For WebOS, KalemSoft is what you want; but it's not free.Any good media players for touchpad? It's the one reason I need to keep switching to android ;_;
free ones hopefully.. the entertainment catagory in the appstore.. is way to broad
For WebOS, KalemSoft is what you want; but it's not free.
When I was installing CM9 this happened to me, only by chance did I find out why. The mirror of the ROM I'd downloaded must've had an issue as it was only 50MB in size not the 100MB it should've been.
Not saying this will be the same for you of course but it's a possibility. Try a different download from another source and then try flashing it again.
Are you trying to install CM9 or CM7? Are you using the proper AcmeInstaller for it? CM9 requires ACMEinstaller2. Just put the CM file back in the cminstall folder, and run acmeinstaller again. Should work fine.
Do you have a link for the proper ROM you used? thanks
seeing a lot of app crashes and reboots on cm9,there weren't as many in the first few days but apps like hotmail and even search are now frequently wiping out cache from clockwork recovery a good idea to resolve this issue ?
anyone try making an app for the touchpad? shit is frustrating
I think I'm out. Gonna sell this thing before ipad3 comes out. It's been an ok toy. Just never really matured fast enough from the homebrew crew.
Think I can sell this thing with an official case for $120?
This build does not work with Netflix yet.
Aside from the "two gallery" problem, everything appears to be working fine aside from the documented problems.
The "two gallery" problem is easily fixed. Grab one of them from the tray and drag it up the top to App Info. There should be a button there labelled Disable. This will disable the app and stop it from appearing in the drawer.
How do I uninstall its contents through Terminal as root after disabling it?
Kalemsoft is great, and better then anything I've used on Android (though it's hard to compare fairly with Android being alpha and all)
You don't really need to if its disabled, though easiest way to do it is to simply delete or rename one of the Gallery.apk files from /System/App/
You can do this using Root Explorer or ES File Explorers root mode.
mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/store/cm-system
Not anymore. Kalemsoft was pretty nice (and the only option on WebOS) but it crashes too much trying to play back files, only works in software mode, and it doesn't support Hi10p.
On the Android side, the only player which properly supports Hi10p is MX Video Player, but playing back a Hi10p-encoded video makes my TP and my Tuna both crawl on their knees and beg for death. Hi10p is supposed to only introduce a ~30% overhead over regular 8-bit encoding but I don't think it's really optimized yet.
If you don't care about Hi10p support, MoboPlayer and Dice Player both support hardware acceleration on CM7, and I'm about to test it on CM9 Alpha 1. Hardware acceleration is preferable to software (CPU) playback because it will save your battery.
After flashing Alpha 1 video playback became all pixellated (both in HW and SW modes). The fix was to open build.prop in /system/ (I used ES file explorer with root enabled) and add a # to the start of the line debug.sf.hw=1
I just tried selecting HW decode mode with MX Video Player and it said not supported? :S
Install the extra codec version that's on the market.
MX Video Player Codec (ARMv7)
Alpha 1 Cm9 is here!
Alpha 1 Release notes:
We finally have hardware video decode working largely thanks to some help from yjwong. This release is primarily just to get hardware decoding out for folks to enjoy while other work continues. This build does not work with Netflix yet.
Installed it, only getting audio with it :\
man someone tell me how to get Skype working on this before i lose my shit : / every time i try to call or vice versa,it says call it won't even detect my Bluetooth headset(ps3 one)..its a pain in the ass switching to webos every time someone calls me
edit:so apparently the mic isn't working on cm9 yet,strange..i don't even remember reading that mic was an issue when alpha 0.1 was released
So uh, I've had my Touchpad sitting on the touchstone for like the last week without using it once. Went to mess with it today and it won't boot past the Battery/lightning icon unless I plug it in through a usb cable, where it boots into CM9 but won't charge past 0%. Is my battery shot?![]()
Is cm9 stable enough now for normal use? Is it better than the last alpha for cm7?
Yes, it already was stable before. Gogogo
How's the battery life?
How's the battery life?
Very usable.
:lol looks like the devs decided to get rid of the battery % in the latest version.