What is Real Time with Bill Maher?: It is a talk show that focuses primarily on American politics, but also focuses on situations that trouble the world as well. Personally I have a bit of a hard time stating that it is a talk show as the show has a bit of variety to it. It also contains a bit of stand up comedy as well as an interview segment. The show is known for its hard hitting topics and head-on-shoulders points.
Who is Bill Maher?: He is a popular comedian, political satirist, and talk show host. He use to host his show "Politically Incorrect" on ABC until he made a light comment shortly 9/11 while the country was still in hysteria.
Who is the show targeted to?: The show tries to keep a diverse panel, now more than ever, as it usually has two conservative panelists and two liberal ones. However I would be lying if the show clearly doesn't target the left. In short if you describe yourself as a liberal or libertarian you should enjoy this show. However if you're a conservative this isn't the show for you. Regardless though give it a watch. Its great.
When can I watch it?: The show plays live on HBO every Friday at 11:00PM Eastern/10:00PM Central.
Any extra stuff?: New Rules and Overtime are avaliable at
Previous Episode: Actor Richard Belzer, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, columnist Dan Neil, author Annabelle Gurwitch, activist Erica Williams
Next Episode: Actress Ellen Page, columnist David Brooks, former Governor Ed Rendell (D-PA), Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown.