I'm not understanding where the Palm, Inc folder comes from. I only see a Palm folder with PDK and SDK subfolders in it under my program files. What do I need to install to get that folder?
ok I just found the Novacom.exe and Novacomd folder inside the bin folder of the SDK subfolder. what should I do?
Question: How stable is Android on the Touchpad at this point? I didn't exactly spend a fortune on the thing, but I don't want to screw it up either.
To show our appreciation, here's a $100 eBay Gift Certificate with our apologies for any inconvenience you experienced while ordering a TouchPad from the HP eBay store. Happy holidays from eBay and HP
It actually seems to be a PayPal gift card/credit. When I log into my PayPal account, under the balance it has the $100 listed. So, in theory, it looks like it can be used anywhere that takes PayPal.
And while I never got an order cancellation email, I never got an order through, it looks like I did however get charged by HP, only for it to be reversed within the same minute. How odd. Perhaps that is why those of us who didn't get any order in or any order cancellation email got the $100 anyway.
I didn't even think any sort of order went through. I never received anything, no emails, no order confirmation screen, nothing.
is anyone by any chance using a cyanogenmod touchpad for android app development? and if so do you by any chance know how to get eclipse to recognize it?
Anyone hear of any new updates?So when exactly am I going to be able to have ICS on my Touchpad?
Anyone hear of any new updates?
Against my better judgement I attempted to download Android with moboot. Android works but moboot never did (no boot menu shows up when I turn it on so no clowckwork, etc either) I am stuck in Android without the google market. Anyone have a suggestion?
I cannot get into the recovery mode to try WebOS doctor either... (I haven't tried too hard though)
Hold down the power button on Android...theres no option to reboot into WebOS? You can flash CWM onto your phone using terminal also, presumably.
edit: So this is my battery life on Android. I quite like it. Though that steady decline was when it was idle, and it looks like my wifi never turned off. How do I fix this?
pressing it will just reboot to Android
Trying the power off button will just reboot to Android as well.
Knew I should not have tried this![]()
Did you install the Novacom drivers correctly?
Turn off TP, take out USB. Hold power and volume up until you see a giant USB icon. Report back.
edit: CMW recovery mode? or the USB icon mode?
Giant USB icon mode...
Do you have AMCEuninstaller? I'm looking for a link but can't find it
edit: How did you install ACMEinstaller from before? Did you use terminal or cmd in windows?
I followed word for word this tutorial
I used cmd
I do. You need to install the Cyanogen adb driver, which is a modification of the Google driver. Follow this guide:
Guide on Cyanogen Wiki
If you're using Windows, then, in short:
0. Make sure USB Debigging and developer mode are enabled on your Touchpad.
1. From the SDK Manager, install the Google USB Driver Package (which are USB drivers for Google's Nexua phones).
2. The driver will have automatically been downloaded to your Android SDK folder\extras\google\usb_driver\
3. Replace the android_winusb.inf in that folder with the Cyanogen one here: (link) It's a modification of the Google drivers.
4. Install the driver from that folder. You might have to do it via the Device Manager.
A note: I had USB drivers for another Android device installed previously (my phone) and I had trouble installing the Cyanogen drivers until I uninstalled my phone's drivers.
To test if your Touchpad is recognized, plug it in, open the Command Prompt, type "adb devices" and it should show the Touchpad. If it's there, then when you attempt to run an Android project in Eclipse, it will automatically run it on the Touchpad instead of one of the Android emulators you may have set up.
Weird, should have worked fine. Lets uninstall it all then reinstall it later if you choose to.
http://mirror.dal.tdrevolution.net/kmobs/ACMEUninstaller download that
open CMD
cd into the directory that you have ACMEuninstaller in, similar to how you did it for ACMEinstaller
type novacom boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller
should work
You should have had moboot already in the cminstall folder next to the acmeinstall files on the tp. Then it installs with android the first timeThanks a lot. Back to trusty and safe WebOS. I think if I ran ACMEinstaller again it would have worked since I threw moboot onto the touchpad while it was running Android and that has worked for others. I just could not get into the USB mode for touchpad to run it until now.
You should have had moboot already in the cminstall folder next to the acmeinstall files on the tp. Then it installs with android the first time
For future reference what would I have to do to get Android back on my TP (I ran ACMEuninstaller so all the files are there I just need moboot)
Should I delete all the Android files on my touchpad before doing this again?not sure why your first error happened really. you just need moboot, CWM, and rom zip files in the cminstall folder before running acmeinstaller.
Should I delete all the Android files on my touchpad before doing this again?
You mean the cminstall folder? yea sure, start all over downloading the latest moboot, cwm and rom files
? What is your problem with it?I installed the Xron Rom last night.
edit: So this is my battery life on Android. I quite like it. Though that steady decline was when it was idle, and it looks like my wifi never turned off. How do I fix this?
Nobody answered so I'm just going to quote myself...anybody have a battery graph to compare to?