Just make sure enough people are going to be around to make it worthwhile, man. Maybe try putting on a few midcard matches to start with, to see if anyone shows up.
When does Team Totallity get our pass the mic team promo?
and the show ends with our music.....
and the show ends with our music.....
LMFAO.....thanks for the amazing laugh.....
holy shit that was awesome....
You think everyone will remember to come tonight Coil?
well be careful guys..
you know what happened to Frankman and Lax last week..
i dont know what happened? but i smell shenanigans.
oh. hell. no. who the fuck was that?
Some rejects from CZW.oh. hell. no. who the fuck was that?
Great stuff tonight, too bad I can't stay longer. I need to make myself some dinner.
Oh well it's not your fault geek. Show has grown stale with it's bookings and angles.
what!?!? the show started out amazing!!!
the first hour was one of the best ever!
but hour 2 we had the rating killers Geek, Razor, DJsandman, and Cain all in a match.....it was a dark time....
get well soon Justin Bieber!
well okay but you guys still have to have a tag team matches this monday to determine who is going to face the tag team champions for it.
Me and Sandman had better be in the running for this, man. We're future NWA Tag Team Champions, after all.
you know what.....I don't have to take this. Razor, you have done nothing to prove yourself, therefore I am not having a match with you tomorrow. I'm the Champ, and me and Harry are too busy with other problems right now.....
you can get in back of the line, buddy.......work your way to the front.
every Monday after raw and Tuesdays at around 7pm or 8pm PSTwhen is nwa on i keep missing them?
I have done what nobody else could do. I have ended Justin Bieber's reign of tyranny.
http://www.twitch.tv/slashbane/b/307791050what do you mean?
Skip to 1:26:00 and watch the magic unfold.
I have done what nobody else could do. I have ended Justin Bieber's reign of tyranny.
Big words from a nobody jobber. While you're cleaning toilets at NWA headquarters I'm winning matches and making millions. You talk a big game but can you do it in the ring? I challenge you to an Extreme Rules match at tomorrow's Tuesday Night Totality. In fact, to sweeten the deal I'll even put my NWA European Championship on the line. After TNT, we'll see who the real man of the NWA is.ive already defeated beiber demeanor. that was a major hurdle of your career, but for me, it was monday.
Impressive debuts from "Big Daddy Burn" Inferno and Sangre. It seems the NWA is finally getting some real competition in a long time.god his skull bounced off that concrete wall. my bodyguard Inferno and my new acquisition sangre both did great....... they best keep it up if they want in scientology
Big words from a nobody jobber. While you're cleaning toilets at NWA headquarters I'm winning matches and making millions. You talk a big game but can you do it in the ring? I challenge you to an Extreme Rules match at tomorrow's Tuesday Night Totality. In fact, to sweeten the deal I'll even put my NWA European Championship on the line. After TNT, we'll see who the real man of the NWA is.
Impressive debuts from "Big Daddy Burn" Inferno and Sangre. It seems the NWA is finally getting some real competition in a long time.