I'm looking for open back headphones to use at home for gaming (PS4), listening to music on my PC, and to use on my digital piano. I've been looking at the Philips Fidelio X2 (£219), and the Grado SR325e (£249). I'm a bit clueless about headphones as I haven't owned one in over 6 years - I've used IEMs during that period but before that I had the Sennheiser HD595. Looking for recommendations AudioGAF!Thanks.
Would really like to know this too. It seems like the Fulla 1 works but the directions are flipped.Can anyone confirm if the fulla 2 works with a ps4?
The SHP9500 are amazing and affordable.
I've never owned open back headphones before. If I want to watch an action movie with lots of explosions and gunfire at 10PM, will the speakers be loud enough to bother the people in the room over trying to sleep?
I'm looking for open back headphones to use at home for gaming (PS4), listening to music on my PC, and to use on my digital piano. I've been looking at the Philips Fidelio X2 (£219), and the Grado SR325e (£249). I'm a bit clueless about headphones as I haven't owned one in over 6 years - I've used IEMs during that period but before that I had the Sennheiser HD595. Looking for recommendations AudioGAF!Thanks.
I'm looking at the Beyerdynamic DT 770 because I want super comfy headphones to use exclusively at home and the office while working. I'm trying to decide between the 32 ohm version and the 80 ohm version. I absolutely do not want to use an amp, so with that in mind, will the 80 ohm version unamped sound worse than the 32 ohm version unamped, if my source is primarily a 2015 Macbook Pro and occasionally an iPhone 6S? I've found conflicting answers to this across the web.
I currently use a pair of Audiotechnical ATH-50s and am really happy with the sound, so I don't need or expect anything better than that from the DT 770, if that helps answers the question above.
Another reason I'm hoping to get away with the 80 ohm version is they come with the velour ear cups. I know I can order them and install them on the 32 ohm version, but that's an extra cost, and I'm not sure I trust myself to install them properly.
What do you guys think of this Sennheiser GSX 1000 Audio Amplifier
It's ridiculous overpriced but I keep reading that the sorround sound on this thing is one of the best.
I'm thinking about Sony Headphones...
Either these: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-h-...dphones-viridian-blue/5080505.p?skuId=5080505
or these:
Which is better?
Focal Spirit Classic are definitely worth looking into for those genres.It's been forever since I've posted in here since I sold off a ton of my gear over the past year that I wasn't using, but I'm looking for a recommendation for what will be hopefully my final headphone purchase for quite some time. My two main sources will be an iPhone 7 Plus and a MSi GT62VR laptop. I listen to just about every genre except country, EDM and classical music I listen to, but not often, everything else from indie to hip hop are my mainstays. I'm open to any suggestions you guys have, my budget is going to be ~$500 total for the headphones and any amp/DAC I might need.
The two options I've had my eye on are the Audeze Sine with the Cipher cable or the Sennheiser HD 650. The advantages to the Sine would be that they are more portable, the Cipher cable has the amp/DAC built in to the Lightening cable, you can EQ them through an app and have to settings save for any iOS device I would use.
The HD 650 I've wanted forever, because of how much people have raved about the sound. The advantages I see with them are that they are full sized open cans, and again you'll hardly find anyone with a bad word to say about them. They are almost $200 cheaper than the Sine on Amazon, but I know I'd have to buy an amp (and I'm not sure what amp to buy). They obviously would be less portable as well and there is also the sound bleed from them being open.
I'd be open to any other suggestions that you guys have for my particular use case, but would also be interested in hearing if anyone has used both of those headphones and can kind of compare the two for me. From what I've read on Head-Fi the sound signatures are actually fairly similar considering one is an on ear closed back and one an over ear open back. Thanks in advance. Also I mention the prices on Amazon specifically because I always end up with Amazon gift cards for Christmas and that would take some of the sting out of this purchase.
Focal Spirit Classic are definitely worth looking into for those genres.
Can anyone confirm if the fulla 2 works with a ps4?
Any (closed) favourites for techno (I guess that's called EDM now?)/rap/a bit of metal? Anything up to maybe $500 USD.
I imagine Fostex would be a recommended choice. I love my Denon D2000 but it's hard not to think about maybe even an upgrade from them.
Personally I don't like the in ear design and would prefer the Classic or Emu-Teak to those, don't see why they're priced so high anyway.Thanks. I'll give those a look for sure. Am I totally crazy for even looking at the Sine or HD 650?
Edit: Well I solved that problem quick. Adorama had a promo for $150 off the Sine with the Cipher cable so I jumped on that.
Don't bother with the Fostex th600/610 or th900. Ear piercing treble and terribly recessed mids. 610 is a little better but the thx00 from massdrop is cheaper and better.
Thanks. I'll give those a look for sure. Am I totally crazy for even looking at the Sine or HD 650?
Edit: Well I solved that problem quick. Adorama had a promo for $150 off the Sine with the Cipher cable so I jumped on that.
Personally I don't like the on ear design and would prefer the Classic or Emu-Teak to those, don't see why they're priced so high anyway.
I know that it's too late Shakes since you already bought them, but I agree with Des. On-ear headphones get uncomfortable and pinchy after a while on anything but the smallest of heads, and if you have glasses, forget it. I can't wear even the most comfy on-ears for more than an hour or two.
The Sines are probably trying to justify their high price thanks to their drivers and their nice materials, but they're also quite heavy. I was interested in them when they first launched, but then Tyll over at Innerfidelity talked me out of it. He loved the materials used, but he had to bend the headphones to make them comfy. He still wall-of-famed it, but it didn't seem like the price value was there for me.
I don't buy super expensive things I have to break in order to use. Just my opinion! I hope they work for you and you love them.
I'll still have the option to return them especially with the extended Christmas return season so I figured no harm no foul. I have never had a problem with the comfort of on ears personally otherwise I would have never considered them. They'll probably be here in a week or so and I'll post some impressions. I'm hoping they're as good as I think they'll be, but if I have any sort of comfort issues I won't hesitate to return them or sell them.
I mean there's still a part of me that says I should have bought the HD 650 just because I've had my eye on them for a few years. The only real portability I needed is to be able to take them with me when I'm at my girlfriend's place, but with the power they require to drive it was going to get quite expensive to buy a portable amp unless there was an obvious option I was missing when it came to amping the HD 650.
I know that it's too late Shakes since you already bought them, but I agree with Des. On-ear headphones get uncomfortable and pinchy after a while on anything but the smallest of heads, and if you have glasses, forget it. I can't wear even the most comfy on-ears for more than an hour or two.
The Sines are probably trying to justify their high price thanks to their drivers and their nice materials, but they're also quite heavy. I was interested in them when they first launched, but then Tyll over at Innerfidelity talked me out of it. He loved the materials used, but he had to bend the headphones to make them comfy. He still wall-of-famed it, but it didn't seem like the price value was there for me.
I don't buy super expensive things I have to break in order to use. Just my opinion! I hope they work for you and you love them.
Isn't the sound of PM-3s pretty similar to the Sines? Their build quality is fantastic, even if it doesn't look like it. My first pair are year and a half old, and still as good as new. I actually just bought a second pair of PM-3s to my wife as a travel headset. Even if I am not totally in love with their sound signature (small soundstage), I simply didn't manage to come across a better truly closed, more comfortable, travel-ready pair of headphones. I looked at Sines but had the same concerns.
Isn't the sound of PM-3s pretty similar to the Sines? Their build quality is fantastic, even if it doesn't look like it. My first pair are year and a half old, and still as good as new. I actually just bought a second pair of PM-3s to my wife as a travel headset. Even if I am not totally in love with their sound signature (small soundstage), I simply didn't manage to come across a better truly closed, more comfortable, travel-ready pair of headphones. I looked at Sines but had the same concerns.
I've warmed to my PM-3s quite a bit, though they still sound boring to me. The bass quantity in particular isn't great for planars so it definitely doesn't qualify as a 'fun' pair of headphones. It's a very strong all rounder. From what I've read the Sine doesn't have huge bass either, and it actually seems like they're a bit too similar.
This I agree with, they are entirely unfun, and I sorta begrudgingly bought my second pair after realising that they still seem to be the best package. So I am sort of a reluctant ambassador.
Has anyone ever bought from schiit-europe.com? They seem to be an official distributor and the prices are really good, but the website is super fishy.
Bought Magni 2 & Modi 2 Uber this summer from them. Excellent service. Came packed really well, no issues.Has anyone ever bought from schiit-europe.com? They seem to be an official distributor and the prices are really good, but the website is super fishy.
yeah they are really awesome people. once I was in Netherlands just for one Friday night, and only out of hours, and still managed to pick up my Ragnarok, they offered to have the grandma of one of their employees keep it for me for a late night pickup. They are that nice.
Managed to cross 'visit a previously unknown old lady in Zoetermeer' off my bucket list
Bought Magni 2 & Modi 2 Uber this summer from them. Excellent service. Came packed really well, no issues.
They're an official distributor, you're good.
Has anyone ever bought from schiit-europe.com? They seem to be an official distributor and the prices are really good, but the website is super fishy.
V-MODA Crossfade M-100 Headphones Matte Black $145.71 + FS w/ FREE Boompro Mic. Ships in January.
That's great price being that you also get the Boompro. Always wanted to try them after owning the M-80 but prices always hovered close to or over $200.