Got it. Needed to disable ADB and go into storage settings.
Does that make it mount as a drive letter? Mine mounts as a media device but I'd kind of like a drive letter because I, er, still use File Manager...
Shut up, Coco.
Newbie question. how do I now install the gapps_ics file and the fixes etc?
Turn off TP.Newbie question. how do I now install the gapps_ics file and the fixes etc?
Make a folder called cminstall on your TP and copy/paste all those files in to there. Although, I had to use clockwork to unzip the gaaps file.
Turn off TP.
Reboot. Choose Clockwork Mod in the Moboot menu. Install zip from sdcard. Navigate to file. Install.
Use the volume buttons to navigate up/down and the home button to select.
ICS dropped UMS support, not sure if CM added it back in. Either way you, why not transfer files via wifi with samba/windows shares?
No strings attached.
Much thanks.
Can't wait for everything to get fixed.
For some reason the touchpad wont show up on my computer while in android.
ICS dropped UMS support, not sure if CM added it back in. Either way you, why not transfer files via wifi with samba/windows shares?
No strings attached.
how do I mount a share?
By the way, this thing is smoother than my Nexus S on ICS. WTF is this sorcery?
Had exact issue. Turn off ADB in developer, then go to storage, click on the three triangles on top right, then enable MTP.
By the way, this thing is smoother than my Nexus S on ICS. WTF is this sorcery?
The TP has 2 cores.
But it's a bloody alpha0.
edit: I miss the up-swipe![]()
No, it dropped UMS support if the file system sees internal memory as SD.
edit: Basically, the explanation they gave was that ICS supports UMS, but Galaxy Nexus' architecture only allowed for MTP.
how do I mount a share?
How did cm partition the touchpad though? I'm not sure so it's possible it's like the NS where it supports UMS on ICS, or if CM just went full hog and set it up like the xoom/tf/GN.
You can install Thumb Keyboard.
GoLauncher EX allows you to bind "swipe up" on home screen to various functions. Might work to bind to the app preview. But then you would lose the ICS app drawer and stuff. Not worth it.
Has anybody else here had problems charging? I plugged the Touchpad in to the wall adapter, and the charging icon showed up. I left it plugged in for a couple of hours, and when I looked at it again, it hadn't gone up in charge whatsoever. I looked in the settings and it said battery was "discharging", even though the charging icon was clearly there on the bottom by the time.
I can't really comment unless I see the hardware implementation. I don't think it's software/CM dependent.
Did you install the Charger Fix?
The ACME installer takes care of all the partitioning to prep for the CM install. Can't really how they set it up though.
I followed the guide for ICS to the letter but in my bootloader I don't get the option to boot into CM9 :S and when I reboot into WebOS the CM9 file has been deleted from the TouchPad
This is all I get
Any ideas?
I followed the guide for ICS to the letter but in my bootloader I don't get the option to boot into CM9 :S and when I reboot into WebOS the CM9 file has been deleted from the TouchPad
This is all I get
Any ideas?
Go into webos and put cm9 into cminstall again. Make sure you use acmeinstaller2 but I'm sure you did.
Double check to see if the cm9 install zip was deleted from the cminstall directory. If it isn't deleted, then it probably wasn't installed?
Battery life for ICS is terrible even with the fixes.
Feel like the thing is draining 1% every 2 minutes.
No background apps.
Forget ACME then. Can you boot into CWM recovery and install the CM9 directly?
We talking when the screen is off? I'm not sure of exact numbers but I feel the battery is the same as Xron CM7, which is good enough for me. I don't know how good tablet batteries are supposed to be..
edit: wait, so that means a complete drain in 200 minutes? Screen off, thats totally wrong. Screen on, what apps are you running?
what's the best app for taking screenshots in ICS?
When I was on gingerbread I always used shoot me but it doesn't seem to be on the market.
what's the best app for taking screenshots in ICS?
When I was on gingerbread I always used shoot me but it doesn't seem to be on the market.
I never said the screen was off.
I turn off my tablet completely when I'm not using it.
Low brightness.
I know, thats why it was the first thing I asked. What are you running when it loses battery like that?