This f@cking game has me screaming at my TV at 10AM.
Doing the bullshit escort missions for the god damn retard Jamaicans that blew up my sweet ass attack chopper even though were on good terms. I'm gonna have to get Steven Seagal on some Rastafari ass. >:|
Anyhow, got to haul this stupid f@cking rum around in this stupid f@cking pick-up truck
made of eggshells with every dickhead in the virtual world shooting at me with every f@cking gun in the f@cking world. >:|
Several runs I get half way there and some DICK lucky grenades the gate off of the rear of the pickup and all the rum spills out.
The rest of the time these f@ckers rocket me from the god damn AIR WITH A HELICOPTER!
Bastard ass, this game has me furious. If I could get the stupid Americans or the Chinese to give me missions I wouldn't be wasting my time with this shit.
I really, really with these free roaming world games would focus on the A.I. of the virtual inhabitants. Everybody in this game drives like a retard. Why put a horn on vehicles if you can't get the other drivers to move out of the way? Why do pedestrians run into the fucking road when they see you coming? YAY! THERE GOES MORE OF MY MONEY!
In summary: I wish this game would focus on what it's good at -
BLOWING SHIT UP! and less on horribly designed mini games.
Also none of my friends can connect to my games. WTF? I can host Warhawk games no problem, what's up with this shit?