Reasonably impressed with this thing so far. Kindle app works pretty well, videos that I encoded for my iPhone 4 plays fine, and wIRC is a very nice IRC client. Spaz HD is a decent Twitter client, but Echofon remains my client of choice for its unread syncing functionality, so that's a little annoying. The entire UI never feels snappy, but it's bearable.
What I really want though is a way to stream videos to it with on-the-fly transcoding. AirVideo Server + iOS client is amazing, and one of the main reasons I'm still looking to get an iPad sometime in the future (along with the HD FFT:WotL that may or may not actually ever exist or run properly), but it doesn't look like there's anything comparable for WebOS (or Android?)
Edit: hmm, TVersity supposedly works. I guess I'll have to try that out... really disliked TVersity in the past though.