I am inching ever closer to ordering an Eikon from ZMF. The only thing that gives me pause is the pricetag in relation to the fact that I would be out hundreds of dollars on the off chance that I don't find them comfortable. (I think the return / restocking fee is 25% which would be over $300!!)
From all the user reviews and impressions that I have read they have really comfortable ear pads and headband but are heavy (550grams or so). Still, they seem to be top tier (or close to it) for a closed back headphone and of course the looks and build quality is absolute top notch.
I am inching ever closer to ordering an Eikon from ZMF. The only thing that gives me pause is the pricetag in relation to the fact that I would be out hundreds of dollars on the off chance that I don't find them comfortable. (I think the return / restocking fee is 25% which would be over $300!!)
From all the user reviews and impressions that I have read they have really comfortable ear pads and headband but are heavy (550grams or so). Still, they seem to be top tier (or close to it) for a closed back headphone and of course the looks and build quality is absolute top notch.
Definitely comfortable, slightly heavier than the 598 though iirc
I am inching ever closer to ordering an Eikon from ZMF. The only thing that gives me pause is the pricetag in relation to the fact that I would be out hundreds of dollars on the off chance that I don't find them comfortable. (I think the return / restocking fee is 25% which would be over $300!!)
From all the user reviews and impressions that I have read they have really comfortable ear pads and headband but are heavy (550grams or so). Still, they seem to be top tier (or close to it) for a closed back headphone and of course the looks and build quality is absolute top notch.
My fault that EIKON is a ZMF original well just ignore everything I just said. They do look more comfortable then there modified t50rp.
Good luck to you matmanx1.
550 Grams! Eeeep! Brings back bad memories of my time with the Blue Mo-Fi. Had a great sound, but couldn't take the weight for longer sessions, and those are only 466 grams. Hope the Eikon is really well-balanced!
So finally got my new home setup working today
Tidal -- Autonomic Mirage --- (coax) -- Schiit Yggdrasil -- (balanced) -- Schiit Ragnarok -- (balanced) -- Hifiman HE1000
The sound... Imma need to ly down
What are some good tracks to experience new headphones?
Man my PM-3 is on the edge of tolerable, and it "only" weighs 329 grams. 550g sounds insane, to tolerate for lengthy sections.
How is it so heavy, with no magnets? They reference similar driver tech to the HD800, but that headphone is only 330g.
599 most definitely seems to be a great headphoneAwesome, thanks again.
Just as I was about to buy these I see that Sennheiser released new headphones recently. Is there anything noteworthy about the new 559/569 etc?
I'm gonna go out on the limb and probably guess not many people here have any experience with either
Sony and Sennheiser are so big and have such a wide offering of headphones that it's hard to really review them as a whole. In my experience they both have things that are terrible and amazing and everything in between.Thought as much, but in general how are Sony's headphones? I had a pair of cheap Sennheiser's that were great, but am always up to try new brands.
Sony and Sennheiser are so big and have such a wide offering of headphones that it's hard to really review them as a whole. In my experience they both have things that are terrible and amazing and everything in between.
Wow! I bet it sounds absolutely amazing! Which version of the Mirage are you using? Also, what type of music do you like?
How much outside noise do open heaphones make?
I'm not planning on using these outside the house, but I do usually play at night, and have 2 kids sleeping in the room next to me. Is it going to be to loud?
It depends how loud you listen if you have a good headphone amp you can get a full sound at a low vol.
You should be fine if your in a closed room by yourself. Your game console fan or pc fans will probably be louder.
I know they don't get much love here, but I must say that after a couple of days of listening, the HE-1000s are the finest headphones I have ever listened. Incredibly detailed sound, a balanced sound signature with pleasing bass, crisp mids and clear treble. Soundscape is phenomenal, with directionality and depth. They are also super comfortable and feel light. It's just nuts how much information they can unearth from familiar songs, and how the various sounds are finely layered.
Listening Tidal Hi-Fi via Yggdrasil/Ragnarok, balanced.
I know they don't get much love here, but I must say that after a couple of days of listening, the HE-1000s are the finest headphones I have ever listened. Incredibly detailed sound, a balanced sound signature with pleasing bass, crisp mids and clear treble. Soundscape is phenomenal, with directionality and depth. They are also super comfortable and feel light. It's just nuts how much information they can unearth from familiar songs, and how the various sounds are finely layered.
Listening Tidal Hi-Fi via Yggdrasil/Ragnarok, balanced.
I was really, really close to financing a pair of HE1000's a few weeks back. They sound like they would be in my wheelhouse from how they have been described by Tyll over at Innerfidelity and elsewhere.
Congratulations, again though. You have a beautiful space and are for sure listening to some beautiful sound!
Now that's some great interior design
The HE-1000 is an absolutely amazing headphone. Glad you finally get a chance to sit down and mess around with your equipment.
I liked what I've heard of them too from auditioning, but that price for hifiman build quality is pretty eh.
Is this normal? What exactly makes one DAC better than another, the amp portion?
Just leaving some FREE lossless music in here
Is this normal? What exactly makes one DAC better than another, the amp portion?
Any good wireless headphones?
Ordering the Astro Mix amp, and Fidelio X2's tonight. Any reason not to?
Shit I saw it too late![]()
Yeah surprised that its gone already, was planning to use it for 6 months and few days before it ends to make new account to have 12 months in total, guess my plan didnt work.
Is an account shareable?
Probably asked here before, but what does everyone think about the difference between DACs and amps?
I recently purchased a FiiO E10k, my first dac/amp, and while its a nicely built little unit, I'm not sure it was worth the $75 in comparison to what I was already using.
I first purchased a HyperX Cloud II (takstar pro 80) that came with a usb dac that I would assume isn't that high of quality. It adds $20 to the cost of the Cloud II over the I, so I'm assuming its in the $10-20 range if separate. The audio seems clean and neutral to me, and it powered the Cloud II fine.
I continued to use the Cloud II usb dac when I got my HD598Cs as well as my SHP9500s. Seemed to power them all fine and sound clean. I also purchased the 3DM1 usb sound card from Sennheiser:
Got it to dabble in 7.1 dolby headphone, which is neat but I don't use anymore. Stereo sound quality sounded almost identical to the Cloud II usb dac.
Grabbed the FiiO E10K thinking it would be a good entry level dac/amp and possibly provide a sound upgrade, and also be the next logical step in my headphone journey. I think whatever upgrade I perceived after I received it was placebo at this point. If I switch between the 3 dacs I barely noticed a difference. The E10k might be SLIGHTLY cleaner but its hard to say, and low end might be slightly more tight. I bet if I did a blind a/b/c test I wouldn't be able to pick out which is which.
Is this normal? What exactly makes one DAC better than another, the amp portion?
If I compared the E10k to my onboard on my Asus Z170-A (ALC892) it would have been night and day, as the onboard sounds AWFUL. Wondering if I maybe should return or sell the E10k though since its not a big difference with my other solutions...
DAC's are complicated because converting a digital signal into an analog signal is a complicated business. I've spent an enormous amount of time lately reading and trying to understand the principles and technologies that go in to DAC's, amps, headphones, etc. and I feel like I am just scratching the surface.
DAC's by the way, have nothing to do with amplification. Many devices include both a digital to audio converter and and amplifier in the same box but they are vastly different in their respective roles. At the risk of grossly simplifying the subject there are half a dozen or so "major" chip makers (and when I say chip I mean the actual microchip that handles the digital to analog conversion) and within each family of chips there tends to be similarities in the way they sound no matter the name on the box.
A good "cheap" DAC (that also has an amp built in) is the Geek Out Version 2 which uses a Sabre ESS chip. You can find Sabre chips in many, many DACs these days but implementation makes a big difference and evidently LH Labs implementation in the Geek Out V2 is quite good, especially at the $300 or so price point.
One of the reasons we mention the company Schiit so often in this thread is because most of their products are fantastic quality AND inexpensive for the performance that you get out of them. Their Modi DAC starts at $99 (DAC only) but can be upgraded to a "multibit" for an extra $150 and then becomes really, really special because traditionally multibit DAC's start in the upper hundreds if not thousand dollar plus range.
I say all of that to come back around to the point that DACs are complicated and the bottom line is that each one should be taken on a case by case basis depending on what you want to do with it and what device(s) you are connecting it to. Luckily there's tons of reviews, impressions and research that happens whenever someone releases a new product so don't be afraid to ask questions and do your research.
And as for your Fiio E10k? Most Fiio products are made to be budget friendly and not necessarily to have the highest sound quality. If you can raise the budget a little bit there's generally better sound quality to be had in a similar form factor.
Excellent info, thank you!
I am assuming the cloud 2 USB DAC and the Sennheiser sound card I have both use normal, cheaper DACs. But they sound basically the same as the Fiio.
What would be a good option at a slightly higher price point? Given that the e10k doesn't really sound better than my two other options. Fulla 2 at $99?
Edit: or maybe since I primarily game and listen to music here and there, and I have relatively easy to drive headphones, I don't really need the E10k or anything else at this point?
So the E10K does not amplify at all?
And as for your Fiio E10k? Most Fiio products are made to be budget friendly and not necessarily to have the highest sound quality. If you can raise the budget a little bit there's generally better sound quality to be had in a similar form factor.