have remixed artists such as Adele, Calvin Harris, Maroon 5, and Zedd; and have made appearances at festivals TomorrowWorld, Ultra and others.
Pool says they were initially skeptical that the 8351 could reproduce the kind of low end that EDM demands, but that they were even more stunned that the 8351 can reach down as far as it can without distortion and while remaining clear and articulate all the way down to 32 Hz.
That is an incredible feat, to be able to do that without a subwoofer, he says. As a result, our mixes translate very well to sound systems in clubs and festivals all over the world but also on the radio and all streaming platforms. So the Genelec 8351 monitors were very much worth the investment.
Soundonsound said:However, the real eyeopener was the lowfrequency performance and extension. The 8351A isnt all that large, but the control and depth of the bass that was being produced really stood out across a wide range of musical genres. At EDM volume levels, synthesized lowfrequency sounds were reproduced with an impressive level of transient detail alongside the mandatory chestkicking thump and, back in the real instrument world, the 8351A excelled at delivering the necessary definition between bass guitar and bass drum. If you do the maths youll find that the combined surface area of the 8351As two oval woofers approaches that of a 10inch driver, and it seems to me that Genelecs new approach to twintransducer topography in the lowfrequency arena really pays off when it comes to producing clearly defined and delineated bass.
Probably the best portable wireless set up available now? (depends on your taste in MMCX IEM's I guess!)
ZX2 -> MUC-M2BT1 -> SE846 via lossless LDAC wireless codec.
Chittagong besides the congratulations on the wonderful setup (those Genelecs & Yggy look delicious), I wanted to say I hate you![]()
Haha, thanks! This (along with the HE1000s and Ragnarok I finally received yesterday) is my end-game setup, I have no desire for so-called "high end audio".
Other than owning a lot of it?
You're still talking about a system that's 4.5k though.
Thinking about getting a jotunheim personally if I decide to pull the trigger on a focal elear.
Most of what Stereophile writes about is nothing more than audiophile jewelry.
I'd say that room is going to make your speakers sound like shit but considering you're got a Crestron system, the guy whose doing the installation will (hopefully) do all of that for you.
Haha, thanks! This (along with the HE1000s and Ragnarok I finally received yesterday) is my end-game setup, I have no desire for so-called "high end audio".
I think the Jotunheim is significantly overhyped on SBAF (very good solid amplifier with very nice form factor, not a game changer) but that's to be expected because SBAF get real wonky when it comes to DACs and amps most of the time. They're getting just as bad as Head-Fi in that department considering they're become neurotic enough to talk about the impact goddamn volume pots have on sound quality.
They're still better than Head-Fi though since key members still provide measurements and justifications for their headphone impressions.
I didn't know what SBAF was. I google it while drinking a coke. I almost choked at the idiotic & supremely cheesy name ROFL.
Is really as bad as Head-Fi? It's kinda hard to believe, you know.
I didn't know what SBAF was. I google it while drinking a coke. I almost choked at the idiotic & supremely cheesy name ROFL.
Is really as bad as Head-Fi? It's kinda hard to believe, you know.
After looking at those pieces one by one I gasped at the price. I guess I'll just put it out here as a general question for some advice.
I've always been under the impression that Bluetooth sound quality is absolute garbage, but I have also been told that they have improved significantly. I've also seen these mmcx cables that convert iems from wired to wireless.
So my question is, is wireless viable these days and is it for a reasonable price? Are these mmcx wireless cables a viable alternative from straight Bluetooth ear buds? I've been a happy owner of sennheiser ie80s but am looking toward a wireless alternative for everyday use. I guess my limit would be 300 used. Any recommendations or general information on the state of wireless would be appreciated
Hyper X Cloud headphones are Takstar Pro 80 clones, and thus are technically capable headphones that present a value at that price point. You already have headphones that are representative of real audio. The open nature of the Sennheiser will undoubtedly grant you great improvements in soundstage and are super comfortable but technical aren't much more capable in other regards, imo of course. I think you'll have to look in the greater than $200 range to net significant improvements.Apologies in advance, I'm an audio noob and I come in peace.
I've had a pair of hyperx cloud 2's for about a year, I love them but I'm looking to take my first step into "real" audio.
I've narrowed it down to either Sennheiser hd558 or hd598, or the Philips shp9500. The Philips pair is much cheaper obviously, but my curiosity has me leaning toward the Sennheisers. Any suggestions?
Also would like to get a decent amp/DAC or a sound card. Suggestions on those are welcome.
I'm primarily a PC user, and will use them for gaming and some music listening.
Thanks, hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by just asking for purchase advice.
No, it's not. It has a rather off-putting personality for the "everyone is right and everything is awesome" however which understandably runs off more than a few people.
It's also funny when some say they are crazy about dacs and amps. Many of the users there have the money for rather expensive equipment, but at the same time still continually recommend great sounding budget equipment. The original Vali and it's successor for example are highly praised by many on the forum.
Also, as they remind others often, don't take them seriously. Many on the forum know each other and are friends in real life.
Personally, I rather enjoy the atmosphere much more than the ridiculousness of head-fi. Want to see an example? Read the head-fi thread on the new monoprice headphones then go read the one on sbaf. Very different cultures.
My impression is that Head-Fi has more dumb shit like expensive cables and power line purifiers, but is more accessible.
SBAF is more technically comptetent and analytical, better argumentation, but atmosphere feels much more uptight.
In my opinion? Yeah, but for totally different reasons. Don't get me wrong, SBAF is a decent place for recommendations (provided you do your own research too) and it certainly doesn't match HF's particular flavor of crazy.
HF is full of idiots, but that's pretty much unavoidable for a forum that big. SBAF tried to avoid this with the rep system, but that brings its own set of problems too. At least they're not shy to admit it. They really do represent the best and worst aspects of a typical "boys club". Hell, the forum name alone should clue you in on their nature
There's some circle jerking and confirmation bias going on, but it's pretty easy too spot. As always, it's best to trust your own ears.
It's also funny when some say they are crazy about dacs and amps. Many of the users there have the money for rather expensive equipment, but at the same time still continually recommend great sounding budget equipment. The original Vali and it's successor for example are highly praised by many on the forum.
And really, I think the claim that people shouldn't take them too seriously is just so that they can get away with casual racism and constantly use of pejoratives. They take audio just as seriously as any other audiophile site so it definitely doesn't refer to that. It isn't terribly surprising when OJneg, one of the admins who used to provide good content when he wasn't a complete prick, is basically an stereotypical alt-right member now but its still supremely disappointing to see supported by the administration and a good number of frequent posters.
Getting my two Yggdrasils tomorrow, and finally have confirmation that Schiit are building my Ragnarok. Starting to get pretty excite.
Two months to go until I get to listen to all of them, in our new flat.
Do we have any Stax SR-009 owners here btw?
Old message, but i only just saw it.
I have 009 + bhse.
Oh wow, that is the ultimate combo according to the reviews I have seen. I guess it's pointless to ask whether you like thembut have you had a chance to compare them to other top of the line headphones like HD800S, HE-1000, LCD-3 etc.?